The package ```` is an extension for `Dolmen`
applications, allowing a basic management of alternative views.
In a CMS, it's often very useful to be able to design and provide several
views for a single item. These views can be relevant, according to a given
context and situation. `` allows you to define a
view as being an "alternate" option to render a given context. A menu then
provides you the machinery to select the most relevant view for your
A quick overview
To know that a component can provide alternative views, we need to
explicitly specify it. An interface defines the "selector" capability::
>>> from import IViewSelector
>>> list(IViewSelector)
>>> IViewSelector['selected_view']
The IViewSelector interface defines a single field, known as
'selected_view'. The field value is merely the name of the Page
component currently used::
>>> IViewSelector['selected_view'].default
Out of the box, the default value is set to 'base_view'.
Defining the content
To demonstrate the alternative views, we first need a context that is
aware of the views selection::
>>> from zope.location import Location
>>> from zope.interface import implements
>>> class Bear(Location):
... implements(IViewSelector)
... selected_view = u"sleeping"
We defined the default view to the view named "sleeping".
Defining alternate views
The alternative views are 'pages' (see ``megrok.layout`` and
````) that are registered onto a dedicated menu.
To define an alternative view, we inherit from the ``AlternativeView``
base class::
>>> import grokcore.view as grok
>>> from grokcore.component import testing
>>> from import AlternativeView
>>> class Sleeping(AlternativeView):
... grok.context(Bear)
... grok.title("Sleeping bear")
... def render(self):
... return u"RRrrr..."
>>> testing.grok_component('sleeping', Sleeping)
The "sleeping" view that we defined as a default value for our IViewSelector
is now defined and registered. Let's register 2 other views, to populate
the menu and provide a "realistic" usecase::
>>> class PolarFur(AlternativeView):
... grok.context(Bear)
... grok.title("Polar bear")
... def render(self):
... return u"I'm white !"
>>> testing.grok_component('polar', PolarFur)
>>> class SpringFur(AlternativeView):
... grok.context(Bear)
... grok.title("Spring bear")
... grok.require("dolmen.content.Edit")
... def render(self):
... return u"I'm brown !"
>>> testing.grok_component('spring', SpringFur)
Default dynamic index
In order to render the selected view, another view is used. We may call it a
"routing" view, as it's used to lookup and render the desired component.
We first need to instance the two needed components, the content and
the request ::
>>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
>>> herman = Bear()
>>> request = TestRequest()
The content provides IViewSelector, the interface for which the "routing"
view is registered::
>>> IViewSelector.providedBy(herman)
The "routing" view is by convention called "index" and can be looked up
as a basic view::
>>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
>>> index = getMultiAdapter((herman, request), name="index")
>>> index
This view, when rendered, will look up and render the view named as the
`selected_view` attribute, registered for the same content and request::
>>> herman.selected_view
>>> index.render()
If we set a different value for the `selected_view` attribute, the looked up
view changes accordingly::
>>> herman.selected_view = u"polarfur"
>>> index.render()
u"I'm white !"
>>> herman.selected_view = u"springfur"
>>> index.render()
u"I'm brown !"
If the view doesn't exist, a base message is returned::
>>> herman.selected_view = u"nothing"
>>> index.render()
u'The selected view is not a valid IPage component.'
Applying the view via the User interface
The selected view can be chosen from a list of available alternative view.
This choice is made via a menu, for which the views are registered.
Let's render the menu, to have a look at its structure.
Before we can get a functional menu, which requires a located content, we need
to persist our content in a functional site::
>>> from zope.component.hooks import getSite
>>> site = getSite()
>>> herman = site['herman'] = herman
>>> herman.__name__
The content located, we can instanciate the menu. The menu is handled by
```` and is a ``zope.browsermenu.IBrowserMenu`` component.
A viewlet is registered in order to render this menu is a conventional way::
>>> baseview = Sleeping(herman, request)
>>> from import AboveBody
>>> from import SelectableViews
>>> manager = AboveBody(herman, request, baseview)
>>> menu = SelectableViews(herman, request, baseview, manager)
The alternate views do use a security declaration and therefore, we need to
login as a particular user, to test the rendering. Here, the `SpringFur`
view requires the `dolmen.content.Edit` permission.
Let's login as a used that doesn't have this permission granted::
>>> login('zope.user')
When rendering the menu, the `SpringFur` component will, therefore,
be omitted::
>>> menu.update()
>>> print menu.render()
<dl id="selectable-views" class="additional-actions">
<dt>Content display</dt>
<ul class="menu">
<li class="entry">
<a href=""
title="Sleeping bear">Sleeping bear</a>
<li class="entry">
<a href=""
title="Polar bear">Polar bear</a>
>>> logout()
If we now log in with a user with the right permission granted, we see
that the component is correctly included::
>>> login('zope.mgr')
>>> menu.update()
>>> print menu.render()
<dl id="selectable-views" class="additional-actions">
<dt>Content display</dt>
<ul class="menu">
<li class="entry">
<a href=""
title="Sleeping bear">Sleeping bear</a>
<li class="entry">
<a href=""
title="Polar bear">Polar bear</a>
<li class="entry">
<a href=""
title="Spring bear">Spring bear</a>
>>> logout()
The menu above exposes the view 'viewselector', registered for a
IViewSelector content. This view is the component that effectively
changes the `selected_view` attribute to the clicked value.
Let's simulate a click to test that view. The current value of the
`selected_view` attribute is inconsistant::
>>> herman.selected_view
We want it changed to something existing, like the `PolarFur` view::
>>> request = TestRequest(form={'name': u'polarfur'})
>>> handler = getMultiAdapter((herman, request), name="viewselector")
>>> handler
< ...>
Logged in as an admin user, we can apply the selected view::
>>> login('zope.mgr', request)
>>> handler()
The view redirects you to the base view of the content. The value is
now changed::
>>> herman.selected_view
0.2.1 (2010-05-31)
- Fixed the egg dist, by removing the zip-safe flag.
0.2 (2010-03-26)
- Fixed missing MANIFEST.
0.1 (2010-03-25)
- Initial release.