# dpy-components
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This lib adds components support for discord.py.
Please note this is beta yet.
import os
from discord.ext import commands, components
bot = commands.Bot("c ")
async def on_ready():
print('We have logged in as {0.user}'.format(bot))
async def test(ctx, button_label, hidden: bool):
await components.send(ctx, "Click this", components=[components.Button(button_label, name="button1")])
cmp = await bot.wait_for("button_click", check=lambda c: c.name == "button1")
await cmp.send(f"You clicked {button_label}.", hidden=hidden)
### `ButtonType`
Represents button type.
#### `primary`,`primary_cta`,`blue`,`blurple`
Represents `1`.
#### `success`,`primary_success`,`green`
Represents `2`.
#### `secondary`,`gray`,`grey`
Represents `3`.
### `danger`,`destructive`,`red`
Represents `4`.
### `link`,`url`
Represents `5`.
#### `components.send`
This function is a coroutine.
Send message with components.
components.send(channel: discord.abc.Messageable, content=None, *, tts=False, embed=None, file=None,
files=None, delete_after=None, nonce=None,
allowed_mentions=None, reference=None,
mention_author=None, components=[])
`channnel`: Channel to send the message.
`content`..`mention_author`: Same as `discord.abc.Messageable.send`.
`components`: Components to attach to the message.
If you want to use multi row components, please specify 2D list.
#### `components.reply`
This function is a coroutine.
An utility function for replying message.
Same as:
await send(target.channel, *args, reference=target.to_reference(), **kwargs)
#### `components.Button`
Represents a button in component.
`label`: Label for the button.
`custom_id`|`name`: Custom id for the button.
`url`: URL for the button.
`style`: Style for the button.
Pass values of [Button Styles](https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/message-components#buttons-button-styles), or `ButtonType`.
`emoji`: Emoji for the button.
`enabled`: Whether the button is enabled.
##### Properties
`.disabled`: Same as `not self.enabled`.
### `on_button_click(cmp: ButtonResponse)`
Fires when user clicked button.
## ButtonResponse
Represents a button response.
Do not initialize this class directly.
`id`: ID of the interaction.
`application_id`: Application ID of the interaction.
`guild`: Guild of the interaction.
`channel`: Channel of the interaction.
`message`: Message of the interaction.
`member`: Member who pressed the button.
`token`: Token of the interaction.
`custom_id`|`name`: Custom ID of the button.
#### `ButtonResponse.send`
This function is a coroutine.
Responds interaction.
content=None, *,
`content`...`tts`: Same as `discord.abc.Messageable.send`.
`hidden`: Hide the message or not.
#### `ButtonResponse.defer_source`
This function is a coroutine.
ACK an interaction with DeferredChannelMessageWithSource(5).
The user sees a loading state.
#### `ButtonResponse.defer_update`
This function is a coroutine.
ACK an interaction with DeferredUpdateMessage(6).
The user doesn't see a loading state.