# download-youtube-subtitle
**due to changes of youtube api, you need to UPGRADE to 2.0.0, see [Install and Run](#install-and-run)**
- [Download Youtube Subtitle ![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/xsthunder/download-youtube-subtitle)](#download-youtube-subtitle-)
- [Features](#features)
- [Example](#example)
- [save as txt](#save-as-txt)
- [save as json](#save-as-json)
- [use caption_num caption_num_second to get full control](#use-caption_num-caption_num_second-to-get-full-control)
- [Install and Run](#install-and-run)
- [Install via download-youtube-subtitle · PyPI](#install-via-download-youtube-subtitle--pypi)
- [run in cli](#run-in-cli)
- [Use in Code](#use-in-code)
- [Development](#development)
- [Environment Setup](#environment-setup)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Tests](#tests)
- [Ref](#ref)
# Download Youtube Subtitle [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/xsthunder/download-youtube-subtitle.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/xsthunder/download-youtube-subtitle)
Download youtube subtitles(closed caption, cc) or srt as txt or json.
### Features
1. Support exportting translation at the same time which is useful for language study.
1. Full control. All available caption will be displayed, [use `--caption_num` `--caption_num_second` to choose the caption which will be displayed as original or translation transcript.](#use-caption_num-caption_num_second-to-get-full-control)
1. Support proxy for youtube, follow the step at [Using Anaconda behind a company proxy by setting environment-variables](https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/user-guide/tasks/proxy/#environment-variables).
1. Full test with traivis [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/xsthunder/download-youtube-subtitle.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/xsthunder/download-youtube-subtitle) to make sure things are on rail.
python version of [algolia/youtube-captions-scraper: Fetch youtube user submitted or fallback to auto-generated captions](https://github.com/algolia/youtube-captions-scraper)
### Example
#### save as txt
`dl-youtube-cc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgnigj1ngye --translation ja`
`dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --translation ja`
will saved as `Version1.5SpecialProgramGenshinImpact.txt`
#### save as json
`dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --translation ja --to_json=True` will saved as `Version1.5SpecialProgramGenshinImpact.json`
"original": [
"start": "0",
"dur": "5.056",
"text": "Once upon a time, two twins traveled together throughout the universe."
// continue
"translation": [
"start": "0",
"dur": "5.056",
"text": "昔々、2人の双子が一緒に宇宙を旅していました。"
// continue
"merged": [
"start": "0",
"dur": "5.056",
"text": "Once upon a time, two twins traveled together throughout the universe.",
"translate_text": "昔々、2人の双子が一緒に宇宙を旅していました。"
// continue
#### use caption_num caption_num_second to get full control
All available caption will be displayed, use `--caption_num` `--caption_num_second` to choose the caption which will be displayed as original or translation transcript.
>> dl-youtube-cc "wgNiGj1nGYE" --caption_num=0 --caption_num_second=3, --output_file="0,3-zh,es.txt"
INFO: available caption(s):
INFO: ✔ as original #0. .zh-Hant 中文(繁體字)
INFO: ⭕ #1. .zh-Hans 中文(簡體字)
INFO: ⭕ #2. .id 印尼文
INFO: ✔ as translation #3. .es 西班牙文
INFO: ⭕ #4. .fr 法文
INFO: ⭕ #5. .ru 俄文
INFO: ⭕ #6. .en-US 英文(美國)
INFO: ⭕ #7. .th 泰文
INFO: ⭕ #8. .vi 越南文
INFO: ⭕ #9. .pt 葡萄牙文
INFO: ⭕ #10. .de 德文
INFO: ✔ marks chosen one in 0-index
INFO: given by --caption_num default to 0 as original
INFO: Save to 0,3-zh,es.txt
## Install and Run
### Install via [download-youtube-subtitle · PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/download-youtube-subtitle/)
1. `pip install download-youtube-subtitle` or `pip install download-youtube-subtitle --user`
2. `dl-youtube-cc -h`
or uninstall to reinstall new version
`pip uninstall download-youtube-subtitle -y`
### run in cli
`dl-youtube-cc -h` will show the following.
dl-youtube-cc - download youtube closed caption(subtitles) by videoID
dl-youtube-cc VIDEOID <flags>
dl-youtube-cc -h # to see this helpful infomation
dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --translation 'ja' # use japanese translation, see ./lang_code for full list
dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --caption_num=1 --translation 'ja' # choose the caption num for original transcript and use japanese translation,
dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --caption_num=1 --caption_num_second=2 # manually choose the original and translation transcript from available caption list
dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --translation False # without translation
dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --save_to_file=False # print stuff in console
dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --output_file='test.txt' # print stuff in named file
dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --to_json=True # print stuff in json
Type: str
the video link or the id of youtube video, the string after 'v=' in a youtube video link
Type: typing.Union[str, bool]
Default: 'zh-Hans'
which will be displayed as original transcript, default to 'zh-Hans' for simplified Chinese, see ./lang_code.json for full list, or pass False to disable translation
Type: int
Default: 0
choose the caption which will be displayed as original transcript
Type: Optional[int]
Default: None
will surpass translation option, choose the caption which will be displayed as translation transcript
Type: Optional[str]
Default: None
default to video title
Type: bool
Default: True
pass False to print in console
Type: bool
Default: False
pass True to export caption to json
Type: bool
Default: True
remove font tag
### Use in Code
import download_youtube_subtitle.common as common
import download_youtube_subtitle.main as download_youtube_subtitle
# ...
## Development
### Environment Setup
[for conda](./config/create-env.sh)
pip install 'fire' 'requests' 'IPython' 'sure'
### Usage
python main.py -h
python main.py VIDEOID
### Tests
cd tests
### Ref
[deployment - How can I use setuptools to generate a console_scripts entry point which calls `python -m mypackage`? - Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27784271/how-can-i-use-setuptools-to-generate-a-console-scripts-entry-point-which-calls)
[Packaging Python Projects — Python Packaging User Guide](http://packaging.python.org/tutorials/packaging-projects/)
`./nb/notebook2script.py` from [course-v3/nbs/dl2 at master · fastai/course-v3](https://github.com/fastai/course-v3/tree/master/nbs/dl2)
[Google Style Python Docstrings](https://gist.github.com/redlotus/3bc387c2591e3e908c9b63b97b11d24e#file-docstrings-py-L153)