# DwollaV2
Dwolla V2 Python client.
[API Documentation](https://docsv2.dwolla.com)
## Installation
`dwollav2` is available on [PyPi](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dwollav2), and therefore can be installed automagically via [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/).
pip install dwollav2
## `dwollav2.Client`
### Basic usage
Create a client using your application's consumer key and secret found on the applications page
([Sandbox][apsandbox], [Production][approd]).
[apsandbox]: https://dashboard-sandbox.dwolla.com/applications
[approd]: https://dashboard.dwolla.com/applications
client = dwollav2.Client(
key = os.environ['DWOLLA_APP_KEY'],
secret = os.environ['DWOLLA_APP_SECRET'],
environment = 'sandbox', # defaults to 'production'
requests = {'timeout': 0.001}
### Configure an `on_grant` callback (optional)
An `on_grant` callback is useful for storing new tokens when they are granted. The `on_grant`
callback is called with the `Token` that was just granted by the server.
client = dwollav2.Client(
key = os.environ['DWOLLA_APP_KEY'],
secret = os.environ['DWOLLA_APP_SECRET'],
on_grant = lambda t: save(t)
It is highly recommended that you encrypt any token data you store.
### Integrations Authorization
Check out our [Integrations Authorization Guide](https://developers.dwolla.com/integrations/authorization).
## `Token`
Tokens can be used to make requests to the Dwolla V2 API.
### Application tokens
Application access tokens are used to authenticate against the API on behalf of a consumer application. Application tokens can be used to access resources in the API that either belong to the application itself (`webhooks`, `events`, `webhook-subscriptions`) or the partner Account that owns the consumer application (`accounts`, `customers`, `funding-sources`, etc.). Application tokens are obtained by using the [`client_credentials`][client_credentials] OAuth grant type:
[client_credentials]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.4
application_token = client.Auth.client()
_Application tokens do not include a `refresh_token`. When an application token expires, generate
a new one using `client.Auth.client()`._
### Initializing pre-existing tokens:
`Token`s can be initialized with the following attributes:
client.Token(access_token = '...',
expires_in = 123)
## Requests
`Token`s can make requests using the `#get`, `#post`, and `#delete` methods.
# GET api.dwolla.com/resource?foo=bar
token.get('resource', foo = 'bar')
# POST api.dwolla.com/resource {"foo":"bar"}
token.post('resource', foo = 'bar')
# POST api.dwolla.com/resource multipart/form-data foo=...
token.post('resource', foo = ('mclovin.jpg', open('mclovin.jpg', 'rb'), 'image/jpeg'))
# PUT api.dwolla.com/resource {"foo":"bar"}
token.put('resource', foo = 'bar')
# DELETE api.dwolla.com/resource
#### Setting headers
To set additional headers on a request you can pass a `dict` of headers as the 3rd argument.
For example:
token.post('customers', { 'firstName': 'John', 'lastName': 'Doe', 'email': 'jd@doe.com' },
{ 'Idempotency-Key': 'a52fcf63-0730-41c3-96e8-7147b5d1fb01' })
## Responses
Requests return a `Response`.
res = token.get('/')
# => 200
# => {'server'=>'cloudflare-nginx', 'date'=>'Mon, 28 Mar 2016 15:30:23 GMT', 'content-type'=>'application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json; charset=UTF-8', 'content-length'=>'150', 'connection'=>'close', 'set-cookie'=>'__cfduid=d9dcd0f586c166d36cbd45b992bdaa11b1459179023; expires=Tue, 28-Mar-17 15:30:23 GMT; path=/; domain=.dwolla.com; HttpOnly', 'x-request-id'=>'69a4e612-5dae-4c52-a6a0-2f921e34a88a', 'cf-ray'=>'28ac1f81875941e3-MSP'}
# => 'https://api-sandbox.dwolla.com/events'
## Errors
If the server returns an error, a `dwollav2.Error` (or one of its subclasses) will be raised.
`dwollav2.Error`s are similar to `Response`s.
except dwollav2.NotFoundError as e:
# => 404
# => {"server"=>"cloudflare-nginx", "date"=>"Mon, 28 Mar 2016 15:35:32 GMT", "content-type"=>"application/vnd.dwolla.v1.hal+json; profile=\"http://nocarrier.co.uk/profiles/vnd.error/\"; charset=UTF-8", "content-length"=>"69", "connection"=>"close", "set-cookie"=>"__cfduid=da1478bfdf3e56275cd8a6a741866ccce1459179332; expires=Tue, 28-Mar-17 15:35:32 GMT; path=/; domain=.dwolla.com; HttpOnly", "access-control-allow-origin"=>"*", "x-request-id"=>"667fca74-b53d-43db-bddd-50426a011881", "cf-ray"=>"28ac270abca64207-MSP"}
# => "NotFound"
except dwollav2.Error:
# ...
### `dwollav2.Error` subclasses:
_See https://docsv2.dwolla.com/#errors for more info._
- `dwollav2.AccessDeniedError`
- `dwollav2.InvalidCredentialsError`
- `dwollav2.NotFoundError`
- `dwollav2.BadRequestError`
- `dwollav2.InvalidGrantError`
- `dwollav2.RequestTimeoutError`
- `dwollav2.ExpiredAccessTokenError`
- `dwollav2.InvalidRequestError`
- `dwollav2.ServerError`
- `dwollav2.ForbiddenError`
- `dwollav2.InvalidResourceStateError`
- `dwollav2.TemporarilyUnavailableError`
- `dwollav2.InvalidAccessTokenError`
- `dwollav2.InvalidScopeError`
- `dwollav2.UnauthorizedClientError`
- `dwollav2.InvalidAccountStatusError`
- `dwollav2.InvalidScopesError`
- `dwollav2.UnsupportedGrantTypeError`
- `dwollav2.InvalidApplicationStatusError`
- `dwollav2.InvalidVersionError`
- `dwollav2.UnsupportedResponseTypeError`
- `dwollav2.InvalidClientError`
- `dwollav2.MethodNotAllowedError`
- `dwollav2.ValidationError`
- `dwollav2.TooManyRequestsError`
- `dwollav2.ConflictError`
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `pip install -r requirements.txt` to install dependencies.
Then, run `python setup.py test` to run the tests.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run `pip install -e .`.
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Dwolla/dwolla-v2-python.
## License
The package is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://github.com/Dwolla/dwolla-v2-python).
## Changelog
- **2.2.1**
- Add extra check in URL's to ensure they are clean. [#36](https://github.com/Dwolla/dwolla-v2-python/pull/36).
- **2.2.0**
- Update JSON request bodies to serialize via `simplejson` so datatypes like `Decimal` still
serialize like they did pre `2.0.0`
- **2.1.0**
- Do not share `requests.session()` across instances of `dwollav2.Client`
- **2.0.0**
- JSON request bodies now contain sorted keys to ensure the same request body for a given set of
arguments, no matter the order they are passed to `dwolla.post`. This ensures the
[`Idempotency-Key`][] header will work as intended without additional effort by developers.
- **NOTE**: Because this change alters the formatting of JSON request bodies, we are releasing it
as a major new version. The request body of a request made with `1.6.0` will not match the
request body of the same request made in `2.0.0`. This will nullify the effect of the
[`Idempotency-Key`][] header when upgrading, so please take this into account.
If you have any questions please [reach out to us](https://discuss.dwolla.com/)!
There are no other changes since `1.6.0`.
- **1.6.0** Allow configuration of `requests` options on `dwollav2.Client`.
- **1.5.0** Add integrations auth functionality
- **1.4.0** ~~Pass kwargs from `get`, `post`, and `delete` methods to underlying requests methods.~~ (Removed in v1.6)
- **1.3.0** Change token URLs, update dependencies.
- **1.2.4** Create a new session for each Token.
- **1.2.3** Check if IOBase when checking to see if something is a file.
- **1.2.2** Strip domain from URLs provided to token.\* methods.
- **1.2.1** Update sandbox URLs from uat => sandbox.
- **1.2.0** Refer to Client id as key.
- **1.1.8** Support `verified_account` and `dwolla_landing` auth flags
- **1.1.7** Use session over connections for [performance improvement](http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/advanced/#session-objects) ([#8](https://github.com/Dwolla/dwolla-v2-python/pull/8) - Thanks @bfeeser!)
- **1.1.5** Fix file upload bug when using with Python 2 ([#6](https://github.com/Dwolla/dwolla-v2-python/issues/6))
- **1.1.2** Add `TooManyRequestsError` and `ConflictError`
- **1.1.1** Add MANIFEST.in
- **1.1.0** Support per-request headers
[`idempotency-key`]: https://docs.dwolla.com/#idempotency-key