# emoji-data
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A library represents emoji sequences and characters in [Unicode® Technical Standard #51 Data Files](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/#Data_Files_Table)
## How to use
Examples below are also in a [notebook](notebooks/example)
Class `EmojiSequence` is most useful:
### Iterate Emojis
Print first 5 emoji sequence objects:
>>> from emoji_data import EmojiSequence
>>> for (s, seq), *_ in zip(EmojiSequence.items(), range(5)):
>>> print(s, repr(seq))
👨❤️👨 <EmojiSequence code_points='1F468 200D 2764 FE0F 200D 1F468' status='fully-qualified', string='👨\u200d❤️\u200d👨', description='couple with heart: man, man'>
👨❤️💋👨 <EmojiSequence code_points='1F468 200D 2764 FE0F 200D 1F48B 200D 1F468' status='fully-qualified', string='👨\u200d❤️\u200d💋\u200d👨', description='kiss: man, man'>
👨👦 <EmojiSequence code_points='1F468 200D 1F466' status='fully-qualified', string='👨\u200d👦', description='family: man, boy'>
👨👦👦 <EmojiSequence code_points='1F468 200D 1F466 200D 1F466' status='fully-qualified', string='👨\u200d👦\u200d👦', description='family: man, boy, boy'>
👨👧 <EmojiSequence code_points='1F468 200D 1F467' status='fully-qualified', string='👨\u200d👧', description='family: man, girl'>
### Convert HEX to Emoji
>>> from emoji_data import EmojiSequence
>>> emojis_data = [
>>> '1F6A3',
>>> '1F468 1F3FC 200D F68F',
>>> '1F468 1F3FB 200D 2708 FE0F',
>>> '023A',
>>> '1F469 200D 1F52C',
>>> '1F468 200D 1F468 200D 1F467 200D 1F467',
>>> '1F441 FE0F 200D 1F5E8 FE0E'
>>> ]
>>> for hex_data in emojis_data:
>>> try:
>>> es = EmojiSequence.from_hex(hex_data)
>>> except KeyError:
>>> print('{} is NOT Emoji!'.format(hex_data))
>>> else:
>>> print('{} is Emoji {}'.format(hex_data, es.string))
1F 6A3 is Emoji 🚣
1F468 1F3FC 200D F68F is NOT Emoji!
1F468 1F3FB 200D 2708 FE0F is Emoji 👨🏻✈️
023A is NOT Emoji!
1F469 200D 1F52C is Emoji 👩🔬
1F468 200D 1F468 200D 1F467 200D 1F467 is Emoji 👨👨👧👧
1F441 FE0F 200D 1F5E8 FE0E is NOT Emoji!
### Check if a string is Emoji
>>> from emoji_data import EmojiSequence
>>> print('👨' in EmojiSequence)
>>> print('©' in EmojiSequence) # 00AE, unqualified
>>> print('5️⃣' in EmojiSequence)
>>> print('9⃣' in EmojiSequence) # 0039 20E3, unqualified
### Search Emojis in text
>>> from emoji_data import EmojiSequence
>>> strings = [
>>> "First:👨🏻⚕️. Second:👨🏻.",
>>> "The two emojis 👨👨👧👨👨👧👧 are long. Today is a 🌞⛈️ day, I am 😀.",
>>> "© 00AE is unqualified, the full-qualified one is 00A9 FE0F ©️",
>>> "9⃣ 0039 20E3 is also unqualified, but it can be matched!"
>>> ]
>>> for s in strings:
>>> for es, begin, end in EmojiSequence.iter_find(s):
>>> print('[{} : {}] : {}'.format(begin, end, es))
>>> print('------')
[6 : 11] : 👨🏻⚕️
[20 : 22] : 👨🏻
[15 : 20] : 👨👨👧
[20 : 27] : 👨👨👧👧
[49 : 50] : 🌞
[50 : 52] : ⛈️
[63 : 64] : 😀
[0 : 1] : ©
[59 : 61] : ©️
[0 : 2] : 9⃣