Emaileasily is a python package that simplifies the process of sending and reading emails.
pip install emaileasily
Modify your email settings:
- Go to Manage google account -> Security -> Apps passwords ->select app
- Choose other (Custom name) and enter a name of your choice then click generate.
- Use the generated password to send and read emails using emaileasily.
If you don't have two-step verification just enable allow less secure apps and use your usual password.
Send Email
>>> from emaileasily import email_to, email_subject, email_content, email_send
# Accepts more than one email address eg email_to('', '').
>>> email_to('')
>>> email_subject('Python Email')
'Python Email'
>>> email_content('This is an example of sending emails with emaileasily')
# email_send() takes sender address and password as key arguments.
# The functions also takes email host and port as optional arguments.
# Default host="" and port=465
>>> email_send('', 'password')
Email successfully sent.
Send an email with bcc and cc
>>> from emaileasily import email_to, email_subject, email_content, email_send, email_bcc, email_cc
# Accepts more than one email address.
>>> email_to('')
>>> email_bcc('')
>>> email_cc('')
>>> email_subject('Python Email')
'Python Email'
>>> email_content('This is an example of sending emails with emaileasily')
# email_send() takes sender address and password as key arguments.
# The functions also takes email host and port as optional arguments.
# Default host="" and port=465
>>> email_send('', 'password')
Email successfully sent.
Send an email with attached document
>>> from emaileasily import email_to, email_subject, email_content, email_send,email_attach_document
>>> email_to('')
>>> email_subject('Python Email')
'Python Email'
>>> email_content('This is an example of sending emails with emaileasily')
# Always call the function after email_content
# The functions gives you the option to select documents for attachment.
>>> email_attach_document()
# email_send() takes sender address and password as key arguments.
# The functions also takes email host and port as optional arguments.
# Default host="" and port=465
>>> email_send('', 'password')
Email successfully sent.
Send html email
>>> from emaileasily import email_html
>>> email_html(
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<p> Hello this is a html send message.</p>
<a href='#'>Click here</a>
Read Emails
>>> from emaileasily import read_emails
Required arguments:
- email_address and password.
Optional arguments in order:
-number of emails to read
Default: 2
Default: "INBOX"
Default: ''
Default: 993
Change the default values according to preference and email account.
If the email has attachment it will be successfully saved in directory.
# Read top inbox email
>>> read_emails(email_address, email_password, 1)
Subject: Read Emails
You can simply read emails using emaileasily read_emails function and pass the arguments
email address, password, the number of emails to read, label, host, port.
Kind regards,
Erastus Nzula.
Read sent emails by replacing the default label with `label='"[Gmail]/Sent Mail"'`
>>> read_emails(email_address,email_password, number_of_emails, label='"[Gmail]/Sent Mail"')