<h1 align="center">Discord Menus</h1>
<div align="center">
<strong><i>Simplified menus for discord.py developers.</i></strong>
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<img align="right" src="assets/demo.gif" alt="user creates an embed, reaction buttons are added, and user navigates the
menu by clicking the buttons">
### Table of Contents
**[The Book](https://dpymenus.com)** <br>
**[API Docs](https://dpymenus.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)** <br>
- [Features](#features)
- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
- [Example](#examples)
- [Support](#support)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
## Features
`dpymenus` is an unofficial add-on for the `discord.py` library that lets you quickly compose various styles of menus
which react to user input.
- Handles text & button input, normalization, and validation
- Easy-to-build menus with paginated data, multiple choices, and polls
- Template system for quickly defining a cohesive style for your menus
- User-defined callbacks & event hooks for complex use-cases
- Awesome examples and documentation to get rolling quickly
## Quick Start
```pip install dpymenus```
Read **["Installation"](https://dpymenus.com/installation.html)** from **[The Book](https://dpymenus.com)** for further information.
## Examples
from discord.ext import commands
from dpymenus import Page, PaginatedMenu
class Demo(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
async def demo(self, ctx: commands.Context):
page1 = Page(title='Page 1', description='First page test!')
page1.add_field(name='Example A', value='Example B')
page2 = Page(title='Page 2', description='Second page test!')
page2.add_field(name='Example C', value='Example D')
page3 = Page(title='Page 3', description='Third page test!')
page3.add_field(name='Example E', value='Example F')
menu = PaginatedMenu(ctx)
menu.add_pages([page1, page2, page3])
await menu.open()
def setup(client):
The **[examples directory](https://github.com/robertwayne/dpymenus/tree/master/examples)** contains working examples for
almost every feature of the library.
In addition, the chapter on **["Examples"](https://dpymenus.com/installation.html)**
walks you through setting up the built-in example runner.
## Support
If you are looking for support on how to use particular library functions, please ask in the
**[discussions](https://github.com/robertwayne/dpymenus/discussions)** tab.
If you've encountered a bug,
**[submit an issue](https://github.com/robertwayne/dpymenus/issues/new)**.
In addition, feel free to add me on Discord @ `Rob (롭)#0013` -- I am open to discuss the library and assist when I am
free, but I prefer you use the GitHub options as it may help other people as well.
## Contributing
`dpymenus` is open-source for a reason -- I welcome all additions, bug fixes, and changes if they fit within the scope
of the library. Please see the chapter on **["Contributing"](https://dpymenus.com/contributing.html)**
in the book for detailed information. Don't be shy!
Have you found this library useful? Please leave a ⭐ on the project -- it means a lot to me!
Check out my other discord.py utility: **[cogwatch](https://github.com/robertwayne/cogwatch)** -- Automatic
hot-reloading for your discord.py command files.