# python-dotjson
## Installation
Sample usage:
pip install dotjson
## Introduction
If you want your application to derive configuration using a json file, To help you with that, you can add python-dotjson to your application to make it load the configuration from a settings.json file when it is present (e.g. in development) while remaining configurable via the environment variables.
Sample usage:
from dotjson import load_dotjson()
## Features
* Sets config vars to env vars
* Support for multiple settings.json files
* Lets you deserialize settings.json file to a Pydantic Model or Dictionary
* Auto picks the settings.json file from root directory
* Ability to load settings from stream
## load_dotjson
This method lets you flatten and load the settings.json file to env vars.
Load Env Vars from default settings.json
Load Env Vars using json path override
Load Env Vars using stream
settings_content = '{"apple":1,"mango":5,"fruit":{"units":["kg","pound"]}}'
Load Env Vars using multiple json paths
settings_paths = ["settings.json", "settings.dev.json"]
## dict_dotjson
This method lets you load a dictionary using the settings.json file.
Load dictionary from default settings.json
dict_output = dict_dotjson()
Load dictionary using json path override
dict_output = dict_dotjson(json_path="settings/settings.dev.json")
Load dictionary using stream
settings_content = '{"apple":1,"mango":5,"fruit":{"units":["kg","pound"]}}'
dict_output = dict_dotjson(stream=StringIO(settings_content))
Load dictionary using multiple json paths
settings_paths = ["settings.json", "settings.dev.json"]
dict_output = dict_dotjson(json_paths_list=settings_paths)
## model_dotjson
This method lets you load a pydantic model using the settings.json file.
Load dictionary from default settings.json
class fruit_model(BaseModel):
units: List[str]
class settings_model(BaseModel):
apple: int
mango: int
fruit: fruit_model
model_output = model_dotjson(settings_model)
Load dictionary using json path override
class fruit_model(BaseModel):
units: List[str]
class settings_model(BaseModel):
apple: int
mango: int
fruit: fruit_model
model_output = model_dotjson(settings_model, json_path="settings/settings.dev.json")
Load dictionary using stream
class fruit_model(BaseModel):
units: List[str]
class settings_model(BaseModel):
apple: int
mango: int
fruit: fruit_model
settings_content = '{"apple":1,"mango":5,"fruit":{"units":["kg","pound"]}}'
model_output = model_dotjson(settings_model, stream=StringIO(settings_content))
Load dictionary using multiple json paths
class fruit_model(BaseModel):
units: List[str]
class settings_model(BaseModel):
apple: int
mango: int
fruit: fruit_model
settings_paths = ["settings.json", "settings.dev.json"]
model_output = model_dotjson(settings_model, json_paths_list=settings_paths)
## Inspired by
* python-dotjson: https://github.com/theskumar/python-dotenv
## References
* poetry: https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry
* gitversion: https://github.com/GitTools/GitVersion
* Pydantic: https://github.com/samuelcolvin/pydantic