.. einsteinpy
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:Name: EinsteinPy Geodesics
:Website: https://docs.geodesics.einsteinpy.org/en/latest/
:Version: 0.1.0
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EinsteinPy Geodesics is an addon package for EinsteinPy, that wraps over Julia's
excellent `DifferentialEquations.jl <https://diffeq.sciml.ai/stable/>`_
suite and provides a python interface to solve for geodesics in Kerr & Schwarzschild spacetime.
`EinsteinPy <https://einsteinpy.org/>`_ is an open source pure Python package, dedicated to problems arising
in General Relativity and Gravitational Physics.
As with EinsteinPy, EinsteinPy Geodesics is released under the MIT license.
Complete documentation for this module can be accessed at `<https://docs.geodesics.einsteinpy.org/en/latest/>`_ (Courtesy: `Read the Docs`_).
.. _`Read the Docs`: https://readthedocs.org/
EinsteinPy Geodesics requires `Python >= 3.7`, `Julia >= 1.5` and the following Julia packages:
* Julia
* `DifferentialEquations.jl >= 6.15`
* `ODEInterfaceDiffEq.jl >= 3.7`
First, ensure that, Julia is installed in your system and added to `PATH`. See `<https://julialang.org/downloads/platform/>`_
for platform specific binaries and installation instructions. `einsteinpy_geodesics` also requires `DifferentialEquations.jl`
and `ODEInterfaceDiffEq.jl`. You can add them, like so::
$ julia
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("DifferentialEquations")
julia> Pkg.add("ODEInterfaceDiffEq")
Finally, `einsteinpy_geodesics` can be installed in the most intuitive way::
$ pip install einsteinpy-geodesics
For using this package, we strongly recommend you to use EinsteinPy Core package along with it.
Alternatively, you can install the package from source, by cloning `einsteinpy_geodesics <https://github.com/einsteinpy/einsteinpy-geodesics/>`_,
and typing in the following, in a shell (in Linux/macOS)::
$ flit install --symlink /path/to/einsteinpy_geodesics/
Or, on Windows::
$ flit install --pth-file /path/to/einsteinpy_geodesics/
If the installation fails or you find something, that doesn't work as expected,
please open an issue in the `issue tracker`_.
.. _`issue tracker`: https://github.com/einsteinpy/einsteinpy-geodesics/issues
Note that, `DifferentialEquations.jl` requires `gfortran` to be present on the system.
If you encounter a `gfortran`-related error, while using this package, please install/update your `gfortran` installation.
See `<https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GFortranBinaries>` for more details or open an issue in the issue tracker.
EinsteinPy is a community project, hence all contributions are more than
welcome! For more information, head to `CONTRIBUTING.rst`_, that also
contains the developer documentation.
.. _`CONTRIBUTING.rst`: https://github.com/einsteinpy/einsteinpy-geodesics/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst
Release announcements and general discussion take place on our `mailing list`_.
Feel free to join!
.. _`mailing list`: https://groups.io/g/einsteinpy-dev
Please join our `[matrix]`_ channel or `gitter`_ chat room for further queries.
.. _`[matrix]`: https://matrix.to/#/#einsteinpy:matrix.org
.. _`gitter`: https://gitter.im/EinsteinPy-Project/EinsteinPy
If you still have a doubt, write a mail directly to `all@einsteinpy.org <mailto:all@einsteinpy.org>`_.
If you use EinsteinPy or EinsteinPy Geodesics in your project, please
`drop us a line <mailto:all@einsteinpy.org>`_.
You can also use the DOI to cite it in your publications. This is the latest
And this is an example citation format::
Shreyas Bapat et al. (2019). EinsteinPy: einsteinpy 0.1.0. Zenodo. 10.5281/zenodo.2582388
EinsteinPy and hence, EinsteinPy Geodesics, is released under the MIT license, hence allowing commercial
use of the library. Please refer to `COPYING`_.
.. _`COPYING`: https://github.com/einsteinpy/einsteinpy-geodesics/blob/master/COPYING