Install with ``pip``
% pip3 install easy-workflow-manager
After running for the first time, the default settings file is copied to
QA_BRANCHES = qa, qa2, qa3, qa4
IGNORE_BRANCHES = master, develop, release, uat
LOCAL_BRANCH = mylocalprep
To understand how you might make use of this project, check out some of
the test helper functions and test code, then the scripts
- ``tests/`` overrwites some settings for ``QA_BRANCHES``
and ``SOURCE_BRANCH`` and defines several functions that execute
``git`` commands, with the help of ````
- ``make_file`` to create a file using ``echo`` and output
- ``append_to_file`` to append to a file using ``echo`` and output
- ``change_file_line`` to change a line of a file using ``sed``
- ``init_clone_cd_repo`` to create a git repo at ``remote_path``,
clone it to ``local_path``, and cd to ``local_path``
- also creates a file, commits it, and pushes to origin
- ``checkout_branch`` to checkout an existing branch
- ``add_commit_push`` to add modified files, commit, and push
- ``deploy_merge_tag`` to deploy a branch to an open qa environment,
merge back to source, then tag
- this makes heavy use of some high-level
``easy_workflow_manager`` functions
- ``get_empty_qa``
- ``get_remote_branches``
- ``deploy_to_qa``
- ``get_qa_env_branches``
- ``merge_qa_to_source``
- ``tag_release``
- ``get_tag_message``
- ``tests/`` defines a single “fixture” that creates a new
folder in ``/tmp`` to contain a new “remote git repository” and its
“local clone” per defined test class
- the fixture yields to let the methods of the test class run before
deleting the temporary data
- this would be a good place to drop a ``pytest.set_trace()`` if
you want to inspect temporary repos and their commits
- ``tests/`` defines two test classes with some test
- ``TestNewRepo.test_remote_branches`` to make sure the only remote
branch is ``master``, create 3 new branches, confirm that various
invocations of ``ewm.get_remote_branches()`` return what you’d
- ``TestNewRepo.test_local_branches`` to confirm that various
invocations of ``ewm.get_local_branches()`` return what you’d
- ``TestNewRepo.test_qa`` to confirm that no qa branches are in use
and that ``ewm.get_empty_qa()`` returns the set of the overwritten
``QA_BRANCHES``, then use the helper functions to append to a
file, commit the changes, push to the remote
- then check that ``ewm.deploy_to_qa()`` gets the specified
branch(es) onto the specified qa branch
- then check that ``ewm.clear_qa()`` clears the specified qa
- ``TestNewRepo.test_change_commit_push()`` to update a file
- then check that ``ewm.get_merged_remote_branches()`` does not
include the branch that was just updated
- ``TestNewRepo.test_tagging()`` to check that merging a branch to
source and tagging it works
Commands / scripts
$ venv/bin/ewm-new-branch-from-source --help
Usage: ewm-new-branch-from-source [OPTIONS] [NAME]
Create a new branch from SOURCE_BRANCH on origin
--help Show this message and exit.
$ venv/bin/ewm-deploy-to-qa --help
Usage: ewm-deploy-to-qa [OPTIONS] [QA]
Select remote branch(es) to deploy to specified QA branch
-g, --grep TEXT case-insensitive grep pattern to filter branch names by
--help Show this message and exit.
$ venv/bin/ewm-qa-to-source --help
Usage: ewm-qa-to-source [OPTIONS] [QA]
Merge the QA-verified code to SOURCE_BRANCH and delete merged branch(es)
--help Show this message and exit.
$ venv/bin/ewm-show-qa --help
Usage: ewm-show-qa [OPTIONS] [QA]
Show what is in a specific (or all) qa branch(es)
-a, --all Select all qa environments
--help Show this message and exit.
$ venv/bin/ewm-clear-qa --help
Usage: ewm-clear-qa [OPTIONS] [QA]
Clear whatever is in a specific (or all) qa branch(es)
-a, --all Select all qa environments
--help Show this message and exit.
$ venv/bin/ewm-tag-release --help
Usage: ewm-tag-release [OPTIONS]
Select a recent remote commit on SOURCE_BRANCH to tag
--help Show this message and exit.
Running Tests
Clone this repo then run the ``./dev-setup.bash`` script to create a
virtual environment that includes ``pytest``
% ./dev-setup.bash
Run pytest with the ``-v`` an ``-s`` options to tests invoked as well as
all the generated ``git`` commands and their output
% venv/bin/pytest -vs