About this module
Simple imap wrapper.
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Example to use
*connect* function create IMAP4_SSL instance by default::
>>> import easyimap
>>> host = "imap.gmail.com"
>>> user = "me@example.com"
>>> password = "hogehogehogehoge"
>>> mailbox = "secret"
>>> imapper = easyimap.connect(host, user, password, mailbox)
*connect* function also create IMAP4 instance by passing *ssl* argument::
>>> import easyimap
>>> host = "imap.gmail.com"
>>> user = "me@example.com"
>>> password = "hogehogehogehoge"
>>> mailbox = "secret"
>>> imapper = easyimap.connect(host, user, password, mailbox, ssl=False, port=143)
This imapper can list up latest n mail by *listup* method.
By default, This invoke `fetch` from IMAP4_SSL instance with '(UID RFC822)'.::
>>> mail1, mail2 = imapper.listup(2)
>>> mail1.uid
>>> mail1
<easyimap.easyimap.MailObj object at 0x...>
>>> type(mail1.body)
<type 'unicode'>
>>> type(mail1.title)
<type 'unicode'>
>>> type(mail1.date)
<type 'unicode'>
>>> type(mail1.sender)
<type 'unicode'>
You can check latest unseen mail by *unseen* method::
>>> imapper.unseen(2)
[(82, <easyimap.easyimap.MailObj object at 0x...>), (81, <easyimap.easyimap.MailObj object at 0x...)]
You can directly fetch email object with specific id::
>>> imapper.mail(80)
<easyimap.easyimap.MailObj object at 0x...>
You can download attachments::
>>> imapper.mail(80)
>>> (id, mail) = imapper.mail(80)
>>> for attachment in mail.attachment:
>>> print attachment[0], attachment[1]
Finally, call *quit* method::
>>> imapper.quit()
Basic API
* easyimap.connect(host, user, password, mailbox='INBOX', timeout=15, ssl=True, port=993, \*\*kwargs)
| Create IMAP4(_SSL) wrapper.
| If you want to keep read/unread status, Please pass optional `read_only=True` argument.
| kwargs are read from Imapper's constructor. Plz read source code.
* listids(limit=10, criterion=None)
Returns list of available email ids.
* listup(limit=10, criterion=None, include_raw=False)
Returns list of mail_object.
* unseen(limit=10)
Returns list of mail_object.
* mail(uid, include_raw=False)
Returns MailObj.
* change_mailbox(mailbox)
Change mailbox.
* quit()
Close and Logout.
* uid
Returns UID(type: int).
* raw
if you fetched email with include_raw option, this returns raw Data::
>>> [(id1, mail1), (id2, mail2)] = imapper.listup(2, include_raw)
>>> data = mail1.raw
* title
Returns string of 'Subject' header.
* sender
Returns string of 'Sender' header.
* from_addr
Returns string of 'From' header.
* to
Returns string of 'To' header.
* date
Returns string of 'Date' header.
* body
Returns string of Body.
* content_type
Returns string of 'Content-Type' header.
* content_transfer_encoding
Returns string of 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' header.
* references
Returns string of 'References' header.
* in_reply_to
Returns string of 'In-Reply-To' header.
* reply_to
Returns string of 'Reply-To' header.
* return_path
Returns string of 'Return-Path' header.
* mime_version
Returns string of 'MIME-Version' header.
* message_id
Returns string of 'Message-ID' header.
* attachments
Returns list of tuples('attached file name', MailObj).
Recent Change
- 0.6.3
+ Add support for python-3.5.
+ Fixed a bug in decoding an attached plain text.
- 0.6.2
+ Fixed a bug in header/body encoding
- 0.6.1
+ Fixed a bug in _decode_header function
- 0.6.0
+ Add support for Python-3.4.
+ **Backward incompatible changes**
* Modify `listup` to return list of mailobj.
* Rename many properties to underbar separated format.