# Parser
Dora's [parser](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsing) and [transpiler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source-to-source_compiler) tool for some big data **SQL** dialects, based on [Mozilla SQL Parser](https://github.com/mozilla/moz-sql-parser) project.
## Getting Started
An application that will translate source code from a given language (**Impala**, **Spark**, **Hive**, **Presto** and **Athena**) and produce equivalent code in another language that has a similar level of abstraction.
## Installation
To install dora-parser if you has _pandas_ and _seaborn_ on your machine, use
pip install dora-parser
otherwise you can use
pip install dora-parser pandas seaborn
## Usage
### Translate **Query**
I. Import Modules
from dora_parser.parser import Parser
from dora_parser.transpiler import Transpiler
II. Generate the parse `tree` from `query`
tree = Parser(query)
Where `query` have the following value:
WITH t1 as (select now() att_day)
, 1 , 'Monday'
, 2 , 'Tuesday'
, 3 , 'Wednesday'
, 4 , 'Thursday'
, 5 , 'Friday'
, 6 , 'Saturday'
, 7 , 'Sunday'
, 'Unknown day') "Day of week"
, TRUNC(MONTHS_ADD(att_day,2),'SYEAR') as "Trunc SYEAR"
, TRUNC(MONTHS_ADD(att_day,2),'YEAR') as "Trunc YEAR"
FROM t1;
creates the tree object as shown below:
"select": [
"value": {"decode": [
{"dayofweek": "att_day"},1,
{"literal": "Monday"},2,
{"literal": "Tuesday"},3,
{"literal": "Wednesday"},4,
{"literal": "Thursday"},5,
{"literal": "Friday"},6,
{"literal": "Saturday"},7,
{"literal": "Sunday"},
{"literal": "Unknown day"}]},
"name": "Day of week"},
"value": {"trunc": [{"months_add": ["att_day",2]},{"literal": "SYEAR"}]},
"name": "Trunc SYEAR"
"value": {"trunc": [{"months_add": ["att_day",2]},{"literal": "YEAR"}]},
"name": "Trunc YEAR"
"from": "t1",
"with": {
"name": "t1",
"value": {
"select": {
"value": {"now": {}},
"name": "att_day"}}
III. Translate the `tree` object from your original SQL Dialect (*impala*) to the new one (*spark*)
transpiler = Transpiler(from_dialect='impala', to_dialect='spark')
result, errors = transpiler.translate(tree)
the `result` value will be like
WITH t1 AS (SELECT NOW() AS att_day)
WHEN DAYOFWEEK(att_day) = 1 THEN 'Monday'
WHEN DAYOFWEEK(att_day) = 2 THEN 'Tuesday'
WHEN DAYOFWEEK(att_day) = 3 THEN 'Wednesday'
WHEN DAYOFWEEK(att_day) = 4 THEN 'Thursday'
WHEN DAYOFWEEK(att_day) = 5 THEN 'Friday'
WHEN DAYOFWEEK(att_day) = 6 THEN 'Saturday'
WHEN DAYOFWEEK(att_day) = 7 THEN 'Sunday'
ELSE 'Unknown day'
END AS `Day of week`
, TRUNC(att_day + INTERVAL 2 MONTHS, 'YEAR') AS `Trunc YEAR`
You can also have access to a list with information about any `errors`, as well as where they occur.
In this example, The `TRUNC` function in **Spark** only works with a few data formats, so you can not use it with "*SYEAR*"
"trunc": "MEDIUM:20:[{'add': ['att_day', {'interval': [2,'MONTHS']}]}, {'literal': 'SYEAR'}]"
Information about the errors will also appear in the output log.
dora_parser 2021-08-12 17:24:24,650 WARNING _TRUNC_ Spark
data formats:['YEAR', 'YYYY', 'YY', 'QUARTER', 'MONTH', 'MM', 'MON', 'WEEK']
dora_parser 2021-08-12 17:24:24,650 WARNING resolve trunc NotImplemented:
#### Translate **Script**
Are considered an *script* any type of *string* with **multiple SQL statements**
I. Import Module
``` py
from dora_parser.reader import Reader
II. Translate
INSERT INTO t.customer SELECT DCEIL(p_sale) FROM Customers;
SELECT staff_id, staff_name, CHAR_LENGTH(staff_name) AS lengthofname, COUNT(*) order_count
FROM sales.orders
WHERE YEAR(order_date) = 2021
GROUP BY staff_id;
reader = Reader(from_dialect='impala',to_dialect='athena')
result, errors, n_queries = reader.translate_script(script)
Give you as `result`
INSERT INTO t.customer SELECT CEIL(p_sale) FROM Customers;
SELECT staff_id, staff_name, LENGTH(staff_name) AS lengthofname,
COUNT(*) AS order_count
FROM sales.orders
WHERE YEAR(order_date) = 2021
GROUP BY staff_id;
III. Generate a summary list (*optional*)
summary = reader.create_summary(errors, n_queries)
value for `summary` variable:
{"N_queries": 3},
{"Success": 2},
{"Failed": {"HARD": 1}},
{"Er_types": ["compute stats"]}
#### Translate multiple **Files**
I. Import Module
``` python
from dora_parser.reader import Reader
II. Translate
``` py
dir_impala = 'scrpits/impala/'
dir_spark = 'scripts/spark'
reader = Reader(from_dialect='impala', to_dialect='spark', input_dir =dir_impala,output_dir=dir_spark)
The translated files will be saved to folders in the output directory according to the result of the translation.
If you don't specify the output directory, the resulting folders will be in the input directory.
III. Generate a migration report (*optional*)
You can also have access to a report in HTML with an overview of the result of migration process.
To do this, set the **migration_report** argument equal to True".
``` python
reader = Reader(from_dialect='impala', to_dialect='spark', input_dir =dir_impala,output_dir=dir_spark, migration_report=True)
IV. Generate a summary (optional)
If you want to access a summary dictionary of the migration process, set the **summary_dict** argument equal to True, as in the example below:
reader = Reader(from_dialect='impala', to_dialect='spark', input_dir =dir_impala,output_dir=dir_spark)
"Input_dir": "/scripts/impala",
"From_dialect": "impala",
"To_dialect": "spark",
"Sucess_files": 3,
"Failed_files": 1,
"Files": {
"row_benchmark.sql": [
{"N_queries": 7},
{"Success": 7},
{"Failed": {}},
{"Er_types": []}],
"customer_facts.sql": [
{"N_queries": 12},
{"Success": 12},
{"Failed": {}},
{"Er_types": []}],
"document.sh": [
{"N_queries": 1},
{"Success": 1},
{"Failed": {}},
{"Er_types": []}],
"orches.sql": [
{"N_queries": 9},
{"Success": 5},
{"Failed": {"HARD": 3}},
{"Er_types": ["create role", "appx_median", "parser"]}]
## Error Types
+ `Parser`: Errors when generating the tree structure.
+ `Transpiler`: Unimplemented functions and their levels of complexity.
+ `Statement`: Commands that are not capable of being reproduced, since there are no equivalent in the target language.
## Supported Languages
+ Apache Impala 2.12
+ Hive 3.12
+ Spark 3.1
+ Presto 0.217
## Getting Help
We use GitHub [issues](https://github.com/doraproject/parser/issues) for tracking [bugs](https://github.com/doraproject/parser/labels/bug), [questions](https://github.com/doraproject/parser/labels/question) and [feature requests](https://github.com/doraproject/parser/labels/enhancement).
## Contributing
Please read through this [contributing](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) document to get start and before submitting any issues or pull requests to ensure we have all the necessary information to effectively respond to your contribution.
[Dora Project](https://github.com/doraproject) is a recent open-source project based on technology developed at [Compasso UOL](https://compassouol.com/)