*dramaTTS* parses scripts (plain text files) for theatre/screen plays and converts them into a multi-voice audio plays
While the script parsing functionality is provided by the *dramaTTS* program itself, it relies on external tools for
the audio processing:
* The `Festival Speech Synthesis System`_ (herein referred to as *Festival*) is used for speech synthesis
* `Sound eXchange (SoX)`_ for audio post-processing.
*SoX*, *Festival* as well as voices and lexicons for *Festival* have to be installed in order to create audio output
with *dramaTTS*.
See the `dramaTTS documentation`_ for more details
*dramaTTS*, Copyright (c) 2020 Thies Hecker
*dramaTTS* is free software released under the GPLv3 license (see the full disclaimer in COPYING_ and the LICENSE_
file for details).
It is written *python* and you can download the source code from `dramaTTS's gitlab page`_.
*dramaTTS* is realized using:
PyQt_, Copyright (c) Riverbank Computing Limited
setuptools_scm_, Copyright (c) Ronny Pfannschmidt.
While *dramaTTS* is a standalone application, it is of limited use without *Festival* and *SoX* being installed,
which provide the audio rendering (only script parsing including syntax highlighting, etc. is available).
While the *Festival* application itself and *SoX* are released under free software licenses as well,
specific components, which are commonly bundled with *Festival* (i.e. certain lexicons and voices) may be released
under non-free licenses.
For instance the *festlex-OALD* lexicon, which can be found among other files (incl. the source code of the latest
*Festival* release) on the `Festvox 2.5 release page`_ lexicon is restricted to non-commercial use only.
The `dramaTTS documentation`_ will provide an example for a *Festival* distribution based on *free* components only.
Please see the COPYING_ file in the source code repository for details on licenses and copyright disclaimers of the
individual components.
As mentioned above *dramaTTS* consists of 2 main components: a script parser and a scheduler/configurator for
the audio-rendering.
The script parser features:
* configurable input file formatting
* syntax highlighting (identifies different content like new scenes, dialogue lines, narrative descriptions,...)
* text string substitutions supporting regular expressions
* some utility functions like sorting speakers according to their number of text lines
The audio-renderering part basically provides a front-end to *Festival* and *SoX* with following features supported:
* Altering of *Festival* voices (pitch, tempo and volume)
* support for multiple CPU cores to accelerate audio rendering (dispatches parallel processes for individual lines)
* using a *Festival* server for rendering is supported
* some post-processing: normalize all voices, combine audio files (lines -> scenes -> single project file)
* (re-)rendering of individual scenes or speakers
You will need a python3 distribution installed and for most convenience you should have either the *pip* or *conda*
package manager installed.
On linux you will most likely have python and pip already installed - if not you should be able to install them with
distributions package-manager.
E.g. for debian based system like ubuntu just run:
.. code::
sudo apt-get python3-pip
or on arch based:
.. code::
sudo pacman -S python-pip
For Windows users I would recommend to install Anaconda_ or miniconda_, which will provide the *conda* package
manager (make sure to get the python3 - not the python2 - version!).
To install *dramaTTS* with pip:
.. code::
pip install dramatts
Note, that on some distributions you may install python2 and python3 in parallel. In such cases you should make sure,
that you not using a pip for your python2 environment to install *dramaTTS*. Eventually you need to use pip3 as a command.
You can check if you are using the correct pip by calling:
.. code::
pip --version
To install *dramaTTS* with conda:
.. code::
conda install -c thecker dramatts
In both cases pip or conda should download all required dependencies and should be able to launch the program.
To do that just type:
.. code::
python -m dramatts.dramatts_gui
The GUI should pop up and you can import text files, define roles etc., but you will not be able render audio unless
you have installed *Festival* (and its components) and *SoX*.
See the `dramaTTS documentation`_ for more details.
.. _`dramaTTS's gitlab page`: https://gitlab.com/thecker/dramatts
.. _`dramaTTS documentation`: https://dramatts.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
.. _`Festival Speech Synthesis System`: http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/Festival/
.. _`Sound eXchange (SoX)`: http://sox.sourceforge.net/Main/HomePage
.. _LICENSE: https://gitlab.com/thecker/dramatts/blob/master/LICENSE
.. _PyQt: https://wiki.python.org/moin/PyQt
.. _setuptools_scm: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools_scm/
.. _COPYING: https://gitlab.com/thecker/dramatts/blob/master/COPYING
.. _`Festival license`: https://github.com/festvox/festival/blob/master/COPYING
.. _`Sox license`: https://sourceforge.net/p/sox/code/ci/master/tree/COPYING
.. _`Festvox 2.5 release page`: http://festvox.org/packed/festival/2.5/
.. _`Festvox github page`: https://github.com/festvox/
.. _Anaconda: https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/#download-section
.. _miniconda: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html
.. _`Festival 2.5 version including precompiled binaries for Windows`: https://sourceforge.net/projects/e-guidedog/files/related%20third%20party%20software/0.3/festival-2.5-win.7z/download
.. _/utils folder: https://gitlab.com/thecker/dramatts/tree/master/utils
.. _`SoX sourceforge page`: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sox/files/sox/14.4.2/
.. _`CMU_ARCTIC speech synthesis databases`: http://festvox.org/cmu_arctic/index.html
.. _here: http://festvox.org/packed/festival/2.5/voices/