EEA Geotags
.. image:: https://ci.eionet.europa.eu/buildStatus/icon?job=eea/eea.geotags/develop
:target: https://ci.eionet.europa.eu/job/eea/job/eea.geotags/job/develop/display/redirect
:alt: develop
.. image:: https://ci.eionet.europa.eu/buildStatus/icon?job=eea/eea.geotags/master
:target: https://ci.eionet.europa.eu/job/eea/job/eea.geotags/job/master/display/redirect
:alt: Master
EEA Geotags package redefines the location field in Plone. Right now in Plone
location field is a free text field. EEA Geotags lets you easy define locations
using a map picker and http://geonames.org geographical database.
.. contents::
EEA Geotags is an alternative for the default location field in Plone.
Main features
EEA Geotags features:
1. User friendly search for locations
2. Map preview of selected locations
3. Suggest geographic entities based on http://geonames.org
4. Country/regions drill down selection, including several layers like
biogeographical region, countries group, country, nuts region, city and natural feature
5. The widget can be used as single or multiple location picker
Also read README.txt under eea.alchemy.
More details about how to use this package can be found at the following link:
1. https://taskman.eionet.europa.eu/projects/zope/wiki/HowToGeotag
The easiest way to get eea.geotags support in Plone 4 using this
package is to work with installations based on `zc.buildout`_.
Other types of installations should also be possible, but might turn out
to be somewhat tricky.
To get started you will simply need to add the package to your "eggs" and
"zcml" sections, run buildout, restart your Plone instance and install the
"eea.geotags" package using the quick-installer or via the "Add-on
Products" section in "Site Setup".
.. _`zc.buildout`: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.buildout/
You can download a sample buildout at:
* https://github.com/eea/eea.geotags/tree/master/buildouts/plone4
1. Plone 4.x
3. archetypes.schemaextender
4. eea.jquery
5. eea.alchemy
6. eventlet
Source code
Latest source code (Plone 4 compatible):
Plone 2 and 3 compatible:
Copyright and license
The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment Agency (EEA).
All Rights Reserved.
The EEA Geotags (the Original Code) is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
More details under docs/License.txt
1. EEA Geotags wiki page: https://taskman.eionet.europa.eu/projects/zope/wiki/HowToGeotag
EEA_ - European Enviroment Agency (EU)
.. _EEA: https://www.eea.europa.eu/
12.1 - (2022-11-02)
* Change: Changed encoding from ascii to latin-1 in order to better
represent ascii characters in taxonomies.
[iulianpetchesi refs #153129]
12.0 - (2021-04-17)
* Bug fix: Remove collective.taxonomy pin to older version
[avoinea refs #130852]
11.9 - (2021-03-30)
* Bug fix: fixed upgrade step regarding the country groups.
[alecghica refs #126549]
11.8 - (2021-03-11)
* Task: Removed geotags from eea.geotags and ported them to eea.geolocation
[iulianpetchesi refs #122622]
11.7 - (2020-08-03)
* Task: Added 3 new EU country groups for geotags EU27_2020/EEA32_2020/EEA38_2020
[iulianpetchesi refs #116816]
11.6 - (2020-04-28)
* Bug fix: include plone.behavior in ZCML
[alecghica refs #111954]
11.5 - (2019-08-05)
* Bug fix: fixed MANIFEST.in to include docs and txt files in egg release
[valentinab refs #106933]
11.4 - (2019-07-30)
* Bug fix: fixed HISTORY.txt structure and some cosmetics
[alecghica refs #106742]
11.2 - (2019-07-22)
* Task: Updated migration script and added upgrade step to fix Czechia country name
[iulianpetchesi refs #106742]
11.0 - (2019-07-17)
* Change: Added email paramater and fixed geo widget macedonia name
[iulianpetchesi refs #106742]
10.9 - (2019-07-16)
* Task: Updated migration script and added upgrade step to fix macedonia country name
[iulianpetchesi refs #106742]
10.8 - (2019-01-28)
* Jenkins: Add sonarqube step
[avoinea refs #101552]
10.7 - (2019-01-17)
* Feature: fully serve OpenLayers over HTTPS
[alecghica refs #101256]
* Feature: serve OpenLayers tiles stored locally
[alecghica refs #101256]
* Bug fix: fixed loading of resources from grips skin folder
[alecghica refs #101256]
10.6 - (2018-09-05)
* Bug fix: Fixed map behaviour when it's mandatorry, but nothing was selected, and trying to saved
[szabozo0 refs #97571]
* Cleanup: Remove obsolete FormlibGeotagWidget
[avoinea refs #98073]
10.5 - (2018-08-31)
* Feature: Add EEA 39 to country groups in geo tagging interface
[avoinea refs #87954]
10.4 - (2018-07-27)
* Bug fix: The id "++resource++eea.geotags.static" contains characters illegal in URLs.
[avoinea refs #97380]
10.3 - (2018-07-11)
* Cleanup: Remove Products.ATVocabularyManager dependency
[avoinea refs #97067]
* Change: Added missing country groups (EU33, EU28, etc.)
[avoinea refs #97067]
10.2 - (2018-07-11)
* Bug fix: Fixed Mixed Content by loading openlayers API over https
[avoinea refs #96619]
10.1 - (2018-07-10)
* Bug fix: Fixed Mixed Content by loading openlayers API over https
[avoinea refs #96619]
10.0 - (2018-07-04)
* Upgrade step: "Plone > Site setup > Add-ons" upgrade eea.geotags
[avoinea refs #95147]
* Upgrade step: "Plone > Site setup > EEA Geotags Settings" add/remove Google Maps API key and Geonames username
[avoinea refs #95147]
* Change: Fallback to Open Street Map if no Google API Key provided
[avoinea refs #95147]
* Change: updated URLs pointing to eea.europa.eu with https://
[alecghica refs #95849]
9.3 - (2018-03-14)
* Change: fixed issues reported for assessment edit pages
[ichim-david refs #91590]
* Change: added jQuery clicktoggle method as toggle is deprecated
[ichim-david refs #91577]
* Change: removed jQuery.browser usage as we no longer support IE 8
[ichim-david refs #91577]
9.2 - (2017-12-21)
* Bug fix: fixed the geotags upgrade script
[irina-botez refs #90606]
9.1 - (2017-12-12)
* Change: Replace eeacms/zptlint with eeacms/plone-test:4 zptlint
[avoinea refs #90415]
9.0 - (2017-11-07)
* Change: Remove Sphinx generated documentation
[petchesi-iulian refs #88212]
8.9 - (2017-09-11)
* Upgrade step: "Plone > Site setup > Add-ons" upgrade eea.geotags
[alecghica refs #87533]
* Feature: added upgrade script to update wrong country names and to remove country groups stored under location field
[alecghica refs #87533]
* Upgrade step: run upgrade country names script for each content type at a time, e.g. /www/@@eea.geotags.migrate_country_names?ctype=Highlight
[alecghica refs #87533]
* Upgrade step: remove eea.geotags.js from custom
[alecghica refs #87533]
* Change: fixed country names under 'Pan-Europe' country groups
[alecghica refs #85765]
* Change: removed normalization of "Russia" with "Russian Federation"
[alecghica refs #85765]
8.8 - (2017-08-22)
* Upgrade step: Remove customized view at **ZMI > portal_skins/custom: eea.geotags**
[valipod refs #87450]
* Bug fix: fixed js syntax that broke the geotag widget
[valipod refs #87450]
* Feature: improved display of country names, especially for Czechia, Kosovo and Macedonia
[alecghica refs #85765]
8.7 - (2017-08-16)
* Upgrade step: ONLY in EEA context Within "Plone > Site setup > Add-ons"
click on button available for eea.geotags available
[ichimdav #85765]
* Feature: mutate results also given by google search not just geonames,
while updating our countries_mapping vocabulary with values that need to
be changed
[ichimdav #85765]
* Bug fix: W3C compliance modifications
[valipod refs #86295]
* Upgrade step: Remove customized views at **ZMI > portal_skins/custom**:
[valipod refs #86295]
8.6 - (2017-07-03)
* Bug fix: allow removing values from location field when passing
an empty value
[ichim-david refs #85616]
8.5 - (2017-06-26)
* Change: force gmaps api to use english as map language
[ichim-david refs #85616]
* Feature: country group checkbox removed, all countries are now added
by default when a country group is selected
[alecghica refs #85765]
8.4 - (2017-05-22)
* Change: fixed PyLint warnings and errors
[valipod refs #84949]
8.3 - (2017-05-15)
* Change: fixed PyLint warnings and errors
[eduard-fironda refs #84949]
8.2 - (2017-04-24)
* Change: updated package information
8.1 - (2017-03-27)
* Change: treat dcterms:title and rdfs:label with same value in rdf export.
we can use http://www.geonames.org/ontology#shortName when needed.
[demarant refs #81054]
8.0 - (2017-03-02)
* Bug fix: Get resources over https
[avoinea refs #82562]
7.9 - (2017-02-21)
* Feature: Sort geotags on view
[avoinea refs #81054]
* Bug fix: fixed typo
[alecghica refs #81054]
* Bug fix: fixed geotags display and RDF export when no description
[alecghica refs #81054]
7.8 - (2017-02-14)
* Feature: geotags and themes display alligned with tags style
[alecghica refs #81054]
* Bug fix: location view now display geo tag title and description instead of
only geo tag description
[alecghica refs #81054]
* Feature: enhanced RDF output to include description and entity
[alecghica refs #81054]
7.7 - (2016-05-19)
* Bug fix: Fix pylint warnings
[ichim-david refs #71940]
7.6 - (2016-05-04)
* Update eea.translations with the latest translation strings -
fixed errors in templates
[chiridra refs #69753]
7.5 - (2015-10-05)
* Bug fix: use evnetlet to prevent hanging out connection
[lucas refs #29063]
7.4 - (2015-09-10)
* Change: cleaned eea.geotags.css of esri map view removed in egg 6.8
[ichimdav refs #27220]
7.3 - (2015-08-18)
* Change: Auto-include zcml within plone context in order to make this package
work without having to add it within buildout zcml directive.
7.2 - (2015-07-06)
* Change: geotags view widget now works without json data. Initial support
was already in place which needed tweaking.
[ichimdav refs #22232]
7.1 - (2015-03-17)
* Change: Switched to curl in the jenkins build install script
[olimpiurob refs #22402]
* Change: Changed fetch url for jenkins build install script to the install
script from the main EEA CPB repository
[olimpiurob refs #22402]
7.0 - (2015-01-22)
* Change: removed arcgis related code from package that was leftover
after the disabling of map from the previous egg release
[ichimdav refs #21121]
6.8 - (2014-11-20)
* Change: disabled geotags arcgis map, due to
performance issues.
[demarant refs #21121]
* Bug fix: fixed various CSS for displaing hints
[ghicaale refs #21458]
6.7 - (2014-05-13)
* Feature: added clear all geo points functionality when editing the current
location list
[ichimdav refs #9037]
* Bug fix: pass componentRestriction option with the country code when picking
the nuts region in order to help Google maps find a better match result
[ichimdav refs #19495]
* Change: on page load the edit widget will be zoomed to fit the bounds
of all of the geo markers
[ichimdav refs #9037]
* Change: geotags edit form now use an accordion menu instead of tabs for
the basic and advanced search options
[ichimdav refs #9037]
* Feature: added search by country, feature class and continent besides the
freeform search useful when needing to find for instance the Po river from
[ichimdav refs #18559]
* Feature: added ability to filter the results by feature class with added
dependency on Select2 jQuery plugin from eea.jquery
[ichimdav refs #18559]
6.6 - (2014-03-10)
* Change: increase the width of the Edit button Geotag/Location widgit to make
* it more visible
[mironovi refs #9037]
* Feature: remove X-close and rename the button "done" with "Save geotags"
[mironovi refs #9037]
* Bug fix: Geotags view display only secondary information
[voineali refs #18096]
* Bug fix: basket is now fixed to handle properly the geotags
[mironovi fixes #17626]
6.5 - (2014-01-22)
* Bug fix: no longer store current locations when closing the geotags dialog
[ichimdav fixes #17620]
6.4 - (2014-01-22)
* Feature: adding Sphinx-generated documentation in Page Template format
[batradav refs #9502]
* Bug fix: removed wrongly added blockquotes within README.rst
[ichim-david refs #18064]
* Bug fix: context_url is retrieved from the base tag instead of the window
location to avoid geotags loading of parent when there is a default page
[ichimdav refs #17747]
* Bug fix: Updated old URLs pointing Trac
[ghicaale refs #18003]
6.3 - (2013-12-10)
* Feature: read the data properties set on the map layer if they exist
[ichimdav #17618]
* Change: changed default map_service to World_Light_Gray_Base
[ichimdav #17618]
* Feature: added possibility to change the map_service. See eea.geotags.pt
comments for example
[ichimdav #17618]
* Bug fix: no longer show map as an modal if modal was set to False
[ichimdav #17618]
* Bug fix: fixed country names when selected via country groups, now
the names are checked on country_mapping for the correct name
[ghicaale refs #17583]
* Change: merged code from custom into eea.geotags.js
[ghicaale refs #17583]
* Bug fix: countries from groups outside Europe are now found and mapped properly
[ghicaale refs #17628]
6.2 - (2013-11-20)
* Bug fix: define portal_url within geotags.pt
6.1 - (2013-10-04)
* Change: made a new egg since previous egg release was broken
6.0 - (2013-10-04)
* Change: updated zope imports with the versions that require minimum Plone 4.1
for eea.geotags
[ichimdav refs #15651]
5.9 - (2013-07-10)
* Upgrade step: ONLY in EEA context Within "Plone > Site setup > Add-ons"
click on button available for eea.geotags available
[ichimdav #14667]
* Feature: Added search results mutator with implementation for EEA in order
to allow mutation of search results
[ichimdav #14667]
5.8 - (2013-07-08)
* Feature: modified loading of map data so that you could load more than one
map widget in the page
* Bug fix: properly load eea.geotags.jsondata when viewing the page with /view
[ichimdav #14592]
5.7 - (2013-05-20)
* Bug fix: add also countries from Asia for the Pan-Europe group when using
the geotags edit widget since the search was restricted to the Europe
[ichimdav #14329]
* Feature: Removed lovely.memcached dependency
[voineali refs #14343]
5.6 - (2013-04-17)
* Feature: Added possibility to specify dimensions of map modal popup when
adding geotags macro to any template
[ichimdav #8523]
* Bug fix: fixed issue where clicking on a geotags like Norway took you to
Denmark since they have the same x coordinate and the check for geometry was
only done on the x coordinate
[ichimdav #8523]
* Bug fix: fixed issue where map infoTemplate displayed undefined as header
text when itemTitle returned undefined
[ichimdav refs #8523]
* Bug fix: better fix for loading of geotagsClusterLayer.js
[ichimdav #8523]
5.5 - (2013-03-15)
* Bug fix: load geotagsClusterLayer using dojo.require instead of loading it
with portal_javascripts
[ichimdav #14039]
5.4 - (2013-01-25)
* Bug fix: fix location field @@rdf output
[tiberich #13694]
5.3 - (2013-01-15)
* Bug fix: drill down geotags categories now return alphabetically sorted
[ichimdav #9989]
* Feature: added a checkbox enabled by default that will add individual
countries that are part of a country group instead of the group itself
[ichimdav #9998]
* Feature: added point clustering support to map view
[ichimdav #7337]
* Change: switched to version 2.8 of the arcgis Dojo library in order to have
clustering support
[ichimdav #7337]
5.2 - (2012-11-26)
* Bug fix: rdfencode geotags as geo:SpatialThing to stay generic,
since not all geotags are points, can also be Features/Polygons etc.
[demarant refs #7409]
5.1 - (2012-11-22)
* Bug fix: map infoTemplate template is constructed only the information that
is available for that object
[ichimdav #7337]
* Feature: rdf export of geotags now includes geonames URI with owl:sameAs.
[demarant refs #7409]
* Bug fix: fix issue with map view crashing when urllib got a Description
that couldn't quote because of unicode characters
[ichimdav #10006]
* Feature: Now we export all tags as geo:Point including locations labels.
[demarant refs #3425]
* Bug fix: corrected export of points according to wgs84 rdf vocabulary.
[demarant refs #3425]
* Bug fix: use folder_listing and atct_topic_view macros to avoid errors when
using the map on non Topic content types
[ichimdav #3353]
* Feature: added rdf adapter for geotag field
[tiberich, demarant, #3425]
5.0 - (2012-07-30)
* Bug fix: Fixed deletion of geotags when the user creates a new translation
[voineali fixes #5390]
4.9 - (2012-07-17)
* Bug fix: fix preview of geotags widget on edit form when using
[ichimdav #5339]
4.8 - (2012-07-13)
* Bug Fix: Fixed i18n:domain in .pt files
[prospchr refs #5162]
4.7 - (2012-06-13)
* Ugrade step: Within ZMI > portal_types > Topic add map_view
to Available view methods
[ichimdav #3355]
* Bug fix: fixed markup of HISTORY.txt file
[ciobabog refs #5231]
* Upgrade step: Within "Plone > Site setup > Add-ons" click on
upgrade button available for eea.geotags
* Feature: Added 'geotags' zCatalog metadata to store the objects
geographic information on brain in order for this to be used in map views
[voineali refs #3355]
* Bug fix: display scalebar on map
[ichimdav #4788]
* Feature: display tags left aligned for the map macros that use the
version with events variable defined
[ichimdav #4788]
* Bug fix: fixed eea.alchemy suggestions url to get suggestions for
the object, instead of the parent folder [batradav]
4.6 - (2012-04-26)
* Feature: added modal map as a pop-up for geotags
[ichimdav #3354]
* Bug fix: Make it work with eea.inidicators aggregated edit
[voineali #5077]
* Bug fix: fixed so 'title' get saved on the field when 'description' is empty on geonames.org response
[ghicaale #5008]
4.5 - (2012-03-30)
* Bug fix: fixed that eea.geotags field on set will convert on the fly strings toward geonames service and
saves the geoJSON structure. This will also fix the auto-tagging from eea.alchemy
[ghicaale #5008]
* Feature: eea.geotags widget view macro is now using ArcGIS JavaScript framework to display
locations on a map
[ghicaale #3354]
* Feature: the view macro has two options, with map or plain text
[ghicaale #3354]
* Feature: the map view use CSS3 transform for better performance on rendering, disabled wheel
scroll, loading image, continous pan, default map is centered on Europe and visible scalebar in km
[ghicaale #3354]
4.4 - (2012-02-06)
* Feature: implemented first basic list view of geotags.
4.3 - (2011-11-29)
* Bug fix: Fixed geotags widget to keep filled values if the edit form fails to
submit due to validation errors
[voineali #4773]
4.2 - (2011-11-21)
* Bug fix: Fixed required validation for location field
[voineali #4694]
* Bug fix: Fix test if context is annotable
[voineali #4741]
4.1 - (2011-11-18)
* Rerelease broken egg
4.0 - (2011-11-18)
* Feature: Added a way to override default Archetypes location field/widget
by just adding eea.geotags.default within zcml directive in your buildout
[voineali #4694]
* Bug fix: Fixed geotags dialog on Add form when portal_factory is enabled
[voineali #4696]
* Bug fix: Fixed search results description and tags when searching with geonames.org
[voineali #4525]
* Feature: Updated geonames API usage according with
this specifications: http://www.geonames.org/export/web-services.html
Please update the 'geonames_key' in portal_properties/geographical_properties
with your geonames username
[voineali #4525]
* Feature: Use geonames.org service for free search, then fallback to Google service
[voineali #4525]
* Feature: Geotag widget usability, add tag in one click
[voineali #4429]
* Bugfix: Fixed IE js error on google maps, we don't move the navigation widget to the right of the map on preview
[szabozo #4542]
* Bugfix: Fixed missing google map api
[szabozo0 #4428]
* Cleanup: Fixed all pylint, pyflakes warnings
[voineali #4236]
* Feature: Added upgrade steps
[voineali #4392]
* Feature: Plone 4.0.4 compatible release
[ghicaale #4236]
1.3 - (2011-04-20)
* Bug fix: fix widget bugs
[szabozo0 #4260]
1.2 - (2011-04-19)
* Bug fix: fix import errors
[szabozo0 #4260]
* Feature: created formlib version of the widget
[szabozo0 #4260]
* Cleanup: of most pylint violations
[ichimdav #4140]
* Cleanup: of pyflakes warnings
[ichimdav #4141]
* Bug fix: Remove geotags suggestion duplicates
[voineali #3357]
* Change: Moved alchemy auto-discover code to eea.alchemy as it's not only
about geotags, it will also discover temporal coverage and keywords
[voineali #3357]
1.1 - (2010-12-13)
* Bug fix: Fixed jslint warnings
[voineali #3821]
* Bug fix: Fixed doc tests
[voineali #3821]
1.0 - (2010-10-12)
* Initial release