Email sending for humans
with pip as easy as: ::
$ pip install dlvr
or checkout the latest version from github: ::
$ git clone https://github.com/bmaeser/dlvr.git
$ cd dlvr
$ python setup.py install
open a connection to a server: ::
>>> from dlvr import SMTPServer
>>> s = SMTPServer()
create a email: ::
>>> from dlvr import Message
>>> m = Message('bob@example.com', ['alice@gmail.com', 'support@example.com'],
'testsubject', 'testbody')
send the email: ::
>>> s.connect()
>>> s.send(m)
>>> s.disconnect()
Full example
from dlvr import SMTPServer, Message
server = SMTPServer(host="smtp.googlemail.com", port='587',
auth_user='MYUSERNAME', auth_pass='MYPASSWOR', tls=True)
## host (optional): defaults to localhost
## port (optional): defaults to 25
## auth_user (optional): your usernamer
## auth_pass (optional): your passwort
## tls (optional): encrypt the session defaults to False
text = 'here is you link: http://www.google.com'
subject = 'the link you asked for'
html = """\
Here is the <a href="http://www.google.com">link to google</a> you wanted.
message = Message('bob@example.com', ['alice@gmail.com', 'support@example.com'],
subject, text, alternatives=[(html, 'text/html')])
## constructor arguments:
## from_email: required, the senders email
## to: required, a list of recipients
## subject: required, the emails subject
## text_message (optional): the text representation of the email body
## cc (optional): a list of the carbon-copy recipients
## bcc (optional): a list of blind-carbon-copy recipients
## attachments (optional): a list of attachments, and the mimetype to use eg:
## attachments = [('/tmp/image.jpg', 'image/jpeg'), ('/tmp/song.mp3', 'audio/mpeg3')]
## alternatives (optional): a list of alternative representation of the email body
## and the mimetype to use
## charset (optional): the charset/encoding to use for text_message, defaults to utf-8
## message functions:
# attach_alternative(content, 'mimetype')
# where mimetype is optional und defaults to 'text/html'
# attach_file('/path/to/file', 'mimetype')
# where mimetype is opional and is guessed if not provided
## send another message with the same open connection ...
## or shorthand if you only send one message:
pull-request please and/or create a issue on github