`dolmen.forms.base` is a package in charge of providing basic
functionalities to work with `zeam.form` Forms.
From the form to the field
``dolmen.forms.base`` provides few functions dedicated to the task of
applying dict datas to object fields and to trigger events in order to
inform handlers of the updates
Applying values
We create our test model::
>>> from zope.schema import TextLine, Choice
>>> from zope.interface import Interface, implements
>>> class ICaveman(Interface):
... name = TextLine(title=u'a name')
... weapon = Choice(title=u'a weapon',
... values=[u'none', u'a club', u'a spear'])
>>> class Neanderthal(object):
... implements(ICaveman)
... def __init__(self):
... self.name = u"no name"
... self.weapon = u"none"
>>> moshe = Neanderthal()
>>> moshe.name
u'no name'
>>> moshe.weapon
We can now use the first function, `set_fields_data`. It takes the
fields list, extracted thanks to the `Fields` collection, the content
and the data dictionnary. The result of this call is a dictionnary,
with the interface in which the field is defined and the field
identifier as a value::
>>> from dolmen.forms.base import Fields, set_fields_data
>>> fields = Fields(ICaveman)
>>> for field in fields: print field
<TextLineField a name>
<ChoiceField a weapon>
>>> data = {u'name': u'Grok', u'weapon': u'a club'}
>>> changes = set_fields_data(fields, moshe, data)
>>> print changes
{<InterfaceClass __builtin__.ICaveman>: [u'weapon', u'name']}
>>> moshe.name
>>> moshe.weapon
u'a club'
Values of the data dict can contain markers, to warn of a possible
special case : the value is missing or there are no changes. In these
two cases, the value assignation is skipped::
>>> from dolmen.forms.base import NO_VALUE, NO_CHANGE
>>> data = {u'name': NO_VALUE, u'weapon': NO_CHANGE}
>>> changes = set_fields_data(fields, moshe, data)
>>> print changes
Generating changes Attributes for events
One advantage of generating a dict of changes is that you can trigger
event that are aware of a certain format of changes. The
IObjectModifiedEvent, for exemple, uses the changes log to trigger the
reindexation of the modified fields. The function `notify_changes` is
dedicated to notifying a given event of the applied changes. It takes
the content, the changes dict and an event as arguments. If the event
argument is omitted, ObjectModifiedEvent is used by default.
We first generate a changes dict::
>>> data = {u'name': u'Grok', u'weapon': u'a club'}
>>> changes = set_fields_data(fields, moshe, data)
>>> print changes
{<InterfaceClass __builtin__.ICaveman>: [u'weapon', u'name']}
We can now set a logger for the IObjectModifiedEvent, in order to
check if the changes are being broadcasted::
>>> from zope.component import adapter, provideHandler
>>> from zope.lifecycleevent import IObjectModifiedEvent
>>> from zope.event import subscribers
>>> logger = []
>>> @adapter(ICaveman, IObjectModifiedEvent)
... def changes_broadcasted(content, event):
... logger.append(event.descriptions)
>>> provideHandler(changes_broadcasted)
We can now feed it to the function::
>>> from dolmen.forms.base import notify_changes
>>> change_log = notify_changes(moshe, changes)
The logger must have been trigged. We can check its value::
>>> logger
[(<zope.lifecycleevent.Attributes object at ...>,)]
>>> for attrs in logger[0]:
... print attrs.interface, attrs.attributes
<InterfaceClass __builtin__.ICaveman> (u'weapon', u'name')
Field update event
`dolmen.forms.base` also proposes the definition of a new component that
can be used to atomize the updating process of an object: `IFieldUpdate`.
To demonstrate this `IFieldUpdate`, we are going to implement a simple
usecase where we instanciate a content, change a value and notify the
`IFieldUpdate` components. For that, we'll use a basic logger object::
>>> logger = []
Once this is done, we can define two `IFieldUpdate` components. We
implement them as named adapters. We'll retrieve them thanks to a
"getAdapters" call::
>>> from zope.interface import implementer
>>> from dolmen.forms.base import IFieldUpdate
>>> @implementer(IFieldUpdate)
... @adapter(TextLine, ICaveman)
... def updated_title(field, context):
... if field.__name__ == u"name":
... logger.append('Name updated on %r with `%s`' %
... (context, getattr(context, field.__name__)))
>>> @implementer(IFieldUpdate)
... @adapter(TextLine, Interface)
... def updated_textfield(field, context):
... logger.append('A text field has been updated')
The components need to be named since they are adapters: we don't want
them to override each other. For the example, we want them both. let's
register them::
>>> from zope.component import provideAdapter
>>> provideAdapter(updated_title, name="updatetitle")
>>> provideAdapter(updated_textfield, name="updatetext")
Now, we develop the small scenarii : we instanciate a Content,
add a value for the `name` attribute and call the adapters::
>>> manfred = Neanderthal()
>>> manfred.name = u"Manfred the Mighty"
>>> from zope.component import getAdapters
>>> adapters = getAdapters((ICaveman['name'], manfred), IFieldUpdate)
>>> for adapter in adapters:
... # We run through the generator
... pass
>>> for line in logger: print line
Name updated on <Neanderthal object at ...> with `Manfred the Mighty`
A text field has been updated
The form model
``dolmen.forms.base`` provides a form baseclass defining several
useful methods and overriding some default behavior from
>>> from zope.interface import implementedBy
>>> from dolmen.forms.base import ApplicationForm
The provided component, `ApplicationForm`, inherits from the base
``zeam.form`` components and implements some extra methods, allowing
it to fit into your application, such as `flash`, to emit messages
to given sources. It's also layout aware::
>>> for interface in implementedBy(ApplicationForm):
... print interface
<InterfaceClass grokcore.layout.interfaces.IPage>
<InterfaceClass zeam.form.base.interfaces.ISimpleForm>
<InterfaceClass zeam.form.base.interfaces.ISimpleFormCanvas>
<InterfaceClass zeam.form.base.interfaces.IGrokViewSupport>
<InterfaceClass zeam.form.base.interfaces.IFormData>
<InterfaceClass zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserPage>
<InterfaceClass zope.browser.interfaces.IBrowserView>
<InterfaceClass zope.location.interfaces.ILocation>
As ``zeam.form`` uses Chameleon as a template engine, it is import we
are able to compute the current request locale, in order to get the
right translation environment::
>>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> from zope import site
>>> from zope.location import Location
>>> from zope.location.interfaces import IRoot
>>> from zope.interface import implements
>>> class MyApp(Location, site.SiteManagerContainer):
... implements(IRoot)
... __name__ = ''
>>> item = MyApp()
>>> sm = site.LocalSiteManager(item)
>>> item.setSiteManager(sm)
>>> form = ApplicationForm(item, request)
>>> print form.i18nLanguage
>>> request = TestRequest(environ={'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE': "en,fr"})
>>> form = ApplicationForm(item, request)
>>> print form.i18nLanguage
Further more, the `ApplicationForm` overrides the ``extractData``
method from the ``zeam.form`` Form in order to compute the interfaces
>>> from grokcore.site.interfaces import IApplication
>>> from zope.interface import alsoProvides
>>> from zope.component.hooks import setSite
>>> setSite(item)
>>> alsoProvides(item, IApplication)
>>> form.application_url()
Declaring the invariants
>>> from zope.schema import Password
>>> from zope.interface import invariant, Interface
>>> from zope.interface.exceptions import Invalid
>>> class IPasswords(Interface):
... passwd = Password(
... title=u"Password",
... description=u"Type the password.",
... required=True)
... verify = Password(
... title=u"Password checking",
... description=u"Retype the password.",
... required=True)
... @invariant
... def check_pass(data):
... if data.passwd != data.verify:
... raise Invalid(u"Mismatching passwords!")
>>> from zeam.form.base import Fields
>>> from grokcore.component import testing
>>> class MyForm(ApplicationForm):
... ignoreContent = True
... ignoreRequest = False
... fields = Fields(IPasswords)
Default behavior
>>> form = MyForm(item, request)
>>> form.update()
>>> form.updateForm()
>>> data, errors = form.extractData()
>>> print data
{'passwd': <Marker NO_VALUE>, 'verify': <Marker NO_VALUE>}
>>> for error in errors:
... print error.title
Missing required value.
Missing required value.
There were errors.
>>> for error in form.formErrors:
... print error.title
There were errors.
Errors computing
>>> post = TestRequest(form = {'form.field.passwd': u'test',
... 'form.field.verify': u'fail'})
>>> form = MyForm(item, post)
>>> form.update()
>>> form.updateForm()
>>> data, errors = form.extractData()
>>> print data
{'passwd': u'test', 'verify': u'fail'}
The returned error is a collection of Error components. Using the form
prefix as an identifier, it logically wraps all the errors created by
the invariants validation::
>>> for error in form.formErrors:
... print error.title
Mismatching passwords!
>>> form.errors.get(form.prefix) == form.formErrors[0]
Mixed Fields
There are two types of fields, one from ``zeam.form.base``, the other
from ``zope.schema``. They are both useable in a form, separately or
>>> from zeam.form.base import Field
>>> from dolmen.forms.base import Fields
>>> class MixedForm(ApplicationForm):
... ignoreContent = True
... ignoreRequest = False
... fields = Fields(IPasswords) + Field(u'Name')
>>> mixedform = MixedForm(item, post)
>>> mixedform.update()
>>> [x.title for x in mixedform.fields]
[u'Password', u'Password checking', u'Name']
>>> mixedform.updateForm()
>>> data, errors = mixedform.extractData()
>>> print form.formErrors
[<Error Mismatching passwords!>]
>>> for error in form.formErrors:
... print error.title
Mismatching passwords!
1.2.1 (2014-11-20)
* Updated the 'application_url' method to work with the latest changes in
the ``grokcore`` stack. Also updated the versions in the standalone buildout.
1.2 (2014-11-18)
* Added the `application_url` and `flash` methods to forms.
This implied the use of ``grokcore.site``, now a dependency.
1.1 (2014-06-18)
* `grokcore.layout` took the place of `megrok.layout`. All imports and
tests were changed accordingly.
1.0 (2012-10-24)
* Fixed the new dependencies and changes in the related packages.
1.0b3 (2010-10-27)
* Util method ``set_fields_data`` now makes sure that, even if a data
entry doesn't have a corresponding field, it doesn't raise an error,
as it was supposed to do.
1.0b2 (2010-10-20)
* Both ``zeam.form`` and ``zope.schema`` Fields are useable in a Form,
now. The changes have been made in the inline validation, to take
care of both types.
* Now we are using formErrors from ``zeam.form.base`` Form instead of our
own formError method.
* The `InvariantsValidation` is now declared thanks to the
``dataValidators`` mechanism introduces by ``zeam.form.base`` 1.0.
* The package is now tested under Grok 1.2.
1.0b1 (2010-06-25)
* The package now uses the latest version of ``zeam.form.base``, that
separates the `extractData` from the `validateData`. It allows to
validate invariants in a cleaner way, without overriding generic
* The DeprecationWarning in invariants validation is gone. It now uses
the representation of the exception and no longer the `message`
* The package now exposes the base ``zeam.form`` markers.
1.0a2 (2010-06-25)
* `ApplicationForm` now validates interfaces invariants.
* `ApplicationForm` is now localized, since it provides a contextual
i18nLanguage attribute.
* Added tests
1.0a1 (2010-06-02)
* Added a base Form model : `ApplicationForm`
* ``dolmen.forms.base`` no longer uses ``z3c.form`` but is now based
on the ``zeam.form`` Form framework
* Added several helpers functions, to extract changes Attributes and
notify events
* Added tests
0.1 (2009-10-25)
* Initial release