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Lock a "timepoint" from further editing once data is cleaned and reviewed.
With module ``edc_timepoint`` a data manager or supervisor is able to flag a model instance, that represents a timepoint, as closed to further edit. A good candidate for a "timepoint" model is one that is used to cover other data collection, such as an `edc_appointment.Appointment`. When the appointment status is set to something like 'complete' the timepoint status is set to ``closed`` and no further edits are allowed for data covered by that appointment.
Configuring the Timepoint Model
Select a model that represent a timepoint. The model should at least have a `datetime` field and a `status` field. For example `Appointment`:
.. code-block:: python
class Appointment(TimepointModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):
appt_datetime = models.DateTimeField(
verbose_name='Appointment date and time')
appt_status = models.CharField(
The ``TimepointModelMixin`` adds fields and methods prefixed as ``timepoint_<something>``. There is also a signal that is loaded in the ``AppConfig.ready`` that resets the timepoint attributes should ``Appointment.appt_status`` change from ``DONE``.
Only field ``timepoint_status`` is meant to be edited by the user. The other ``timepoint_<something>`` are managed automatically.
In your projects ``apps.py`` subclass ``edc_timepoint.apps.AppConfig`` and declare ``Appointment`` as a timepoint model by creating a ``Timepoint`` instance and appending it to ``AppConfig.timepoints``:
.. code-block:: python
from django.apps import AppConfig as DjangoAppConfig
from edc_timepoint.apps import AppConfig as EdcTimepointAppConfigParent
from edc_timepoint.timepoint import Timepoint
class AppConfig(DjangoAppConfig):
name = 'example'
class EdcTimepointAppConfig(EdcTimepointAppConfigParent):
timepoints = TimepointCollection(
The user updates the ``Appointment`` normally closing it when the appointment is done. Then a data manager or supervisor can close the ``Appointment`` to further edit once the data has been reviewed.
To close the ``Appointment`` to further edit the code needs to call the ``timepoint_close_timepoint`` method:
.. code-block:: python
appointment = Appointment.objects.create(**options)
appointment.appt_status = 'DONE'
If the ``appointment.appt_status`` is not ``DONE`` when ``timepoint_close_timepoint`` is called, a ``TimepointError`` is raised.
If the appointment is successfully closed to further edit, any attempts to call ``appointment.save()`` will raise a ``TimepointError``.
The ``Appointment`` may be re-opened for edit by calling method ``timepoint_open_timepoint``.
Configuring others to use the Timepoint Model
Continuing with the example above where ``Appointment`` is the timepoint model.
To prevent further edits to models related to ``Appointment``, configure the model with the ``TimepointLookupModelMixin`` and the ``TimepointLookup`` class. These models will refer to the timepoint model on ``save``.
For example:
.. code-block:: python
class VisitTimepointLookup(TimepointLookup):
timepoint_related_model_lookup = 'appointment'
class VisitModel(TimepointLookupModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):
timepoint_lookup_cls = VisitTimepointLookup
appointment = models.ForeignKey(Appointment)
report_datetime = models.DateTimeField(
If the timepoint model's ``timepoint_status`` is ``closed``, any attempt to create or modify ``VisitModel`` will raise a ``TimepointClosed`` exception.
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