# dnsdb
Python client for Farsight Security's [DNSDB API](https://api.dnsdb.info/).
## Features
* supports all capabilities of [DNSDB API](https://api.dnsdb.info/)
* sorting of results by last_seen
* convert epoch to ISO 8601
* normalize results with regard sensor or zone observation
* supports the caching of DNSDB API results
* returns an object with the following attributes:
* records
* status code
* error
* quota
* cache
* CLI named `dnsdb`
## Installation
Use the package manager [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/) to install [dnsdb](https://pypi.org/project/dnsdb/).
pip install dnsdb
## Usage
### Setup
>>> from dnsdb import Dnsdb
>>> api_key="12345"
>>> dnsdb = Dnsdb(api_key)
### Example 1
>>> result = dnsdb.search(name="www.example.com")
>>> pprint(result.status_code)
>>> pprint(result.error)
>>> pprint(result.records[0])
{'bailiwick': 'example.com.',
'count': 4213726,
'rdata': [''],
'rrname': 'www.example.com.',
'rrtype': 'A',
'source': 'sensor',
'time_first': '2014-12-10T00:19:18Z',
'time_last': '2019-03-05T14:37:31Z'}
>>> pprint(result.quota)
{'expires': None,
'limit': '1000000',
'remaining': '999970',
'reset': '1551830400',
'results_max': None}
### Example 2
>>> result = dnsdb.search(name="hello.example.com")
>>> pprint(result.status_code)
>>> pprint(result.error)
{'code': 404, 'message': 'Error: no results found for query.'}
>>> pprint(result.records)
>>> pprint(result.quota)
{'expires': None,
'limit': '1000000',
'remaining': '999969',
'reset': '1551830400',
'results_max': None}
## More Usage
from dnsdb import Dnsdb
dnsdb = Dnsdb(api_key)
dnsdb = Dnsdb(api_key, cache=True)
dnsdb = Dnsdb(api_key, cache=True, cache_timeout=900)
dnsdb = Dnsdb(api_key, cache=True, cache_location="/tmp/dnsdb-cache")
result = dnsdb.search(name="fsi.io")
result = dnsdb.search(name="mail.fsi.io", inverse=True)
result = dnsdb.search(ip="")
result = dnsdb.search(ip="")
result = dnsdb.search(ip="2620:11c:f008::108")
result = dnsdb.search(hexadecimal="36757a35")
result = dnsdb.search(name="fsi.io", type="A")
result = dnsdb.search(name="farsightsecurity.com", bailiwick="com.")
result = dnsdb.search(name="fsi.io", wildcard_left=True)
result = dnsdb.search(name="fsi", wildcard_right=True)
result = dnsdb.search(name="fsi.io", sort=False)
result = dnsdb.search(name="fsi.io", remote_limit=150000, return_limit=1000)
result = dnsdb.search(name="fsi.io", time_last_after="2019-01-01")
result = dnsdb.search(name="fsi.io", time_last_after="2019-01-01T00:00:00Z")
result = dnsdb.search(name="fsi.io", epoch=True, time_last_after=1546300800)
result = dnsdb.search(name="fsi.io", epoch=True)
result = dnsdb.quota()
## CLI
The `dnsdb` module includes CLI client
## Help
$ dnsdb -h
usage: dnsdb [-h] (-n NAME | -i IP | --hex HEXADECIMAL) [-t TYPE]
[-b BAILIWICK] [-r] [--wildcard-left] [--wildcard-right] [--sort]
[--epoch] [-f {csv,json,jsonp}] [--return-limit RETURN_LIMIT]
[--remote-limit REMOTE_LIMIT] [--first-before TIME_FIRST_BEFORE]
[--first-after TIME_FIRST_AFTER] [--last-before TIME_LAST_BEFORE]
[--last_after TIME_LAST_AFTER] [--cache]
[--cache-location CACHE_LOCATION] [--cache-timeout CACHE_TIMEOUT]
[--apikey API_KEY] [--server SERVER] [-v] [-c CONFIG] [--version]
CLI client for DNSDB
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NAME, --name NAME fully qualified domain mame
-i IP, --ip IP IPv4 or IPv6 address, CIDR notation is valid
--hex HEXADECIMAL hexadecimal digits specifying a raw octet string
-t TYPE, --type TYPE dns resource record types (ANY, A, MX, SIG, etc)
a label in a fqdn, not valid for inverse queries
-r, --inverse search for names resolving to names (e.g. MX, NS,
CNAME, etc)
--wildcard-left wildcard search to the left of a dot in a domain name
--wildcard-right wildcard search to the right of a dot in a domain name
--sort sort results by time last
--epoch return timestamps in epoch
-f {csv,json,jsonp}, --format {csv,json,jsonp}
output formats
--return-limit RETURN_LIMIT
number of client side results returned
--remote-limit REMOTE_LIMIT
number of server side results returned
--first-before TIME_FIRST_BEFORE
server side filter for time first before
--first-after TIME_FIRST_AFTER
server side filter for time first after
--last-before TIME_LAST_BEFORE
server side filter for time last before
--last_after TIME_LAST_AFTER
server side filter for time last after
--cache Use cached results
--cache-location CACHE_LOCATION
Path to cache
--cache-timeout CACHE_TIMEOUT
Timeout in seconds
--apikey API_KEY DNSDB API key
--server SERVER Server URL
-v, --verbose Set the verbosity level
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Path to config file
--version show program's version number and exit
Time format options: yyyy (2016), yyyy-mm (2016-01), yyyy-mm-dd (2016-01-01),
yyyymmdd (20160101), yyyymmddThh (20160101T12), yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss-hh:mm
### Configuration file
### Minimal
$ vim ~/.dnsdb.ini
### Full
$ vim ~/.dnsdb.ini
### Usage
$ dnsdb -n www.fsi.io
$ dnsdb -i -f csv
## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome; for major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to create and update tests as appropriate.
## License