# emby_exporter.py
A prometheus exporter for emby written in Python 3.
The exporter scrapes emby's API and exposes prometheus metrics.
emby_exporter will call the API every 15 seconds by default, this can be adjusted through commandline arguments.
![Grafana Dashboard](grafana_dashboard.png)
See [grafana_dashboard.json](grafana_dashboard.json)
# Content
- [emby_exporter.py](#embyexporterpy)
- [Content](#content)
- [Metrics](#metrics)
- [Setup](#setup)
- [pip](#pip)
- [manual](#manual)
- [Docker](#docker)
- [docker-hub](#docker-hub)
- [manual](#manual)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Usage Example](#usage-example)
# Metrics
- info
- library_size
- devices
- genres
- production year
- played
- favourites
# Metrics Example
# HELP python_info Python platform information
# TYPE python_info gauge
python_info{implementation="CPython",major="3",minor="7",patchlevel="0",version="3.7.0"} 1.0
# HELP emby_info emby info
# TYPE emby_info gauge
emby_info{id="5924731cb9904e3b9862475bad630a50",local_address="",operating_system="Linux",server_name="rpi3",version="",wan_address=""} 1.0
# HELP emby_library_size emby library size
# TYPE emby_library_size gauge
emby_library_size{type="movies"} 969.0
emby_library_size{type="series"} 141.0
emby_library_size{type="episodes"} 8873.0
emby_library_size{type="albums"} 0.0
emby_library_size{type="artists"} 0.0
emby_library_size{type="songs"} 0.0
# Setup
## pip
pip3 install --upgrade emby_exporter
## manual
git clone https://github.com/dr1s/emby_exporter.py.git
cd emby_exporter.py
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd emby_exporter
## Docker
### docker-hub
docker pull dr1s/emby_exporter:latest
docker run --net=host -t dr1s/emby_exporter
### manual
git clone https://github.com/dr1s/emby_exporter.py.git
docker build -t dr1s/emby_exporter .
docker run -d -p 9123:9123 -t dr1s/emby_exporter
# Usage
usage: emby_exporter.py [-h] [-e EMBY] [-p PORT] [-i INTERFACE] [-a AUTH]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e EMBY, --emby EMBY emby adress
-p PORT, --port PORT port emby_exporter is listening on
interface emby_exporter will listen on
-a AUTH, --auth AUTH emby api token
-u USERID, --userid USERID
emby user id
-s INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
scraping interval in seconds
## Usage Example
emby_exporter --emby localhost:8069 --interface --port 9123 --interval 15 --auth <emby_api_token> --userid <emby_user_id>
The previous used arguements are the default options. All options are options except for the emby api token and userid.