# Django Rest User Invitation
The primary aim of this python package is to provides a simple user invitation strategy for django rest framework, where users can be invited using invitation tokens (by sending email to the provided e-mail address).
This package provides a REST endpoint that verifies an token and set the password for that particular user.
## Quick Start
1. Install the package from pypi using pip:
pip install drf-simple-invite
2. Add ``drf_simple_invite`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` (after ``rest_framework``) within your Django settings file:
# Third party apps
'rest_framework', # utilities for rest apis
'rest_framework.authtoken', # token
# Simple Invite
# Custom User Model
3. This package provides an endpoint, which can be included by including ``drf_simple_invite.urls`` in your ``urls.py`` as follows:
from django.urls import re_path as url, include
urlpatterns = [
url(r'api/v1/invite/', include('drf_simple_invite.urls', namespace='drf_simple_invite')),
**Note**: You can adapt the api-url to your needs.
### Endpoints
The following endpoints are provided:
* `POST ${API_URL}/` - invite the user by sending the email as parameter
* `POST ${API_URL}/{invitation_token}` - set password token by using the ``invitation_token`` parameter
where `${API_URL}/` is the url specified in your *urls.py* (e.g., `api/v1/invite/`)
and `{invitation_token}` is `base64.urlsafe` encoded uuid token. Since it is unsafe to use plain uuid, always make sure that the `{invitation_token}` is `base64.urlsafe` encoded
### Signals
* ```invitation_token_created``` - Fired when a reset password token is generated
* ```pre_password_creation``` - fired just before a password is being set
* ```post_password_creation``` - fired after a password has been set
### TODO: Configuration / Settings / Management Command
The following settings can be set in Django ``settings.py`` file:
* `DJANGO_REST_INVITATION_TOKEN_EXPIRY_TIME` - time in hours about how long the token is active (Default: 24)
**Please note**: expired tokens are automatically cleared based on this setting in every call of ``post`` method on this endpoint.