<img align="right"
title="yes! but no! but also, yes."
alt="the emojifs mascot: a blobmoji holding a 'yes' sign as well as a 'no' sign and emphatically waving both simultaneously">
# emojifs
## Introduction
`emojifs` is a FUSE filesystem that allows you to manipulate custom emojis on your various Slacks and Discords.
## Example usage applications
# Copy one emote from Slack to Discord.
cp /emoji/slack/xooglers/docker-fire.gif /emoji/discord/unchaind/
# Upload a whole pile of emoji.
cp ~/emojipacks/parrots/* /emoji/slack/mynewslack/
# Grab all those blobmoji across all my Discords and put them on Slack.
cp /emoji/discord/*/*blob* /emoji/slack/myslack/
<!-- TODO xattr? -->
## ⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️
**☢️ 😱 DO NOT USE THIS PROGRAM. 😱 ☢️**
This program is not a program of honor.
No highly esteemed function is executed here.
What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us.
The danger [is still present](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002192352), in your time, as it was in ours,
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
This program is best shunned and left unused (but it is free software,
and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions).
**😱 ☢️ DO NOT USE THIS PROGRAM. ☢️ 😱**
## Getting your Slack and Discord secrets
Don't share your cookies or tokens with anyone or anything, including this program.
They allow full control of your account!
### Slack
For Slack, the easiest thing to do is:
* In your web browser, log in to all the Slacks you want to use with this hunk of junk.
* Open your browser devtools network panel
* Find a request going towards edgeapi.slack.com or api.slack.com or a URL path starting with /api. In Chrome, you can just type `api` in the Filter box above the timeline.
* Extract the cookie header value from your request, and use it in the config file below.
### Discord
* In your web browser, go to https://discord.com/app
* Open your browser devtools network panel
* Find a request going towards `https://discord.com/api/v6`. In Chrome, you can just type `api` in the Filter box above the timeline.
* Extract the value of the `authorization:` header from one of your requests, and use it in the config file below.
<img align="left"
alt="Pepe the Frog, sweating, his eyes replaced with a blinking marquee reading TOS">
Using this program with Discord violates their [Terms of Service](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002192352).
It is possible your account could be banned.
## Requirements
* Python 3.7+
* A system that supports libfuse2
* Linux or MacOS (or probably most BSDs, but I haven't tried)
* Windows might work with [WinFsp](https://github.com/billziss-gh/winfsp), also untested
* A profound amount of either fearlessness, or foolishness, or both
## Installation
Like most Python packages, just `pip install emojifs`, or you can `git clone` the repo and `python setup.py install`.
You probably want to do either of the above inside a venv.
If you have [`poetry`](https://python-poetry.org/) installed, then `poetry install` will work great.
## Writing a config file
The format is [TOML](https://toml.io/). It looks a lot like an INI file, if that means something to you.
The default location for the configuration file is `~/.emojifs.toml`
### A barebones config file
mountpoint = '~/emoji'
cookies = ['d=wpwQ4182w08qxmE4YP0gvlMb2L...']
token = 'mfa.x91xxxxx......'
acknowledged = "I understand that using this program violates Discord's ToS"
That's all you need. All Slacks you logged into will be autodetected.
On Windows, your mountpoint should be a drive letter:
mountpoint = 'E:'
### A comprehensive configuration
There are a few niceties available:
mountpoint = '/emoji' # if you want to feel extra cool
foreground = true
tokens = [
cookies = [
thisisaverylongname = 'short'
This will:
* mount everything under `/emoji`
* keep emojifs in the foreground as it runs (necessary if you want verbose logging output)
* first read the auth tokens one by one, then scrape logins for the cookies listed
* instead of mounting `thisisaverylongname.slack.com`'s emojis under the usual path, they'll appear under `/emoji/slack/short`.
## Invoking emojifs
usage: emojifs [-h] [-m MOUNTPOINT] [-f FOREGROUND] [-c CONFIG] [-v] [-V]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Where to mount emojifs. If present here, overrides
mountpoint from config. (default: None)
If set, stay in the foreground. (default: False)
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Path to your config file with secrets
(default: ~/.emojifs.toml)
-v, --verbose Verbosity (-v, -vv, etc). Higher verbosities will log
all HTTP traffic (NB: at higher levels, this will log
your auth secrets!) (default: 0)
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
## A note on semantics
Emojis are always 'rendered' in the filesystem with extensions (`.png`, `.gif`, etc) attached; however, the filesystem will accept reads and writes to filenames without extensions (assuming, of course, the filenames are valid emoji names).
## Known issues
* The first time you `ls` a directory for a Slack or Discord, it will take a very long time: possibly dozens of seconds 😬 but will be much faster afterwards. Sorry, there are hopefully some reasonable ways to fix this. (If you're morbidly curious, look for `real_sizes` in `emojifs/slack.py`.)
* While deletions and creations are supported, overwriting emojis in place is *not* yet supported. As a workaround, you can use `cp --remove-destination` which, before writing new versions, will delete any existent emojis.
* Some Slacks have emojis from long ago which are aliases to emojis that don't themselves appear in the emoji listing -- although there isn't actually data missing, as they have a `data:` URL.
* The use of this program with Discord violates their Terms of Service.
* The existence of this program is an unforgivable sin.
## Future work
* Aliases for Discord guild names, as they can be unwieldly from the CLI.
* EaaFS: Integrating popular emojipacks as a filesystem.
## Acknowledgements
* The lovely [Requests library](https://requests.readthedocs.io/)
* [FUSE and its predecessors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace)
* [SlackPirate by emtunc](https://github.com/emtunc/SlackPirate)
* [slackmoji by ksindi](https://github.com/ksindi/slackmoji) and [emojipacks by lambtron](https://github.com/lambtron/emojipacks)
* [Cult of the Party Parrot](https://cultofthepartyparrot.com/)
* [blobs.gg](https://blobs.gg/)