Dyndnsc - dynamic dns update client
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:alt: Code coverage
*Dyndnsc* is a command line client for sending updates to dynamic
dns (ddns, dyndns) services. It supports multiple protocols and services,
and it has native support for ipv6. The configuration file allows
using foreign, but compatible services. *Dyndnsc* ships many different IP
detection mechanisms, support for configuring multiple services in one place
and it has a daemon mode for running unattended. It has a plugin system
to provide external notification services.
Quickstart / Documentation
See the Quickstart section of the https://dyndnsc.readthedocs.io/
.. code-block:: bash
# from pypi:
pip install dyndnsc
# using docker:
docker pull infothrill/dyndnsc-x86-alpine
# from downloaded source:
python setup.py install
# directly from github:
pip install https://github.com/infothrill/python-dyndnsc/zipball/develop
* Python 3.6+
*Dyndnsc* is still in alpha stage, which means that any interface can still
change at any time. For this to change, it shall be sufficient to have
documented use of this package which will necessitate stability (i.e.
community process).
.. :changelog:
Release history
0.6.1 (April 2nd 2021)
- improved: dnswanip error reporting now includes dns information
- improved: fix for bug `#144 <https://github.com/infothrill/python-dyndnsc/issues/144>`_
- improved: added tests for console script
0.6.0 (February 21st 2021)
- changed (**INCOMPATIBLE**): dropped support for python 2.7 and python 3.4, 3.5
- added: more presets
- improved: add support for python 3.8, 3.9
- added: docker build automation
- added: `--log-json` command line option, useful when running in docker
0.5.1 (July 7th 2019)
- improved: pin pytest version to `version smaller than 5.0.0 <https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/py27-py34-deprecation.html>`_
0.5.0 (June 25th 2019)
- improved: simplified notification plugin and externalized them using entry_points
- added: WAN IP detection through DNS (detector 'dnswanip')
- improved: replaced built-in daemon code with `daemonocle <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/daemonocle>`_
- switched to `pytest <https://pytest.org>`_ for running tests
- changed (**INCOMPATIBLE**): dropped support for python 2.6 and python 3.3
- added: new command line option -v to control verbosity
- improved: infinite loop and daemon stability, diagnostics #57
- improved: updated list of external urls for IP discovery
- improved: install documentation updated
- improved: add many missing docstrings and fixed many code smells
- improved: run `flake8 <http://flake8.pycqa.org/>`_ code quality checks in CI
- improved: run `check-manifest <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/check-manifest>`_ in CI
- improved: run `safety <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/safety>`_ in CI
0.4.4 (December 27th 2017)
- fixed: fixed wheel dependency on python 2.6 and 3.3
- fixed: pep8 related changes, doc fixes
0.4.3 (June 26th 2017)
- fixed: nsupdate URLs
- fixed: several minor cosmetic issues, mostly testing related
0.4.2 (March 8th 2015)
- added: support for https://www.duckdns.org
- fixed: user configuration keys now override built-in presets
0.4.1 (February 16th 2015)
- bugfixes
0.4.0 (February 15th 2015)
- changed (**INCOMPATIBLE**): command line arguments have been drastically adapted
to fit different update protocols and detectors
- added: config file support
- added: running against multiple update services in one go using config file
- improved: for python < 3.2, install more dependencies to get SNI support
- improved: the DNS resolution automatically resolves using the same address
family (ipv4/A or ipv6/AAAA or any) as the detector configured
- improved: it is now possible to specify arbitrary service URLs for the
different updater protocols.
- fixed: naming conventions
- fixed: http connection robustness (i.e. catch more errors and handle them as
being transient)
- changed: dependency on netifaces was removed, but if installed, the
functionality remains in place
- a bunch of pep8, docstring and documntation updates
0.3.4 (January 3rd 2014)
- added: initial support for dnsimple.com through
`dnsimple-dyndns <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dnsimple-dyndns>`_
- added: plugin based desktop notification (growl and OS X notification center)
- changed: for python3.3+, use stdlib 'ipaddress' instead of 'IPy'
- improved: dyndns2 update is now allowed to timeout
- improved: freedns.afraid.org robustness
- improved: webcheck now has an http timeout
- improved: naming conventions in code
- added: initial documentation using sphinx
0.3.3 (December 2nd 2013)
- added: experimental support for http://freedns.afraid.org
- added: detecting ipv6 addresses using 'webcheck6' or 'webcheck46'
- fixed: long outstanding state bugs in detector base class
- improved: input validation in Iface detection
- improved: support pytest conventions
0.3.2 (November 16th 2013)
- added: command line option --debug to explicitly increase loglevel
- fixed potential race issues in detector base class
- fixed: several typos, test structure, naming conventions, default loglevel
- changed: dynamic importing of detector code
0.3.1 (November 2013)
- added: support for https://nsupdate.info
- fixed: automatic installation of 'requests' with setuptools dependencies
- added: more URL sources for 'webcheck' IP detection
- improved: switched optparse to argparse for future-proofing
- fixed: logging initialization warnings
- improved: ship tests with source tarball
- improved: use reStructuredText rather than markdown
0.3 (October 2013)
- moved project to https://github.com/infothrill/python-dyndnsc
- added continuous integration tests using http://travis-ci.org
- added unittests
- dyndnsc is now a package rather than a single file module
- added more generic observer/subject pattern that can be used for
desktop notifications
- removed growl notification
- switched all http related code to the "requests" library
- added http://www.noip.com
- removed dyndns.majimoto.net
- dropped support for python <= 2.5 and added support for python 3.2+
0.2.1 (February 2013)
- moved code to git
- minimal PEP8 changes and code restructuring
- provide a makefile to get dependencies using buildout
0.2.0 (February 2010)
- updated IANA reserved IP address space
- Added new IP Detector: running an external command
- Minimal syntax changes based on the 2to3 tool, but remaining compatible
with python 2.x
0.1.2 (July 2009)
- Added a couple of documentation files to the source distribution
0.1.1 (September 2008)
- Focus: initial public release