# DQCsim
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DQCsim, short for Delft Quantum & Classical simulator, is a *framework* that
can be used to tie *components* of quantum computer simulators together in a
*standardized* yet *flexible*, *developer-friendly*, and *reproducible* way.
Click [here](https://qe-lab.github.io/dqcsim/) for more information!
## Install
The recommended method to install DQCsim is through Python's package manager:
sudo pip3 install dqcsim
This installs DQCsim's core files and plugins. More information is available in
the [Installation](https://qe-lab.github.io/dqcsim/install/) section of the
## Getting started
### Users
New users are encouraged to check out the
### Plugin developers
Plugin developers can check out the [examples](./examples), existing [plugins](#plugins)
and refer to the API documentation:
- [Python](https://qe-lab.github.io/dqcsim/python-api/) ([Reference](https://qe-lab.github.io/dqcsim/py_/dqcsim/))
- [C++](https://qe-lab.github.io/dqcsim/cpp-api/) ([Reference](https://qe-lab.github.io/dqcsim/cpp_/))
- [C](https://qe-lab.github.io/dqcsim/c-api/) ([Reference](https://qe-lab.github.io/dqcsim/c-api/reference.apigen.html))
- [Rust](https://qe-lab.github.io/dqcsim/rust-api/) ([Reference](https://qe-lab.github.io/dqcsim/rust_/dqcsim/))
## Plugins
### Frontend
| Plugin | Description | Download | License | Platforms | Language |
| [openqasm](https://github.com/mbrobbel/dqcsim-openqasm) | OpenQASM 2.0 frontend | [![Crates.io](https://badgen.net/crates/v/dqcsim-openqasm)](https://crates.io/crates/dqcsim-openqasm/) | Apache-2.0 | Linux, macOS | Rust |
| [cqasm](https://github.com/jvanstraten/dqcsim-cqasm) | cQASM 1.0 frontend | [![PyPi](https://badgen.net/pypi/v/dqcsim-cqasm)](https://pypi.org/project/dqcsim-cqasm/) | Apache-2.0 | Linux, macOS | C++ |
| [null](rust/src/bin/null/) | No-op frontend | [![PyPi](https://badgen.net/pypi/v/dqcsim)](https://pypi.org/project/dqcsim/) | Apache-2.0 | Linux, macOS | Rust |
### Operator
| Plugin | Description | Download | License | Platforms | Language |
| [openql-mapper](https://github.com/QE-LAB/dqcsim-openql-mapper) | OpenQL mapper operator | [![PyPi](https://badgen.net/pypi/v/dqcsim-openql-mapper)](https://pypi.org/project/dqcsim-openql-mapper/) | Apache-2.0 | Linux | C++ |
| [null](rust/src/bin/null/) | No-op operator | [![PyPi](https://badgen.net/pypi/v/dqcsim)](https://pypi.org/project/dqcsim/) | Apache-2.0 | Linux, macOS | Rust |
### Backend
| Plugin | Description | Download | License | Platforms | Language |
| [quantumsim](https://github.com/QE-LAB/dqcsim-quantumsim) | Quantumsim backend | [![PyPi](https://badgen.net/pypi/v/dqcsim-quantumsim)](https://pypi.org/project/dqcsim-quantumsim/) | GPL-3.0 | Linux, macOS | Python |
| [qx](https://github.com/QE-LAB/dqcsim-qx) | QX backend | [![PyPi](https://badgen.net/pypi/v/dqcsim-qx)](https://pypi.org/project/dqcsim-qx/) | Apache-2.0 | Linux, macOS | C++ |
| [null](rust/src/bin/null/) | No-op backend | [![PyPi](https://badgen.net/pypi/v/dqcsim)](https://pypi.org/project/dqcsim/) | Apache-2.0 | Linux, macOS | Rust |
| [iqs](https://github.com/UB-Quantic/dqcsim-iqs) | Intel QS backend | [![GitHub](https://badgen.net/github/release/UB-Quantic/dqcsim-iqs)](https://github.com/UB-Quantic/dqcsim-iqs/releases/latest) | Apache-2.0 | Linux, macOS | C++ |
Please open a PR to have your plugin added to this list.
## Build and test from source
The core of DQCsim is written in Rust. The crate defines a set of C-bindings to
support plugin development in other languages. DQCsim is distributed as a
*batteries included* Python package that includes the shared library and
headers for C and C++ plugin development.
- [Rust](https://rustup.rs/) (stable)
Python support:
- [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/) (3.5+)
- [Swig](https://github.com/swig/swig/)
C/C++ tests:
- [CMake](https://github.com/Kitware/CMake) (3.14+)
- [mdbook](https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook)
- [pdoc](https://pypi.org/project/pdoc/)
- [Doxygen](https://github.com/doxygen/doxygen)
### Python
To build the `dqcsim` Python package:
python3 setup.py bdist_wheel
This builds a release wheel to `target/python/dist/`. For debug builds set the
`DQCSIM_DEBUG` environment variable.
### C/C++
To build the C and C++ headers build the `dqcsim` Rust crate with the
`bindings` feature enabled:
cargo build --manifest-path=rust/Cargo.toml --features=bindings
The generated headers are stored in `target/include`.
### Rust
The `dqcsim` crate can be built with the following (non-default) features:
- `cli`: the command-line interface binary
- `null-plugins`: the null (no-op) plugin binaries
- `bindings`: genertion of headers required for C, C++ and Python plugin
To build all targets and features:
cargo build --all-targets --all-features
Add `--release` for release builds.
### Documentation
To build the documentation use the [Makefile](./doc/Makefile) in the
[doc](./doc) directory directly from the root of the repository:
make -C doc
Documentation output is stored in `target/book`.
### Test
#### Rust
To test all targets and features:
cargo test --all-targets --all-features
#### C/C++
To test the C-bindings and C++ wrapper:
mkdir build
cd build
Add `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG` to CMake for debug builds.
#### Python
To test the Python package:
python3 setup.py build test