A scaffolding python tool without dependencies
Features :
* erect and create scaffolding easily
* no dependency
* standalone file executable directly with ``python -c "$(curl ...)"``
Use case :
* very short quick start project (you need install nothing except python)
Example of use
You can directly erect scaffolding **without installing nothing on your system**.
Example, if you want erect `Python package scaffolding <https://github.com/harobed/python_package_scaffolding>`_
scaffolding then **Paste that at a Terminal prompt** :
$ python -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/harobed/echafaudage/master/echafaudage.py)" -s https://github.com/harobed/python_package_scaffolding/archive/master.zip /tmp/my_new_project
Next *echafaudage* ask some questions :
mail : contact@stephane-klein.info
version : 0.1.0
package_name : my-project
author : Stéphane Klein
Now your project is in ``/tmp/my_new_project/``
$ ls /tmp/my_new_project/
bootstrap.py devel-requirements.txt my_project requirements.txt setup.py tests unittest.cfg
You can also install "echafaudage" on your system
$ pip install echafaudage
And use ``echafaudage`` like this :
$ echafaudage -s https://github.com/harobed/python_package_scaffolding/archive/master.zip /tmp/my_new_project
You can also directly set some variable in command line :
$ echafaudage -s https://github.com/harobed/python_package_scaffolding/archive/master.zip /tmp/my_new_project --vars project_name=my-project,version=1.0
echafaudage usage
$ bin/echafaudage --help
Usage: echafaudage [options] -s <scaffolding> [<TARGET>]
TARGET where scaffolding will be created, by default it is "." (current directory)
-s, --scaffolding=<scaffolding> The scaffolding to use, can be a directory path,
an archive or archive url.
--vars=<variables> Custom variables, e.g --vars hello=world,sky=blue
-h --help Show this screen.
-v, --verbose
$ echafaudage -s /path/to/directory/
$ echafaudage -s my_scaffolding.tar.gz
$ echafaudage -s http://example.com/my_scaffolding.tar.gz
How to create new scaffolding
First, you can see `Python package scaffolding <https://github.com/harobed/python_package_scaffolding>`_
scaffolding example.
In this repository :
├── README.rst
├── bootstrap.py
├── devel-requirements.txt
├── requirements.txt
├── scaffolding.json <= scaffolding configuration file
├── setup.py.tmpl <= template file
├── tests
│ └── test_basic.py
├── unittest.cfg
└── {{package_name_underscore}} <= this folder is renamed with "package_name_underscore" variable value
└── __init__.py.tmpl <= template file
``{{package_name_underscore}}/__init__.py.tmpl`` content :
__version__ = '{{version}}'
| The file with ``.tmpl`` extension are templates files.
| Template file are parsed by `tempita <http://pythonpaste.org/tempita/>`_ template engine with variables
pass to *echafaudage*.
| The ``.tmpl`` extension is stripped in target folder.
The ``scaffolding.json`` (json format) configure the variable list :
"variables": {
"package_name": null,
"author": null,
"mail": null,
"package_name_underscore": {
"lambda": "vars['package_name'].replace('-', '_')"
"version": {
"default": "0.1.0"
"ignores": [
* "variables" is dict with the list of variables
* "ignores" is a list with the list of file to ignore
See also
If you want more powered scaffolding tool, you can look at `mr.bob <http://mrbob.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html>`_.
More information about Python Skeleton Builder Tools see this wiki page : https://wiki.python.org/moin/SkeletonBuilderTools