This package, ``edrnsite.collaborations``, provides groupware capabilities
(wiki, file space, calendars, etc.) for EDRN_ collaborative groups,
implemented with Plone_. Although intended for the EDRN public portal, it can
be installed into an Plone-compatible site.
It was developed by the Informatics Center (IC_), operated by JPL_.
.. References:
.. _EDRN: http://edrn.nci.nih.gov/
.. _IC: http://cancer.jpl.nasa.gov/
.. _JPL: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/
.. _Plone: http://plone.org/
Use Buildout_ with the plone.recipe.zope2instance recipe.
• Add ``edrnsite.collaborations`` to the list of eggs to install, e.g.::
eggs =
• Re-run buildout, e.g. with::
% ./bin/buildout
No need for a ZCML slug; we're using z3c.autoinclude.
.. References:
.. _Buildout: http://www.buildout.org/
What follows is a history of changes from release to release. Where issue IDs
are listed below, you can find out more about them by visiting the issue
tracker at https://oodt.jpl.nasa.gov/jira/browse/CA.
1.0.6 — Plone 4.3.9 Upgrade
• CA-1592
1.0.5 — Order, Order!
• CA-1441, Collaborative Groups should order their biomarkers
1.0.4 — Redundancies
• CA-1431, Remove calendar events from the documents tab on collaborative
1.0.3 — Oh No Portal Avengers Assemble!
• CA-1423, Collaborative groups should show documents in reverse chronological
order (and events too)
1.0.2 — Visuals
• CA-1391, Lung Collaborative Group link now working
• CA-1338, Fix tests for edrnsite.collaborations
• Added visualization features
1.0.1 — To Infinity, and Beyond!
• CA-1295, fix infinite loop
1.0.0 — I Had Some Chicken; Pass Me the FLOSS
• First official release as free/libre/open source software.
• Fix time display for events in the future
• Use content-core slots
• Made compatible with Plone 4.3.
• Use z3c.autoinclude
0.0.9 — More Upgrades
• Made compatible with Plone 4.2.4.
0.0.8 — Upgrades
Made compatible with Plone 4.1.5. Also, made a generic Group Space that can
be used for non-organ-specific groups, such as EDRN working groups and
Also addresses these issues:
• CA-972 - Put "Group Spaces" in "Collaborations Folders"
0.0.7 — Freedom
This release happens to include:
* CA-885 - Creating collaborative groups relies on well-known content
rules—which may be reconfigured or even deleted
0.0.6 — Misc
This release covers:
* CA-513 - Science Data List on the Portal - by updating datasets with links
to collaborative groups that are marked as "owning" datasets.
* CA-849 - Collaborative Group's "Top 3 Projects" list appears on EVERY tab
0.0.5 — Highlights
This release handles:
* CA-806 - Create a "Highlights" section on the Collaborative Group pages
0.0.4 — Fonties
This release tackles:
* CA-800 - Funny fonts under the "Data" tab of a Collaborative Group
0.0.3 — Side Effects
This release adjusts the testing fixture layers as a result of
eke.biomarker-1.1.5's new dependency on eke.ecas.
0.0.2 — A Little Spit & Polish
This release:
* Adds separate chair and co-chairs to collaborative groups.
* Hides all other members in a collapsible section.
* Adds a log in reminder to the Overview tab.
* Datasets under the Data tab link directly into ECAS.
0.0.1 — First Release
First public release of EDRN Collaborations.
0.0.0 — Initial Implementation
This release provides initial function of EDRN Collaborations.