This package designed to find and manage duplications,
and contains two utilities:
* dupfind - to find duplications
* dupmanage - to manage found duplications
*dupfind* utility allows you to find duplicated files and directories
in your file system.
Show how utility find duplicated files:
By default utility identifies *duplication files* by
file content.
First of all - create several different files
in the current directory.
>>> createFile('tfile1.txt', "A"*10)
>>> createFile('tfile2.txt', "A"*1025)
>>> createFile('tfile3.txt', "A"*2048)
Then create other files in another directory, one
of them to be the same as already created ones.
>>> mkd("dir1")
>>> createFile('tfile1.txt', "A"*20, "dir1")
>>> createFile('tfile2.txt', "A"*1025, "dir1")
>>> createFile('tfile13.txt', "A"*48, "dir1")
Look into the directories contents:
>>> ls()
=== list directory ===
D :: dir1 :: ...
F :: tfile1.txt :: 10
F :: tfile2.txt :: 1025
F :: tfile3.txt :: 2048
>>> ls("dir1")
=== list dir1 directory ===
F :: tfile1.txt :: 20
F :: tfile13.txt :: 48
F :: tfile2.txt :: 1025
We see, that "tfile2.txt" is same in both directories,
while "tfile1.txt" - has the same name, but differs in size.
So utility must identify only "tfile2.txt" as a duplication file.
We force output results with "-o <output file name>"
argument to *outputf* file, and pass *testdir* as directory
that is looking for duplications.
>>> dupfind("-o %(o)s %(dir)s" % {'o':outputf, 'dir': testdir})
Now check the results file for duplications.
>>> cat(outputf)
Show quick/slow utility mode:
As mentioned above - utility identifies *duplication files*
by file contents. This mode slows down the system and consumes
a lot of system resources.
However, in most cases the file name and size is enough to identify the
duplication. So in that case you can use *quick* mode
--quick (-q) option.
So test the previous files in the quick mode:
>>> dupfind("-q -o %(o)s %(dir)s" % {'o':outputf, 'dir': testdir})
Now check the result file for duplications.
>>> cat(outputf)
As we can see the quick mode identifies duplications correctly.
Let's show that there are cases when this mode can lead to mistakes.
To do that let's add a file with the same name and size but different content
and apply utility in both modes:
>>> createFile('tfile000.txt', "First "*20,)
>>> createFile('tfile000.txt', "Second "*20, "dir1")
Now check the duplication results using default (not quick mode) ...
>>> dupfind(" -o %(o)s %(dir)s" % {'o':outputf, 'dir': testdir})
>>> cat(outputf)
As we can see *not-quick* mode identifies duplications correctly.
Let's check duplications using the quick mode...
>>> dupfind(" -q -o %(o)s %(dir)s" % {'o':outputf, 'dir': testdir})
>>> cat(outputf)
As we can see wrong duplications are found using the quick-mode.
Cleanup the test
>>> cleanTestDir()
Show how utility finds duplicated directories:
Utility identifies *duplicated directories* as
directories, all files of which are *duplicated*
and all inner directories are also *duplicated
First compare 2 directories with the same files.
Create directories with the same content.
>>> def mkDir(dpath):
... mkd(dpath)
... createFile('tfile1.txt', "A"*10, dpath)
... createFile('tfile2.txt', "A"*1025, dpath)
... createFile('tfile3.txt', "A"*2048, dpath)
>>> mkDir("dir1")
>>> mkDir("dir2")
Confirm that the directories' contents are really identical
>>> ls("dir1")
=== list dir1 directory ===
F :: tfile1.txt :: 10
F :: tfile2.txt :: 1025
F :: tfile3.txt :: 2048
>>> ls("dir2")
=== list dir2 directory ===
F :: tfile1.txt :: 10
F :: tfile2.txt :: 1025
F :: tfile3.txt :: 2048
Now run the utility and check the result file:
>>> dupfind("-o %(o)s %(dir)s" % {'o':outputf, 'dir': testdir})
>>> cat(outputf)
Compare 2 directories with the same files and dirs.
Create new directories with the same content, but different names in previously
created directories.
So for directories to be interpreted as duplications - they don't need to have
the same name, but the identical content.
Add 2 identical directories to the previous ones.
>>> def mkDir1(dpath):
... mkd(dpath)
... createFile('tfile11.txt', "B"*4000, dpath)
... createFile('tfile12.txt', "B"*222, dpath)
>>> mkDir1("dir1/dir11")
>>> mkDir1("dir2/dir21")
Note that we added two directories with same contents,
but different names. This should not break duplications.
>>> def mkDir2(dpath):
... mkd(dpath)
... createFile('tfile21.txt', "C"*4096, dpath)
... createFile('tfile22.txt', "C"*123, dpath)
... createFile('tfile23.txt', "C"*444, dpath)
... createFile('tfile24.txt', "C"*555, dpath)
>>> mkDir2("dir1/dir22")
>>> mkDir2("dir2/dir22")
Confirm that directories' contents are really identical
>>> ls("dir1")
=== list dir1 directory ===
D :: dir11 :: -1
D :: dir22 :: -1
F :: tfile1.txt :: 10
F :: tfile2.txt :: 1025
F :: tfile3.txt :: 2048
>>> ls("dir2")
=== list dir2 directory ===
D :: dir21 :: -1
D :: dir22 :: -1
F :: tfile1.txt :: 10
F :: tfile2.txt :: 1025
F :: tfile3.txt :: 2048
And contents for inner directories
First subdirectory:
>>> ls("dir1/dir11")
=== list dir1/dir11 directory ===
F :: tfile11.txt :: 4000
F :: tfile12.txt :: 222
>>> ls("dir2/dir21")
=== list dir2/dir21 directory ===
F :: tfile11.txt :: 4000
F :: tfile12.txt :: 222
Second subdirectory:
>>> ls("dir1/dir22")
=== list dir1/dir22 directory ===
F :: tfile21.txt :: 4096
F :: tfile22.txt :: 123
F :: tfile23.txt :: 444
F :: tfile24.txt :: 555
>>> ls("dir2/dir22")
=== list dir2/dir22 directory ===
F :: tfile21.txt :: 4096
F :: tfile22.txt :: 123
F :: tfile23.txt :: 444
F :: tfile24.txt :: 555
Now test the utility.
>>> dupfind("-o %(o)s %(dir)s" % {'o':outputf, 'dir': testdir})
Checks the results file for duplications.
>>> cat(outputf)
Inner duplication directories are excluded from the results:
>>> outputres = file(outputf).read()
>>> "dir1/dir11" in outputres
>>> "dir1/dir22" in outputres
>>> "dir2/dir21" in outputres
>>> "dir2/dir22" in outputres
Utility accepts more than one argument as directories list:
Use previous directory structure to prove this:
Now pass to utility "dir1/dir11" and "dir2" directories:
>>> dupfind("-o %(o)s %(dir1-11)s %(dir2)s" % {
... 'o':outputf,
... 'dir1-11': os.path.join(testdir,"dir1/dir11"),
... 'dir2': os.path.join(testdir,"dir2"),})
Now check the result file for duplications.
>>> cat(outputf)
*dupmanage* utility allows you to manage duplication files and directories
of your file system with csv data file.
Utility use csv-formatted data-file to process duplication items.
Data file must contain the following columns:
* type
* name
* directory
* operation
* operation_data
Utility supports 2 types of operations with duplication items:
* deleting ("D")
* symlinking ("L") only for UNIX-like systems
*operation_data* is only used for *symlinking* operation and
must contain the path to symlinking sorce item.
Show how utility manages duplications:
To show - use previous directory structure and
also add several duplications:
Create a file in the root directory and the same file
in another catalog.
>>> createFile('tfile03.txt', "D"*100)
>>> mkd("dir3")
>>> createFile('tfile03.txt', "D"*100, "dir3")
Look into directories contents:
>>> ls()
=== list directory ===
D :: dir1 :: ...
D :: dir2 :: ...
D :: dir3 :: ...
F :: tfile03.txt :: 100
>>> ls("dir3")
=== list dir3 directory ===
F :: tfile03.txt :: 100
We already know the previous duplications, so now we create
csv-formatted data file to manage duplications.
>>> manage_data = """type,name,directory,operation,operation_data
... F,tfile03.txt,%(testdir)s/dir3,L,%(testdir)s/tfile03.txt
... D,dir2,%(testdir)s,D,
... """ % {'testdir': testdir}
>>> createFile('manage.csv', manage_data)
Now call the utility and check result directory content:
>>> manage_path = os.path.join(testdir, 'manage.csv')
>>> dupmanage("%s -v" % manage_path)
[...]: Symlink .../tfile03.txt item to .../dir3/tfile03.txt
[...]: Remove .../dir2 directory
[...]: Processed 2 items
Review directory content:
>>> ls()
=== list directory ===
D :: dir1 :: ...
D :: dir3 :: ...
F :: tfile03.txt :: 100
>>> ls("dir3")
=== list dir3 directory ===
L :: tfile03.txt :: ...
* Comment useless for now output_format option
for dupfinder utility.
* Refactoring content comparison to use zlib.crc32
function to calculate file content diges -
speedup algorythm.
* Fixed some bugs
* Updated file duplication finding: added file
comparison by content oportunity. Made this
variant - default one.
* Added -q (--quick) option to use quick file
comparison (by name and size)
* Added tests for quick/not-quick duplication
* Added *dupmanage* utility for manage duplications
* Added tests for *dupmanage* utility
* Tests for *dupfinder* utility added
* Refactoring classes: remove DupFilter,
move filtering into DupOut class.
* Force implicitly hiding inner content of
a duplication directories.
* Refactoring utility into classes
* Fix bugs with bad files processing
* Fix bug with size calculation
* Refactoring inner finding algorithm
* Implemented opportunity to remove from
the result report inner content from
duplication directories
* Files finder implemented
* Output in csv format
* added filters by size
* Initial release