# Eic_utils
Utilities from python3 including coloful logs, procedure logs timer, basic
image operation and so on.
## Install
$ pip install eic_utils
## Components
### Cache
An quick data storage support [pickle, str, bin, json].
#### Functions
|items|Lists items of caches.|
|remove|Deletes a cache file.|
|dump|Saves or rewrites a cache file.|
|load|Loads from a cache file.|
#### Examples
from eic_utils.cache import Cache
cache = Cache('/tmp/data')
cache.dump(data={'hi', 'hello'}, name='greeting.pkl')
cache.dump(data='hi'.encode('utf-8'), name='greeting.bin', file_type='bin')
print(cache.load(name='greeting.bin', file_type='bin'))
cache.dump(data={'hi': 'hello'}, name='greeting.json', file_type='json')
print(cache.load(name='greeting.json', file_type='json'))
cache.dump(data={'hi', 'hello'}, name='greeting.txt', file_type='str')
print(cache.load(name='greeting.txt', file_type='str'))
### colorful_str
#### Color List
#### Examples
from eic_utils.base import colorful_str
print(colorful_str('(#r)this is a red message.(#)',
'this is a normal message.',
'(#b)this is a blue value {}(#).'.format(2),
'(#g)this is a green dict {}.'.format({1:2})))
print(colorful_str.log('(#r)this is a red message.(#)',
'this is a normal message.',
'(#b)this is a blue value {}(#).'.format(2),
'(#g)this is a green dict {}.'.format({1:2})))
print(colorful_str.suc('(#r)this is a red message.(#)',
'this is a normal message.',
'(#b)this is a blue value {}(#).'.format(2),
'(#g)this is a green dict {}.'.format({1:2})))
print(colorful_str.err('(#r)this is a red message.(#)',
'this is a normal message.',
'(#b)this is a blue value {}(#).'.format(2),
'(#g)this is a green dict {}.'.format({1:2})))
print(colorful_str.wrn('(#r)this is a red message.(#)',
'this is a normal message.',
'(#b)this is a blue value {}(#).'.format(2),
'(#g)this is a green dict {}.'.format({1:2})))
print(colorful_str.dict({'a': 's', 'b': 's'}))
### procedure
Log and Timer for a block of codes.
#### Examples
from eic_utils.base import procedure
with procedure('hi') as p:
x = 123 + 123
p.show_time('x has be calculated.', x)
p.add_log('x =', x)
y = x + 34
p.add_log('y =', y)
with procedure('hi', new_line=True):