## About this package
The basic concept **SAW method** is to find the sum of the weighted performance rating for each alternative on all attributes. **SAW** method requires a **process** of normalizing the decision matrix (X) to a scale that can be compared with all the ratings of existing alternatives.
### Depedencies
* Python >= 3
* numpy
* pandas
### Function
**init (data,weights, non_beneficial = None)**
> Initializer provides 2 required parameters and 1 optional parameter, data is the dataset with DataFrame format, weights is the values that provided to get a optimal alternative, non_beneficial is the column that has type "cost", not benefit.
> Function that return formatted matrix from dataset
> Function that return normalized matrix from decision matrix
> Function that return the list of alternative's score
> Function that return the chosen one from the alternatives
### Example case
We will simulate "Selection of land - Water resources management" which has 4 criteria(s) : Rainfall, Drainage, Usage of land, Tophography. Usage of land is the only one non beneficial criteria.
* In this case we'll use the weight values like this :
> [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
* The example dataset that we had
> [[25, 67, 7, 20],
[21, 78, 6, 24],
[19, 53, 5, 33],
[22, 25, 2, 31]]
### Example of code
from dssystem.method import SimpleAdditiveWeighted
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
dataset = pd.DataFrame({"Rainfall" : [25, 21, 19, 22],
"Drainage" : [67, 78, 53, 25],
"Usage of land" : [7, 6, 5, 2],
"Tophography" : [20, 24, 33, 31]},
method = SimpleAdditiveWeighted(dataset, [.25, .25 , .25, .25], ["Usage of land"])
print(method.getChosenOneByIndex()) #to get chosen alternative name
print(method.getDecisionMatrix()) #to get decision matrix
print(method.normalize()) #to get normalized decision matrix
print(method.createDecision()) #to get list of alternative's score
## Example of output
L4 #L4 is the chosen one
#output of the decision matrix
[[25 67 7 20]
[21 78 6 24]
[19 53 5 33]
[22 25 2 31]]
#output of normalized decision matrix
[[1. 0.86 0.29 0.61]
[0.84 1. 0.33 0.73]
[0.76 0.68 0.4 1. ]
[0.88 0.32 1. 0.94]]
#output of list of alternative's score
[0.69 0.72 0.71 0.79]