# DortSolver Python API
(absolute insanity)
Using [dort](https://github.com/discord-trollering)'s API, which you can purchase at [discord.gg/dort-captcha](https://discord.gg/dort-captcha).
Now also featuring Dort's tempmail services! You can purchase it at [discord.gg/emails](https://discord.gg/emails).
## Quick, bad documentation
### Installation
$ pip install dort
### Solve FunCaptcha
from dort.captcha import FuncaptchaTask
funcapSolver = FuncaptchaTask(
apiKey="your api key", # Your DortSolver API key.
publicKey="B7D8911C-5CC8-A9A3-35B0-554ACEE604DA", # The Funcaptcha public key of the website you wish to solve on.
siteUrl="https://iframe.arkoselabs.com", # The URL of the site you are wishing to solve on (e.g. https://iframe.arkoselabs.com for outlook)
apiUrl="https://client-api.arkoselabs.com", # Optional. Defaults to https://client-api.arkoselabs.com/.
blob="blob", # Optional. Not needed for Outlook, or any other site I've tried besides ROBLOX.
### Solve HCaptcha
from dort.captcha import HCaptchaTask
hcapSolver = HCaptchaTask(
apiKey="your api key", # Your DortSolver API key.
publicKey="a5f74b19-9e45-40e0-b45d-47ff91b7a6c2", # The HCaptcha public key of the website you wish to solve on.
siteUrl="https://accounts.hcaptcha.com/demo/", # The URL of the site you are wishing to solve on
proxy="socks5://user:pass@host:port" # (Optional) Your proxy URL. Formatted as protocol://user:pass@host:port
### Solve ReCaptchaV3 (DEPRECATED!!)
from dort.captcha import ReCaptchaV3Task
recapSolver = ReCaptchaV3Task(
apiKey="your api key",
### DortGen Email Example
from dort.mail import DortMail
from imap_tools import MailMessage
mail = DortMail("apiKey") # Replace with your API key.
print(mail.getTypes()) # Print out the currently available email types.
print(mail.getBalance()) # Print out your current balance.
dortMail = mail.purchaseMails(type=1, amount=1)[0] # Returns an array of type DortMailAddress.
x: MailMessage # This is included with the imap_tools library, used for fetching emails.
for x in dortMail.getMailbox(): # Get the entire mailbox
print(x.subject) # Print out the subject of the message.
x: MailMessage
for x in address.getEmailsFromSender("noreply@discord.com"): # This will do the same as above, but only show emails from a specific address.
You can also simply login to any outlook/hotmail email address and check it with this API, but it's essentially wrapping a pre-existing IMAP library, so it may be in your best interest to instead just use that. You can find said IMAP library [here](https://pypi.org/project/imap-tools/).
from dort.mail import DortMailAddress
from imap_tools import MailMessage
address = DortMailAddress("stevemolon75353@outlook.com", "L3yf$DortGen") # Login to account with email and password
x: MailMessage # This is included with the imap_tools library, used for fetching emails.
for x in dortMail.getMailbox(): # Get the entire mailbox
print(x.subject) # Print out the subject of the message.