## DRF SCRUD Viewset
DRF SCRUD (emphasizes on the S, you'll discover why) Viewset is a lightweight Django package built on top of django-rest-framework. It delivers a highly abstracted global viewset thats provides common CRUD operations methods including advanced search and pagination.
### Features
- Create, Read, Update and Delete ready-to-go methods for viewsets
- FileUploadParser enabled for create and edit methods to allow uploading files and images
- Powerful search feature (all its greatness described [bellow](#the-search-action) )
- Toggle status of instances (if ```is_active``` field on model)
- Paginated responses
### Install
pip install drf-scrud
### Quick Start
1. Add ```scrud``` to your ```INSTALLED_APPS``` like this:
] ```
2. Use in ```views.py```:
from scrud import ScrudViewset
from . import models, serializers
class BookViewset(ScrudViewset)
# Override the default permissions by action if needed. Default is AllowAny for all actions.
permission_classes_by_action = {
'create': [IsAuthenticated],
'list': [IsAuthenticated],
'get': [IsAuthenticated],
'edit': [IsAuthenticated],
'delete': [IsAdminUser],
'active': [IsAdminUser],
'desactive': [IsAdminUser],
'inactives': [IsAdminUser],
'search': [IsAuthenticated]
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(models.Book, serializers.BookSerializer, self.permission_classes_by_action)
> When defining your Viewset this way, BookViewset inherit these methods: ```list```, ```create```, ```get```, ```edit```, ```delete```, ```activate```, ```deactivate```, ```search```
3. Then, in ```urls.py``` you can set:
path('book/', include([
path('', views.BookViewset.as_view({'get': 'list', 'post': 'create'})),
path('<int:pk>/', views.BookViewset.as_view({'get': 'get'})),
path('<int:pk>/edit/', views.BookViewset.as_view({'put': 'edit'})),
path('<int:pk>/delete/', views.BookViewset.as_view({'delete': 'delete'})),
path('search/', views.BookViewset.as_view({'get': 'search'})),
4. DRF Settings
The returned json of all the endpoints are page number paginated, so you may need to set a default ```PAGE_SIZE``` in ```settings.py```
'DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS': 'rest_framework.pagination.PageNumberPagination',
5. You are done ! All the endpoints should be working fine by now.
### Especialy for the 'inactives()' action
This action make use of a customized manager that binds ```active_rows()``` and ```inactive_rows()``` to model.objects, like ```Book.objects.inactive_rows()```
So if you intend to use this action, consider adding the manager in your models.py like this:
from scrud.managers import TemporalQuerySet
class BookModel(models.Model):
objects = TemporalQuerySet()
### The Search Action
This action implements advanced query filtering throught model instances to help you improve your API.
The ```field_name``` can be any of the model field.
Considering a model represented by this json
"id": 1,
"title": "The journey to Elixir",
"description": "Elixir is going to rule the world. You better watch out !",
"price": 250,
"currency": "USD",
"release_date": "2022-10-10",
"author": {
"id": 1,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"city": {
"id": 5,
"name": "Sydney",
"country": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Australia"
You can filter by ```title```, ```description``` and/or any other
> String fields are double-quoted
- #### Even better
You can lookup throughout related models
```/search/?author__city__country_name="Aus" ```
Double underscore __ to reach related model name, and single _ to reach a field
> String field lookups are case insensitive and perform a like %% sql query
### Overriding a method
You can override any of the pre-built method.
- e.g adding decorator
def search(self, request):
return super().search(request)
- If you want to override the entire function, just write your function as usual
def search(self, request):
# New code goes here
Feel free to open issues or to pull request. Contributors are welcome.
© Shuruzer.