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A CLI tool for pulling in election results from sites using Clarity (the "election night reporting" product described `here <https://www.scytl.com/en/election-night-reporting/>`_). This package is hosted on pypi.
Please use the `Github issue tracker <https://github.com/washingtonpost/elex-clarity/issues>`_ to submit bugs or request features.
.. contents:: **Table of Contents**
:depth: 1
This library
* Provides a simple CLI tool for pulling in and formatting election results from a Clarity-backed website or local file
* Separates data retrieval from data formatting
* By default, returns results formatted like so
.. code-block:: python
"2020-11-03_GA_G_P": {
"id": "2020-11-03_GA_G_P",
"source": "clarity",
"precinctsReportingPct": 100.0,
"counts": {
"donald_j_trump_i_rep": 2461837,
"joseph_r_biden_dem": 2474507,
"jo_jorgensen_lib": 62138
"office": "P",
"lastUpdated": "2020-11-20T20:37:06Z",
"subunits": {
"appling": {
"id": "appling",
"counts": {
"donald_j_trump_i_rep": 6526,
"joseph_r_biden_dem": 1779,
"jo_jorgensen_lib": 36
* Make sure you have python 3.7+ installed
* Optional: we recommend that you set up a `virtualenv <http://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ and activate it
* ``pip install elex-clarity``
All CLI commands require a Clarity election ID and state postal code. For example
``elexclarity 105369 GA``
The election ID can be found by navigating to the election in question in whichever results site you're viewing. For example, for Georgia, the Secretary of State's website links to `election results <https://sos.ga.gov/page/georgia-election-results>`_. Following the `Current Election Results` link you get to a clarity page with many election results pages. Looking at the 2020-current results will lead to ``https://results.enr.clarityelections.com/GA/105369/web.264614/#/summary``, which contains the election ID right after the state postal code.
Other parameters
.. list-table:: Title
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Description
- Type
- Required?
- Default
* - style
- what broad type of formatting should be done?
- one of [default, raw]
- N
- default
* - outputType
- what specific type of formatting should be done?
- one of [results, settings, summary]
- N
- results
* - level
- what level of data should be fetched/returned?
- one of [precinct, county, state]
- N
- county
* - countyName
- Name of county to get results from if counties have their own pages
- string
- N
- --
* - officeID
- what office ID(s) should be returned?
- a comma separated list of office IDs
- N
- --
* - countyMapping
- an object with race names (as provided via Clarity) mapped to some other identifier that should be used in results formatting. Sample formats can be found in the ``tests/fixtures`` `folder <https://github.com/washingtonpost/elex-clarity/tree/develop/tests/fixtures/mappings>`_
- object
- N
- --
* - voteCompletionMode
- the method that should be used to determine whether a precinct is fully reporting
- string
- N
- percentReporting
* - precinctsReportingPct
- a county-level override for the precincts reprting percent that applies to all subunits, given as a mapping between county IDs and percents (does not change the value of the reportingStatus field)
- object
- N
- --
* - filename
- the path to read results from (if you don't want to ping a Clarity site)
- string
- N
- --
Example invocations
Retrieving raw data:
* ``elexclarity 105369 GA --outputType=summary --style=raw``
* ``elexclarity 105369 GA --outputType=settings --style=raw``
* ``elexclarity 105369 GA --level=precinct --style=raw``
* ``elexclarity 106043 CA --countyName Santa_Clara --level=precinct``
Retrieving + formatting settings (for presidential races):
* ``elexclarity 105369 GA --outputType=settings --officeID=P``
Retrieving + formatting results:
* ``elexclarity 105369 GA --level=precinct --countyMapping='{"Worth": "13321"}'``
* ``elexclarity 105369 GA --level=precinct``
* ``elexclarity 105369 GA --level=precinct --voteCompletionMode=voteTypes``
* ``elexclarity 105369 GA --level=county``
* ``elexclarity 106210 WV --level=county --countyMapping='<mapping json>'``
* ``elexclarity 105369 WV --level=state``
Formatting data from a local file:
* ``elexclarity 105369 GA --level=precinct --filename="tests/fixtures/results/ga_atkinson_precincts_11-3.xml" --countyMapping='<mapping json>'``
* ``elexclarity 105369 GA --level=county --filename="tests/fixtures/ga_counties_11-3.xml" --countyMapping='<mapping json>'``
* Clone this repository
* ``pip install -r requirements.txt``
* ``tox``
* You should see some code coverage info and test results
* If the above was successful, you are ready for development
Releasing a New Version
In preparation for a new release:
* Decide what the next version will be per semantic versioning
* Make a new branch named ``release/<version number>``
* Update the changelog with all changes that will be included in the release
* Commit your changes and make a PR against ``main``
* Once the changes are merged, tag ``main`` (or ``develop`` for a beta release) with the release's version number and push that tag (``git push --tags``)
* Merge ``main`` into ``develop``