# duco
DUCO (Duino Coin) is a cryptocurrency created to be mined on small low powered, low cost devices such as Arduino (hence (Ar)**Duino** Coin). More about the coin can be found on the [website](https://duinocoin.com).
This is a simple Python package that helps you connect to the REST API, allowing you to get all data about current miners, balances, transactions, and server statistics.
## Installation
`python3 -m pip install duco`
## Usage
from duco import DUCO
d = DUCO()
balances = d.fetch_balances()
### Fetch Miners
* **Description:**
The function used to retrieve all miners from the REST API.
* **Signature:**
`fetch_miners(self, filters: List[Filter] = None)`
* **Arguments:**
- `filters`: a list of `Filter` objects used to narrow down results. (Optional)
- **Returns:**
### Fetch Miner
* **Description:**
The function used to retrieve a single miner by it's `threadid` from the REST API.
* **Signature:**
`def fetch_miner(self, threadid: str)`
* **Arguments:**
\- `threadid`: the thread id of the miner you wish to get
* **Returns:**
\- a `Miner` object
### Fetch Transactions
* **Description:**
The function used to retrieve all transactions from the REST API.
* **Signature:**
`def fetch_transactions(self, filters: List[Filter] = None, sort: Sort = None, limit: Limit = None)`
* **Arguments:**
\- `filters`: a list of `Filter` objects used to narrow down results. (Optional)
\- `sort`: a single `Sort` object detailing how the response should be sorted. (Optional)
\- `limit`: a single `Limit` object detailing how many objects should be in the response. (Optional)
* **Returns:**
\- a list of `Transaction` objects
### Fetch Transaction
* **Description:**
The function used to retrieve a single transaction by it's `hash` from the REST API.
* **Signature:**
`def fetch_transaction(self, hash_id: str)`
* **Arguments:**
\- `hash_id`: the hash of the transaction you wish to get
* **Returns:**
\- a `Transaction` object
### Fetch Balances
* **Description:**
The function used to retrieve all balances from the REST API.
* **Signature:**
`def fetch_balances(self, filters: List[Filter] = None, sort: Sort = None, limit: Limit = None)`
* **Arguments:**
\- `filters`: a list of `Filter` objects used to narrow down results. (Optional)
\- `sort`: a single `Sort` object detailing how the response should be sorted. (Optional)
\- `limit`: a single `Limit` object detailing how many objects should be in the response. (Optional)
* **Returns:**
\- a list of `Balance` objects
### Fetch Balance
* **Description:**
The function used to retrieve a single balance for a user from the REST API.
* **Signature:**
`def fetch_balance(self, username: str)`
* **Arguments:**
\- `username`: the username of the balance you wish to get
* **Returns:**
\- a `Balance` object
### Fetch Statistics
* **Description:**
The function used to retrieve the statistics from the REST API.
* **Signature:**
`def fetch_statistics(self)`
* **Returns:**
\- a `Statistics` object