# GridSearch-like on the grid
Searching good combinaisons of parameters happen quite ofter in ML-related task. I wrote a tool that help to achieve that. If you worked with the unix system call _fork_, you will see a similar approach with the API.
# Installation
`pip install easy_sge`
## Hello World example
In this example we wrote all combinaisons of hello/hi world/Idiap.
from easy_sge.experiences_manager import ExperienceBase
if __name__ == '__main__':
if ExperienceBase.is_in_SGE(): # Write your task
parameters = ExperienceBase.load_only_current()
first = parameters['first']
second = parameters['second']
print('{} {}'.format(first, second))
else: # Configure your task
my_experience = ExperienceBase()
my_experience.add_experience_key_values('first', ['hello', 'hi'])
my_experience.add_experience_key_values('second', ['world', 'idiap'])
my_experience.add_grid_parameter('-P', 'devel')
my_experience.add_grid_parameter('-cwd', '')
my_experience.add_grid_parameter('-N', 'hello_world')
Run the example `python3 -m examples.hello_world` then check the results after running the script (and waiting a little bit)
`ls -1 output/hello_world.o*`
Each file contains the result of a combinaison. Let's check the content of the first one
`cat output/hello_world.o5439319.1`
> hello world
Get all results at once
`cat output/hello_world.o*`
hello world
hi world
hello idiap
hi idiap
## FizzBuzz example
We can also use task over a single parameter, like in fizzbuzz, which depend of _n_. Here an example with fizzbuzz from [1, 100]
from easy_sge.experiences_manager import ExperienceBase
if __name__ == '__main__':
if ExperienceBase.is_in_SGE(): # Write your task
parameters = ExperienceBase.load_only_current()
n = parameters['n']
my_str = ''
if n % 3 == 0:
my_str += 'Fizz'
if n % 5 == 0:
my_str += 'Buzz'
if my_str == '':
my_str = str(n)
print('(n={:04d}) -> {}'.format(n, my_str))
else: # Configure your task
my_experience = ExperienceBase()
my_experience.add_experience_key_values('n', list(range(1, 101)))
my_experience.add_grid_parameter('-P', 'devel')
my_experience.add_grid_parameter('-cwd', '')
my_experience.add_grid_parameter('-N', 'fizzbuzz')
Run the example `python3 -m examples.fizzbuzz`
Get all results at once and sort by n
`cat output/fizzbuzz.o* | sort`
(n=0001) -> 1
(n=0002) -> 2
(n=0003) -> Fizz
(n=0004) -> 4
(n=0005) -> Buzz
(n=0006) -> Fizz
(n=0007) -> 7
(n=0008) -> 8
(n=0009) -> Fizz
(n=0010) -> Buzz
(n=0011) -> 11
(n=0090) -> FizzBuzz
(n=0091) -> 91
(n=0092) -> 92
(n=0093) -> Fizz
(n=0094) -> 94
(n=0095) -> Buzz
(n=0096) -> Fizz
(n=0097) -> 97
(n=0098) -> 98
(n=0099) -> Fizz
(n=0100) -> Buzz
## Using with conda environment
If you want to use the same conda environmenent than the experience runner, then just let `python_executable` parameter empty.
Otherwise you can use conda run with the python_executable parameter
my_experience = ExperienceBase(python_executable="/idiap/user/wdroz/conda_stuff/miniconda3/condabin/conda run -n rise-baseline python3")
_you need to specify the full path of conda_
# Dev
## Flit
Please install [flit](https://flit.pypa.io/en/latest/index.html)
Then run `flit install --extras dev`
## From pip
You can alternatively install the dev environnement from pip with `pip install "easy_sge[dev]"`
## Install pre-commit
Please install the pre-commit of the project with
pre-commit install
and for commit-msg
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
## Running tests
python -m pytest