<p align="center"><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img width="100" src="./static/icon.png"></a></p>
<h1 align="center">DVIS: 3D Visualizations made easy</h1>
<h2 align="center">Visualize your data with just one line of code </h2>
<h2 align="center">Python -> Browser </h2>
<p align="center">
<img src="./static/tracking_sample.gif" width="40%" />
<img src="./static/shapenet_sample.gif" width="42.5%" />
<img src="./static/mesh_sample.gif" width="40%" />
<img src="./static/camera_path.gif" width="42.5%" />
# 💻 Usage
from dvis import dvis
dvis("mesh.obj") # load file
dvis(point_cloud, vs=0.03) # point cloud with specific voxel size
dvis(bboxes,'bbox', c=3, name='my_boxes') # show colored boxes
dvis(np.array([0,0,0,1,2,3]), 'vec') # vector from origin to (1,2,3)
dvis(transform, 'transform') # display transformation
dvis(img, 'img') # display an image using visdom
Check out more examples in `./examples`
python examples/meshes.py
python examples/point_clouds.py
python examples/...
# News
* CLI for server: To start the server, use run
dvis-server [--no_visdom]
* Histogram support using plotly
dvis(array, "hist", mi=0.1,ma=0.8, nbins=10, name="Example histogram")
* Label and range image support, auto-format for img
dvis(label_img [fmt='xyl']) # visualizses img of labels
dvis(depth_map [fmt='xyr', cm='jet']) # visualizes an image of continuous values using cv2 color map
dvis(heat_map [fmt='xyr', cm='hot'])
# 🚀 Getting started
## 1. Install the `dvis` package:
Via pypi:
pip install dvis
or from source:
git clone git@github.com:SirWyver/dvis.git
cd dvis
pip install .
## 2. Install the web server
cd server
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate dvis_server
## 3. Start the web server
or manually
cd server
python server.py
Verify you can open http://localhost:5001/ and see something like this:
<p align="center">
<img src="./static/dvis_ui.png" width=40%>
Optionally, also start [visdom](https://github.com/fossasia/visdom) to display images/videos/charts:
visdom -p 4999
The visdom server should be accessible at http://localhost:4999/.
Try out the client
import numpy as np
from dvis import dvis
dvis(np.random.rand(1000,6), s=0.03) # sends randomly colored 1000x3 point cloud to the 3d server
dvis("static/icon.png","img") # sends an image to the 2d server
Verify you can see a colored point cloud
# 📖 Documentation
For an overview of available commands check out the [documentation](https://sirwyver.github.io/dvis_docu/)
## Shotcuts
| Shortcut | Description |
| **Editor** | |
| w | Translate |
| e | Rotate |
| r | Scale |
| z | Undo |
| f | Focus |
| **DVIS** | |
| v | Show/hide selected object |
| 1-5 | Toggle layer 1-5 |
| 0 | Toggle all layers |
| Shift + 0-5 | Show layer 0-5 add. |
| g | Show/hide grid & axes helper |
| n | Next keyframe |
| b | Previous keyframe |
| . | Next frame |
| , | Previous frame |
| t | Switch camera |
| [ | Download screenshot |