# Dokter: the doctor for your Dockerfiles
The objective of `dokter` is to make your Dockerfiles better, it will make sure that your Dockerfiles:
- build secure images
- build smaller images
- build faster
- follow best practices
- are pretty formatted
## Rules information
For an overview of the rules see: [rules](docs/overview.md)
## DevOps lifecycle
Typically, a CI/CD pipeline consists of roughly the following steps:
- lint code
- build Docker image
- run tests in Docker image
- scan image for vulnerabilities (hopefully)
- push image to registry
- deploy image
`Dokter` fits into the first stage and aims to prevent building an image that exposes credentials or contains
vulnerabilities, which at the bare minimum saves CI/CD minutes.
Separate processes like container registry scanning will also run, but they may run only after an image has been pushed,
potentially already exposing a vulnerable image to the public.
## Video explaining Dokter
<figure class="video_container">
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8aKScUQjMWY" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
## What makes Dokter special?
Good question, `Dokter` is the byproduct of a much bigger effort,
[GitLab AI Assist](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/incubation/ai-assist/), as a first starting point,
Dockerfiles were chosen. A parser was developed to fully parse Dockerfiles in a format that is designed for machine
learning. In order to train ML models, there is a need to create a large, rich dataset and in order to do that a good
analysis of Dockerfiles is needed. Hence, the creation of `Dokter`. It will start improving your Dockerfiles from day 1
but will become much more powerful in the future, eventually it will automatically create Dockerfiles for you.
## No telemetry
No worries, your Dockerfiles remain private, `Dokter` won't share any telemetry with GitLab, perhaps at some point in
time when machine learning models would benefit from user feedback, the option to provide anonymous feedback may be,
with plenty of user awareness and opt-in, introduced.
## Dynamic parser
The parser behind `Dokter` has been designed with data and ML in mind, it supports parsing of all Docker instructions
and adds support for comments, both actual comments and commented out code.
The parser also supports dynamic analysis, it's context aware, example:
COPY . /app
If a static analysis was performed, it would approve the above instruction, `Dokter` however will actually list the
files that are in `.` and analyze them against known files to contain credentials, but also filter against your
`.dockerignore` file.
## Usage
There are a couple of ways you can use `Dokter`:
- Local
It is suggested to always use both, but at least run it where you are actually building and publishing your images.
### Local usage
You will need to install `Dokter` from `pip`
pip install dokter
# Or from GitLab
pip install --upgrade dokter --extra-index-url https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/36078023/packages/pypi/simple
dokter -d path/to/Dockerfile
If you want more information you can either run it in verbose mode or ask to explain a specific rule
# Explain rule dfa001
dokter -e dfa001
# Run in verbose mode (this will be a lot of text)
dokter -v -d path/to/Dockerfile
You can also use docker:
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/incubation-engineering/ai-assist/dokter/dokter:latest dokter -d docter.Dockerfile
### Dockerfile formatting and auto-correction
`Dokter` is capable of creating a pretty formatted Dockerfile, as well as autocorrecting some errors found by the
analyzer. It can either show `-s` or write `-w` the file, in case of writing it will overwrite the given Dockerfile, so
it's easier to review and commit changes.
Shell commands will be analyzed using [ShellCheck](http://shellcheck.net) and where possible an error will be corrected
dokter -d Dockerfile -w
In case of showing, `Dokter` will first output the analysis report followed by the Dockerfile, at this moment it will
output a file with some errors corrected but not all.
dokter -d Dockerfile -s
You can also combine `-s` and `-w` to both show and write the Dockerfile.
### CI/CD
Usage in GitLab CI example:
image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/incubation-engineering/ai-assist/dokter/dokter:latest
stage: lint
- dokter -d Dockerfile
### GitLab Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
To output the result of `dokter` to the GitLab security overview, simply run with the `--sast` flag. In a future release
, support for remediation's will be added.
### GitLab Code Quality
To use the output in GitLab code quality you can use below as an example:
image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/incubation-engineering/ai-assist/dokter/dokter:latest
stage: lint
- dokter -d dokter.Dockerfile --gitlab-codequality
name: "$CI_JOB_NAME artifacts from $CI_PROJECT_NAME on $CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG"
expire_in: 1 day
when: always
- "dokter-$CI_COMMIT_SHA.json"
- "dokter-$CI_COMMIT_SHA.json"
### Automatic merge requests with resolutions
Below is an example where `Dokter` is used to analyze a Dockerfile and autocorrect it, the output is then committed to a
new branch with the following name structure `dokter/<source_branch_name>` and a merge request will be created and
assigned to the user that started the pipeline.
image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/incubation-engineering/ai-assist/dokter/dokter:latest
stage: lint
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh && echo "$DOKTER_SSH_KEY" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa && chmod -R 700 ~/.ssh
- dokter -d $DOKTER_DOCKERFILE --gitlab-codequality -w
- bash /create-mr.sh
name: "$CI_JOB_NAME artifacts from $CI_PROJECT_NAME on $CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG"
expire_in: 1 day
when: always
- "dokter-$CI_COMMIT_SHA.json"
- "dokter-$CI_COMMIT_SHA.json"
# Very important to prevent a loop :-)
- if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME !~ /^dokter/ && $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"
### Gotcha's
Below are some subjects that could raise questions, errors.
#### Jinja templating
Jinja is ignored, what will happen is, the templated lines will get ignored and the Docker instructions
will be parsed.
FROM scratch
{% if something %} # This line will be considered empty
RUN echo "some command" # This line will be parsed
{% endif %} # This line will be considered empty
#### Here strings (EOF)
At this moment if you have a `here string` in your bash command, the Dockerfile will fail, it can not be parsed. Support
will be added in the future.