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Export metrics derived from DMARC aggregate reports to Prometheus.
This exporter regularly polls
for new aggregate report emails
via IMAP.
The following metrics will be collected
and exposed at an HTTP endpoint
for Prometheus:
* ``dmarc_total``: Total number of reported messages.
* ``dmarc_compliant_total``: Total number of DMARC compliant messages.
* ``dmarc_quarantine_total``: Total number of quarantined messages.
* ``dmarc_reject_total``: Total number of rejected messages.
* ``dmarc_spf_aligned_total``: Total number of SPF algined messages.
* ``dmarc_spf_pass_total``: Total number of messages with raw SPF pass.
* ``dmarc_dkim_aligned_total``: Total number of DKIM algined messages.
* ``dmarc_dkim_pass_total``: Total number of messages with raw DKIM pass.
Each of these metrics is subdivided by the following labels:
* ``reporter``: Domain from which a DMARC aggregate report originated.
* ``from_domain``: Domain from which the evaluated email originated.
* ``dkim_domain``: Domain the DKIM signature is for.
* ``spf_domain``: Domain used for the SPF check.
This describes the manual setup fo dmarc-metrics-exporter.
An Ansible role for automated deployment is provided in ``roles``.
Further instructions for Ansible are given in the readme file
provided in that directory.
It is best to run dmarc-metrics-exporter under a separate system user account.
Create one for example with
.. code-block:: bash
adduser --system --group dmarc-metrics
Then you can install dmarc-metrics-exporter with ``pip`` from PyPI for that
.. code-block:: bash
sudo -u dmarc-metrics pip3 install dmarc-metrics-exporter
You will need a location to store the ``metrics.db`` that is writable by that
user, for example:
.. code-block:: bash
mkdir /var/lib/dmarc-metrics-exporter
chown dmarc-metrics:dmarc-metrics /var/lib/dmarc-metrics-exporter
To run dmarc-metrics-exporter a configuration file in JSON format is required.
The default location is ``/etc/dmarc-metrics-exporter.json``.
Because the configuration file will contain the IMAP password,
make sure to ensure proper permissions on it,
for example:
.. code-block:: bash
chown root:dmarc-metrics /etc/dmarc-metrics-exporter.json
chmod 640 /etc/dmarc-metrics-exporter.json
An example configuration file is provided in this repository in
The following configuration options are available:
* ``listen_addr`` (string, default ``""``): Listen address for the HTTP endpoint. Use ``""`` if running in a dockerized environment.
* ``port`` (number, default ``9797``): Port to listen on for the HTTP endpoint.
* ``imap`` (object, required): IMAP configuration to check for aggregate reports.
* ``host`` (string, default ``"localhost"``): Hostname of IMAP server to connect to.
* ``port`` (number, default ``993``): Port of the IMAP server to connect to.
* ``username`` (string, required): Login username for the IMAP connection.
* ``password``: (string, required): Login password for the IMAP connection.
* ``use_ssl``: (boolean, default ``true``): Whether to use SSL encryption for the connection. Disabling this will transmit the password in clear text! Currently, there is no support for STARTTLS.
* ``verify_certificate``: (boolean, default ``true``): Whether to verify the server's SSL certificate. You might have to set this to ``false`` if you are using a self-signed certificate. If this is disabled, someone else could impersonate the server and obtain the login data.
* ``folders`` (object):
* ``inbox`` (string, default ``"INBOX"``): IMAP mailbox that is checked for incoming DMARC aggregate reports.
* ``done`` (string, default ``"Archive"``): IMAP mailbox that successfully processed reports are moved to.
* ``error``: (string, default ``"Invalid"``): IMAP mailbox that emails are moved to that could not be processed.
* ``storage_path`` (string, default ``"/var/lib/dmarc-metrics-exporter"``):
Directory to persist data in that has to persisted between restarts.
* ``poll_interval_seconds`` (number, default ``60``): How often to poll the IMAP server in seconds.
* ``deduplication_max_seconds`` (number, default ``604800`` which is 7 days): How long individual report IDs will be remembered to avoid counting double delivered reports twice.
* ``logging`` (object, default ``{ "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": false }``): Logging configuration. `See logging.config documentation. <https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.config.html#configuration-dictionary-schema>`_
To run dmarc-metrics-exporter with the default configuration in
.. code-block:: bash
sudo -u dmarc-metrics python3 -m dmarc_metrics_exporter
To use a different configuration file:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo -u dmarc-metrics python3 -m dmarc_metrics_exporter --configuration <path>
You can enable debug logging with the `--debug`
if you do not want to provide your own logging configuration:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo -u dmarc-metrics python3 -m dmarc_metrics_exporter --debug
Instead of manually starting the dmarc-metrics-exporter,
you likely want to have it run as a system service.
An example systemd service file is provided in this repository in
Make sure that the paths and user/group names match your configuration
and copy it to ``/etc/systemd/system`` to use it.
To have systemd pick it up a ``systemctl daemon-reload`` might be necessary.
You can than start/stop dmarc-metrics-exorter with:
.. code-block:: bash
systemctl start dmarc-metrics-exporter
systemctl stop dmarc-metrics-exporter
To have dmarc-metrics-exporter start on system boot:
.. code-block:: bash
systemctl enable dmarc-metrics-exporter
A new docker image is build for each release
with GitHub Actions as described in this yaml-file:
Note that you should configure the `listen_addr` to `` to be able to
access the metrics exporter from outside the container.
Example docker-compose file:
.. code-block:: yml
version: "3"
# source: https://github.com/jamborjan/dmarc-metrics-exporter/pkgs/container/dmarc-metrics-exporter
container_name: dmarc-metrics-exporter
hostname: dmarc-metrics-exporter
image: jgosmann/dmarc-metrics-exporter:0.3.0
restart: unless-stopped
user: 1000:1000 #PUID=1000:PGID=1000
- 9797
- '/host/folder/dmarc-metrics-exporter.json:/etc/dmarc-metrics-exporter.json'
- '/host/folder/dmarc-metrics-exporter/metrics:/var/lib/dmarc-metrics-exporter:rw'
driver: "json-file"
tag: "{{.ImageName}}|{{.Name}}|{{.ImageFullID}}|{{.FullID}}"
- YourDockerLan
# $ docker network create -d bridge --attachable YourDockerLan
name: YourDockerLan
Example prometheus config file:
.. code-block:: yml
scrape_interval: 15s
evaluation_interval: 15s
- job_name: 'dmarc-metrics-exporter'
- targets: ['dmarc-metrics-exporter:9797']
An example configuration file is provided in this repository in
``config/dmarc-metrics-exporter.grafana.sample.json``. This example dashboard displays the collected metrics as shown in the screenshot below.
.. figure:: config/dmarc-metrics-exporter.grafana.sample.png
Example grafana dashboard
You should not use your normal email and password credentials for the dmarc-metrics-exporter.
If you are not able to create a dedicated service account email account, you should use an app password.
Microsoft Exchange Online
* App passwords are available when you are using Multi Factor Authentication (MFA).
`Manage app passwords for two-step verification <https://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com/AppPasswords.aspx>`_
* If you don't see the app passwords option or get an error,
`check if MFA is enabled <https://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com/UserManagement/MultifactorVerification.aspx>`_
for the user.
* If you still don't see the app passwords option,
`check if app passwords are allowed in your organization <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/authentication/howto-mfa-app-passwords#allow-users-to-create-app-passwords>`_
* Finally, `ensure that IMAP is enabled for the user <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/pop3-and-imap4/enable-or-disable-pop3-or-imap4-access>`_.
* `Python <https://www.python.org/>`_
* `pre-commit <https://pre-commit.com/>`_
* `Poetry <https://python-poetry.org/>`_
* `Docker <https://www.docker.com/>`_
Setup development environment
.. code-block:: bash
pre-commit install
poetry install
Run tests
.. code-block:: bash
docker-compose up -d
poetry run pytest