ec2selector is a tool to select an EC2 AMI (Amazon Machine Image) from those
available on Amazon.
There are three basic ways in which you can use this tool.
# Selecting an image knowing its ID
If you already know the image ID, you can use ec2selector to make sure that
such an instance is still available on Amazon for a given region, e.g.:
from ec2selector import EC2Selector
EC2Selector().select(region_id='us-east-1', image_id='ami-ed16f984')
will return `Image:ami-ed16f984` if such an image exists on US East 1.
# Selecting an image specifying a set of properties
If you don't know the image ID, you can specify a set of properties to match
one of the images available on Amazon. The properties you can filter on are:
* name
* owner_id
* virtualization_type
* image_type
* architecture
You can also use the properties followed by '_contains' to specify a partial
match. For instance, the following commands will return an AMI in US East,
owned by the user 'alestic' with a 'machine' image at 64bit, and whose name
includes the string 'ubuntu-10':
from ec2selector import EC2Selector
EC2Selector().select(region_id='us-east-1', filters={
'name_contains': 'ubuntu-10',
'owner_id':'063491364108', # corresponds to 'alestic'
'image_type': 'machine',
'architecture': 'x86_64',
# Selecting an image with an interactive prompt
Finally, if you do not specify enough filters to get exactly *one* image,
you will get an interactive shell to add more filters or pick one of the
available images. For instance, this is a prompt session:
>>> from ec2selector import EC2Selector
>>> EC2Selector().select()
5 regions available
Please pick one of the available options:
[0] eu-west-1
[1] us-east-1
[2] ap-northeast-1
[3] us-west-1
[4] ap-southeast-1
> 0
Loading list of available EC2 images for eu-west-1 with filters: None, might take a while...
1717 images available.
Please pick one of the available options:
[0] name
[1] owner_id
[2] architecture
[3] type
[4] virtualization_type
> 2
Please pick one of the available options:
[0] x86_64
[1] i386
> 0
577 images available.
Please pick one of the available options:
[0] name
[1] owner_id
[2] architecture
[3] type
[4] virtualization_type
> 3
Please pick one of the available options:
[0] machine
[1] kernel
[2] ramdisk
> 0
519 images available.
Please pick one of the available options:
[0] name
[1] owner_id
[2] architecture
[3] type
[4] virtualization_type
> 4
Please pick one of the available options:
[0] hvm
[1] paravirtual
> 1
386 images available.
Please pick one of the available options:
[0] name
[1] owner_id
[2] architecture
[3] type
[4] virtualization_type
> 0
Please pick one of the available options:
[0] Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit Server Python Erlang Java
[1] RightImage_Ubuntu_8.04_x64_v5.5.9.1_EBS
[383] ubuntu-9.10-karmic-server-amd64-20100121
[384] xarch-core-image
[385] radiant-0.9.1_64_0.2_ami-75d4e101
> 385
Image selected: radiant-0.9.1_64_0.2_ami-75d4e101
# Requirements
In order to use `ec2selector` you need login credentials to Amazon EC2.
You can either pass these credentials to EC2Selector, e.g.:
from ec2selector import EC2Selector
EC2Selector().select(access_key='AKIA...', secret_key='xWD3...')
or you can set them in environment variables, e.g.:
import os
os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = 'AKIA...'
os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = 'xWD3...'
If you don't specify them, the interactive prompt will ask for them.
# Motivation
`ec2selector` is based on [boto](, a great Python
library to interact with Amazon EC2 instances. The only way to select an AMI
with boto is by specifying its image ID. `ec2selector` expands this behavior by
letting you pick an image based on its attributes, not on its ID.
# Installing
pip install ec2selector
# Contributing
1. fork and clone the project
2. install the dependencies above
3. run the tests with `python`
4. hack at will
5. commit and push
6. send a pull request
# License