# easyOpenWeather module
This module is used to get or print the weather deatils using open weather API easily
install module using pip command
pip install easyOpenWeather
### external dependencies required -
1. requests
pip install requests
2. tabulate
pip install tabulate
### To import in project -
from easyOpenWeather import module
Then make a object instance of WeatherDataClass
obj = module.WeatherDataClass()
Now you need to at least set the city name and api key first
To know how to get your own api key from open weather [click here](https://openweathermap.org/appid#:~:text=1.,activated%20and%20ready%20to%20use.)
Now you need to pass a list containing attributes for which you need weather data
List Attributes -
1. temp -> for temperature in kelvin
2. tempInC -> for temperature in celcius
3. tempInF -> for temperature in f
4. tempMin -> for min temp - unit is decided from above
5. tempMax -> for max temp - unit is decided from above
6. pressure -> for pressure
7. humidity -> for humidity
8. wind speed -> for wind speed
9. wind direction -> for wind direction
10. description -> for description - like clear sky etc
##### Note - use only one at a time from temp , tempInC , tempInF
##### All output data is in SI units
To set list Use -
listPass = ["tempInC" , "tempMin" , "tempMax" , "pressure" , "humidity" , "windSpeed" , "windDirection" , "clouds" , "description"]
To get data in dictionary format -
The function will return a dictionary.
Sample dictionary that you will get for listPass = ["tempInC" , "tempMin" , "tempMax" , "pressure" , "humidity" , "windSpeed" , "windDirection" , "clouds" , "description"] :
{'tempInC': 11.01, 'tempMin': 10.71, 'tempMax': 11.82, 'pressure': 998, 'humidity': 53, 'windSpeed': 8.7, 'windDirection': 260, 'clouds': 9, 'description': 'clear sky'}
This module also include a inbuilt function to directly print the data in a tabular format
Other methods -
1. obj.setStringKey(stringKey) - To set custom api url. Default url - https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=
Some getters -
2. obj.getStringKey()
3. obj.getApiKey()
4. obj.getCityName()
### Sample program -
from easyOpenWeather import module
obj = module.WeatherDataClass()
listPass = ["tempInC" , "tempMin" , "tempMax" , "pressure" , "humidity" , "windSpeed" , "windDirection" , "clouds" , "description"]
### Contibute -
[Post any issues on github](https://github.com/harshnative/easyOpenWeather_module)
[Check out code on github](https://github.com/harshnative/easyOpenWeather_module)