Doc 484
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Generate PEP 484 type annotations from docstrings
``doc484`` provides a script to find type declarations within your docstrings and convert them to PEP 484 type comments. It supports the three major docstring conventions `numpy <http://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_numpy.html#example-numpy>`_, `google <http://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_google.html>`_, and `restructuredText (sphinx) <https://thomas-cokelaer.info/tutorials/sphinx/docstring_python.html#template-py-source-file>`_
Regardless of docstring convention you choose, the types declared within your docstrings should following the guidelines in `PEP 484 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/>`_, especially use of the `typing <https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html>`_ module, where necessary.
Why Use This?
If you answer affirmative to at least 2 of these, this project is probably for you:
- You're stuck supporting python 2.7, so you have to use type comments, instead of the type annotations supported in 3.5+
- Your projects have existing docstrings with types that are already mostly correct
- You find it easier to maintain and comprehend types specified alongside the description of an argument
.. code:: python
from typing import Optional
def maxlines(input, numlines=None):
Trim a string to a maximum number of lines.
input : str
numlines : Optional[int]
maximum number of lines
if numlines is None:
return input
return '\n'.join(input.split('\n')[:numlines])
After ``doc484``
.. code:: python
from typing import Optional
def maxlines(input, numlines=None):
# type: (str, Optional[int]) -> str
Trim a string to a maximum number of lines.
input : str
numlines : Optional[int]
maximum number of lines
if numlines is None:
return input
return '\n'.join(input.split('\n')[:numlines])
The file is now properly inspectable by mypy or PyCharm.
A more complex example demonstrates some of the added readability that comes from specifying types within your docstrings.
Below we use numpy format to document a generator of tuples:
.. code:: python
from typing import *
def itercount(input, char):
Iterate over input strings and yield a tuple of the string with `char`
removed, and the number of occurrences of `char`.
input : Iterable[str]
char : str
character to remove and count
stripped : str
input string with all occurrences of `char` removed
count : int
number of occurrences of `char`
for x in input:
yield x.strip(char), x.count(char)
After ``doc484``
.. code:: python
from typing import *
def itercount(input, char):
# type: (Iterable[str], str) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, int]]
Iterate over input strings and yield a tuple of the string with `char`
removed, and the number of occurrences of `char`.
input : Iterable[str]
char : str
character to remove and count
stripped : str
input string with all occurrences of `char` removed
count : int
number of occurrences of `char`
for x in input:
yield x.strip(char), x.count(char)
.. code::
pip install doc484
.. code::
doc484 -h
By default ``doc484`` will *not* modify files, instead it will print out a diff of what would be modified. When you're ready to make changes, add the ``--write`` flag.
Check the scripts directory for an example of how to automatically run ``doc484`` on modified files in your git or mercurial repository.
You can override any of the command line options using an ini-style configuration file.
By default, ``doc484`` looks for a setup.cfg file in the current working directory, but you can also provide a config explicitly using the ``--config`` option.
For example, to override the number of processes to use when converting, and specify the docstring format for the project, add this to your setup.cfg and run ``doc484`` from the directory where this config file resides:
.. code:: ini
processes = 12
format = numpy
- automatically insert ``typing`` imports
- add option to convert docstrings to function annotations (for python 3.5+)
- finish support for fixing non-PEP484-compliant docstrings (e.g. ``list of str``)
- convert ``doctypes`` utility script to python?