**EasyEntry** enter data into a program and easily check if they are valid.
Uses dictionaries to define the properties of the data:
- *type*: str, int, float, date, time, email, passwd and menu.
- *default*: sets a default by pressing the return key
- *options*: defines a list of allowed values: ['a', 'b',...]
- *minmax*: sets minimum and maximum limits for a value: [0, 100]
- *required*: defines the obligation or not to introduce a value: True or False
- and others (See the property list).
import easyentry as ee
ee.global_required = True
person = {}
person['name'] = {'type':'str'}
person['city'] = {'type':'str', 'default':'Seville'}
person['age'] = {'type':'int', 'minmax': [0,100]}
person['height'] = {'type':'float'}
person['bicycle'] = {'type':'str', 'options': ['y','n']}
person['datetrip'] = {'type':'date', 'default': 'now'}
person['email'] = {'type':'email', 'required': False}
name = ee.entry('What is your name?', (person, 'name'))
city = ee.entry('What city you live?', (person, 'city'))
age = ee.entry('How old are you?', (person, 'age'))
height = ee.entry('Height?', (person, 'height'))
bicycle = ee.entry('Do you have a bicycle?', (person, 'bicycle'))
datetrip = ee.entry('Date of trip?', (person, 'datetrip'))
email = ee.entry('Your email address', (person, 'email'))
Creates a options menu
To build a menu::
person['info'] = {'type':'menu', 'title':'Select an option', 'options':['phone','mail','none'], 'rindex':True}
info = ee.entry('To receive information by...', (person, 'info'))
- *rindex*: With True returns the number of the selected option
- *sorted*: sort the list of options (True/False)
To receive information by...
(1) phone
(2) mail
(3) none
Select an option [3]:
Enter a password::
person['passwd'] = {'type':'passwd'}
passwd = ee.entry('Enter password', (person, 'passwd'))
repeat = ee.entry('Repeat password', (person, 'passwd'))
if passwd == repeat:
Property list
Properties of the data types available:
- *str*: required, options or minmax and default
- *int*: required, options or minmax and default
- *float*: required, options or minmax and default
- *date*: required, options or mixmax and default:date or now
- *time*: required, options or mixmax and default:time or now
- *password*: required
- *email*: required
- *menu*: required, title, options, default, sorted and rindex
The constants are used to set the values that define the general behavior of EasyEntry::
# Message to be displayed when data is not valid:
# - You can type the message in your language
# - If the value is omitted, the default is the current (in English)
ee.error_message = 'Invalid input, please try again'
# Set format 'date' and 'time':
# - Date format: '%Y-%m-%d' -> YYYY-MM-DD (default)
# - Hour format: '%H:%M:%S' -> HH:MM:SS (default)
ee.date_format = '%d-%m-%Y'
ee.time_format = '%H:%M'
# Set the type of numerical data (int and float):
# - True and value = '' : var int -> return 0
# var float -> return 0.0
# - False (default) and value = '': return ''
ee.strict_return = False
# Establish whether it is mandatory to enter a valid value or
# an empty entry (press return) is allowed
# - True -> You must enter a valid value in all fields
# - False -> The field can be empty (default)
# The value of the 'required' property of a field overrides
# the global value
ee.global_required = True