# Docker volume dump
A tool to help archive data from container running in a docker container.
* Database backup support for Postgresql, Mysql/Mariadb: it create a backup in the container through docker API, then retrieves data to save
it in a proper place.
* `rsync` volume data: it introspect container and rsync all declared `local volume` and `bind` mount points.
> **note**: at the moment it's not possible to backup a database and rsync those volumes.
## Usage
### Using docker
docker run registry.gitlab.com/micro-entreprise/docker-volume-dump archive --help
For instance if you want to create dumps from different postgresql container in a docker swarm environment this would looks likes:
docker service create \
-d \
--mode global \
--name pgsql-dumps \
--restart-condition none \
--mount type=bind,src=/path-to-dump-storage/,dst=/backups \
--mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock \
--mount type=bind,src=/path-to-config-directory/,dst=/etc/archiver \
--network sentry_internal \
--with-registry-auth registry.gitlab.com/micro-entreprise/docker-volume-dump \
archive -f /etc/archiver/logging.json -r -s '{"label": ["docker-volume-dump.project='$PROJECT'","docker-volume-dump.environment='$ENVIRONMENT'"]}'
This script require access to the docker daemon to query docker labels.
It must be launched on each host using `--mode global`.
### Using python
pip install docker-volume-dump
archive --help
## Configuration
The main idea is to tell the container how to manage its backups using docker
labels, you can set following labels.
> You can use a custom prefix if you like so using `ARCHIVER_LABEL_PREFIX`
> env variable. For instance if you set `ARCHIVER_LABEL_PREFIX=archiver` it
> would expect labels likes `archiver.isactive` instead of the default
> `docker-volume-dump.isactive`.
- **docker-volume-dump.driver**: Optional (`pgsql` by default) kind of data to
dump (could be one of `pgsql`, `mysql`, `rsync`). Only one value supported by
> **Note**: `mysql` driver is working for mariadb as well
- **docker-volume-dump.isactive**: Takes no value. Used by the default selector
to determine if the Archiver backups are enabled on the container.
- **docker-volume-dump.project**: A project name (the container name if not set)
- **docker-volume-dump.environment**: An environment (staging, production, ...)
- **docker-volume-dump.prefix**: A prefix for the dump file
### Database labels (`pgsql`/`mysql`)
- **docker-volume-dump.dbname**: Required, the database name to dump.
- **docker-volume-dump.username**: DB role used to dump the database.
Required with `mysql`, fallback to `postgres` if not set for `pgsql`.
- **docker-volume-dump.password**: DB password used to dump the db.
Required with `mysql`, not use with `pgsql` driver
This will generate a file in a tree likes
### `rsync` labels
> **note**: I've chosen to *rsync* data first because *tar/gzip*
> *rdiff-backup* failed to compress data if other programs write content
> at the same time. My flow is something like *data* -> *rsync* ->
> *rdiff-backup* -> *tar/gzip* -> s3
- **docker-volume-dump.rsync-params**: params to add to rsync command
predifined (hardcoded) params are `rsync -avhP --delete`
- **docker-volume-dump.ro-volumes**: If set to one of those values
`["yes", "true", "t", "1"]` (not case sensitive) rsync read-only
volumes as well for the given container.
This will generate a director per declared volume/bind
`<project>/[<environment>/][<prefix>]<computed folder name>`
Computed folder name is based on the path inside the container where
slash (`/`) are replaced per dash (`-`). ie:
- Project: test
- Environment: dev
- prefix: `rsynced_`
- volume declare as `-v /some/path/on/host/machine:/path/to/data`
- volume declare as `-v named-volume:/other/data`
> **note**: if archiver is running inside a container where host
> filesystem is mounted in `/hostfs` mind to use `--host-fs /hostfs`
> option.
Would produce:
* /backups/test/dev/rsynced_path-to-data
* /backups/test/dev/rsynced_other-data
## Roadmap
- [ ] pgsql/mysql: support multiple base per DBMS
- [ ] pgsql/mysql: if dbname is not provide retreive db list to detect the DB to dump
- [ ] wondering if the way use to query docker labels is compliant with k8s
- [ ] In swarm investigate to launch only once container (not on each hosts)