# dronedesktopnotifier
`dronedesktopnotifier` is a Python library to get notifications from a drone.io-server on your desktop, it filters for names and can be used to only notify in command line or with balloon notifications (windows and mac supported).
## Installation
Use the package manager [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/) to install dronedesktopnotifier.
pip install dronedesktopnotifier
- For mac and balloon notifications, install `terminal-notifier`
brew install terminal-notifier
## Usage
- Format
python -m dronedesktopnotifier https://drone.<yourdomain>.com/api <drone.io access token> --names <your github username(s)>
- Example
python -m dronedesktopnotifier https://drone.mycompany.io/api jsgjijgjgojJGJISGJSGOSG.jtkjfjafkGSJGJOSGJOJSOGI.jksgoafjHGJAJGJKAGJ --names AlxndrJhn
### Arguments
- `url` this is the base url of the api of your `drone.ai` system, something like `https://drone.mycompany.io/api`, it will get all active repositories automatically
- `drone-api-token` is your personal token from your `drone.io` system. You can find it at something like `https://drone.mycompany.io/account/token`
### Optional parameters
- `-n` or `--names`
list of space separated names (your GitHub name for example) that should trigger the notification, if not given, all builds will trigger the alarm.
- `-d` or `--delay`
delay in seconds (integer) between `drone.ai` api request batches.
- `--balloon/--no-balloon`
in case you only want the terminal notification, the balloon is on by default.
- `--terminal-unicode/--no-terminal-unicode`
in case you only want the terminal notifications in ascii, unicode is used by default.
- `--terminal-color/--no-terminal-color`
in case you want colors in your terminal (requires `termcolor` package. Colors are on by default.
## Output
### The terminal output
Fri 12:08:59 Checking 14 repositories for activity (last 30 days)
Fri 12:09:01 Active repositories found: ['mycompany/some-service', 'mycompany/some-ai', 'mycompany/labelstuff', 'mycompany/inspect_stuff', 'mycompany/cnn-stuff']
Fri 12:09:02 got information for 250 builds from https://drone.mycompany.io/api, 48 are related to ['AlxndrJhn']
Fri 12:09:02 🔄 `running` https://drone.mycompany.io/company/some-service/2506 `My pull request title` https://github.com/company/some-service/pull/23 (AlxndrJhn)
There is one start-up message, it might be an error or as shown above, a success message.
If some build is pending or running, it will output it immediatly.
### The balloon output
1. For windows, it appears in to bottom right corner.

2. For mac, it appears in the top left corner, clicking it opens the default webbrowser to the build log directly.
## Known issues
none yet
## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
## License