# duckQL 🐥

duckQL is simple JSON-based notation for some SQL dialects (PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL) based on
[pydantic](https://github.com/samuelcolvin/pydantic/) library.
## Example
Here is a simple example of library usage. For more examples please visit
[project page](https://sibyx.github.io/duckql-python/).
from duckql import Query, Property, Comparision, Constant
my_query = Query(
"obj": "structures.Query",
"entity": "users",
"properties": [
"obj": "properties.Property",
"name": "users.name"
"obj": "properties.Property",
"name": "users.surname"
"conditions": {
"obj": "structures.Comparision",
"properties": [
"obj": "properties.Property",
"name": "users.age"
"obj": "properties.Constant",
"value": "15"
"operation": "gte"
SELECT users.name, users.surname FROM users WHERE (users.age >= 15);
## Development
Project is using [poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) and documentation is generated by
[MkDocs](https://www.mkdocs.org/). If you want to generate documentation you need to follow these simple steps
inside of your virtual environment:
1. `poetry install`
2. `mkdocs build`
Inside of your virtual environment, you can also use `mkdocs serve` to create temporary auto-reload http server with
live docs.
We use [pytest](https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/) for unit tests and [flake8](https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/)
for code-style validation. You can execute tests inside of pipenv shell using these commands:
- `pytest -v .`: executes unit tests
- `pytest -v --flake8 .`: flake8 code-style tests
## License
Made with ☕️ and ❤️ by Jakub Dubec & [BACKBONE s.r.o.](https://www.backbone.sk/en/)
# Changelog
## 0.13.0 : 2022-06-09
- **Added**: Ability to use casting for `ORDER BY` property
## 0.12.1 : 2022-05-10
- **Fixed**: Corrected cast of JSON fields
## 0.12.0 : 2021-12-21
- **Feature**: `FirstValue` window function introduced
- **Feature**: Positional `ArrayAgg` introduced
## 0.11.1 : 2021-12-14
- **Change**: Ability to cast to UUID
## 0.11.0 : 2021-12-10
- **Feature**: More benevolent type nesting
## 0.10.0 : 2021-11-30
- **Feature**: `Case` introduced (without docs, there was no time, sry, let's call it Easter Egg for a while)
## 0.9.1 : 2021-07-20
- **Fix**: Fixed problem with multiple properties in operations (I had to remove comparison property check)
## 0.9.0 : 2021-06-25
- **Fix**: Fixed nested conditions (`Operator` can contain another `Operator`)
- **Change**: Dropped Python 3.6 support
## 0.8.2 : 2020-10-15
- **Fix**: Use `->` instead of `-->`
## 0.8.1 : 2020-10-15
- **Fix**: Use `-->` operator in JSON lookup chaining in nested objects
## 0.8.0 : 2020-10-14
- **Feature**: Nested JSON fields
## 0.7.2 : 2020-08-28
- **Fix**: Use `->>` operator in JSON lookup instead of `->` (cast result as text)
## 0.7.1 : 2020-08-27
- **Fix**: Use quotes in JSON column type keys in `Property`
## 0.7.0 : 2020-08-27
- **Feature**: Now is possible to pass `Distinct` to `Count` to have `COUNT(DISTINCT property)` syntax in pSQL
- **Tests**: Test for JSON column type in pSQL
## 0.6.1 : 2020-08-04
- **Fix**: Use native `typing.Literal` if possible (Python 3.8 compatibility fix)
## 0.6.0 : 2020-07-23
- **Feature**: `lower` function introduced
- **Feature**: `upper` function introduced
- **Feature**: pSQL `initcap` function introduced
## 0.5.0 : 2020-07-22
- **Feature**: `QueryFactory` supporting `json`, `msgpack` and `bson`
- **Feature**: pSQL `unaccent` function introduced
## 0.4.0 : 2020-06-12
- **Feature**: `Extract.Unit.DAY` introduced
- **Feature**: `CastOperator.DataType.REAL` introduced
- **Feature**: pSQL `to_char` function introduced
- **Feature**: pSQL `to_date` function introduced
## 0.3.0 : 2020-05-20
- **Feature**: `HAVING` support
- **Feature**: `NOW()` support
- **Fix**: `Comparision` allows to have every `BaseType` as `properties`
- **Fix**: Interval value is quoted now
## 0.2.2 : 2020-04-16
- **Change**: Ability to pass `structures.Distinct` into `functions.StringAgg`
## 0.2.1 : 2020-04-09
- **Fix**: Fixed JOIN aliases
## 0.2.0 : 2020-04-09
Project renamed to `duckql`, this is the first public release (development status modifier changed to beta).
- **Change**: Name changed to `duckql`
- **Change**: [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) as package manager
## 0.1.8 : 2020-04-07
- **Feature**: Subquery support
- **Note**: Changelog datetimes in [ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) compatible `Y-m-d` format
## 0.1.7 : 2020-03-17
- **Fix**: Adding missing imports in `__init__.py` files inside of submodules
- **Change**: Moved `__version__` from `__init__.py` to `version.py`
- **Note**: Development status change to Alpha
## 0.1.6 : 2020-03-13
- **Feature**: Introduced `functions.StringAgg`
- **Feature**: Introduced `structures.CastOperator`
- **Feature**: CLI for parsing files
## 0.1.5 : 2020-02-05
- **Change**: Allow direct use of `structures.Comparision` in query conditions
## 0.1.4 : 2020-02-05
- **Fix**: Allow aliases in `structures.Query`
- **Change**: Do not escape `%`
## 0.1.3 : 2020-02-03
- **Feature**: Natural join support
## 0.1.2 : 2020-02-03
- **Change**: Completed docs
- **Feature**: Recursive nested properties lookup in `Query` object
## 0.1.1 : 2020-02-26
- **Change**: Default values for optional attributes in `structures.Query`
- **Change**: `custom_parser` now can raise `ParseError` if there is invalid object type passed
## 0.1.0 : 2020-02-26
- Initial release