This product, ``eke.committees``, provides display and RDF ingest of committee
information into the EDRN Knowledge Environment (EKE_). EDRN uses the EKE to
make it easy to discover, share, search for, and retrieve all of EDRN's
collective knowledge, including cancers and other diseases, biomarkers,
specimens, investigators, participants, studies, protocols, and-as in the case
of this product-committee information.
Although intended for the EDRN public portal, it can be installed in any
Plone_ compatible site.
This software is developed by the `EDRN Informatics Center`_ at JPL_,
operated by the California Institute of Technology, for NCI_.
.. References:
.. _EDRN Informatics Center: http://cancer.jpl.nasa.gov/
.. _EDRN: http://edrn.nci.nih.gov/
.. _EKE: http://cancer.jpl.nasa.gov/documents/applications/knowledge-environment
.. _JPL: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/
.. _NCI: http://cancer.gov/
.. _Plone: http://plone.org/
Use Buildout_ with the plone.recipe.zope2instance recipe.
• Add ``eke.committees`` to the list of eggs to install, e.g.::
eggs =
• Re-run buildout, e.g. with::
% ./bin/buildout
You can skip the ZCML slug if you are going to explicitly include the package
from another package's configure.zcml file.
.. References:
.. _Buildout: http://www.buildout.org/
What follows is a history of changes from release to release. For more
details about specific issue IDs listed below, consult the issue tracker at
1.0.13 — Plone 4.3.9 Upgrade
• CA-1592
1.0.12 - I Require More URLs!
• CA-1348: Summary source URLs should be marked as required
1.0.11 — Protection
• CA-1349: Summary ingest should be robust in the face of failures
1.0.10 — Visuals
• Added summarizers
• CA-1338: Fix tests for eke.committees
1.0.9 — I Had Some Chicken; Pass Me the FLOSS
• First official release as free/libre/open source software.
• Made compatible with Plone 4.3.
• Use z3c.autoinclude
1.0.7 — More Upgrades
* Made compatible with Plone 4.2.4
1.0.6 — Upgrades
* Made compatible with Plone 4.1.5.
* CA-1001 - Put Group Spaces under Committees and ingest via RDF
1.0.5 — Test Support
This release includes:
* Depending on just Plone the framework instead of Plone the application.
1.0.4 — Increases Resilience Rating by 30 for 60 minutes
This release boosts test resiliency.
1.0.3 — Sitting Down
This release updates the chair and co-chair of collaborative groups as
committees are ingested from RDF.
1.0.2 — Let's Collaborate!
* Re-attaches members of committees of type "Collaborative Group" to any
name-matching "Collaborative Group" objects (from edrnsite.collaborations) in
the portal. You should re-ingest committees to do this re-attachment
whenever you re-ingest sites (because the site ingest destroys People
* Uses the modern plone.app.testing framework.
* Collaborative Groups are now hidden.
1.0.1 — Upgrade Cleanup
This release updates the GenericSetup profile to 4, and provides upgrade steps
to that profile.
1.0.0 — Plone 4
This release makes eke.committees compatible with Plone 4.
0.0.0 — Unreleased
Initial release into beta. Creation of this project was spurred on by these
* CA-591 - Broken links on Committees pages
* CA-718 - Replace manually maintained committee information with RDF ingest