## Django TalkTo
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### Overview
Django TalkTo allows you to consume RESTful APIs seamlessly without need to create database
##### Model
- **TalkToModel**, inherits the django Model class, but won't create any migration files, :smiley:
- **APIManager**, inherits Django Manager(I won't touch your DB i promise :yum: )
##### ModelForm
- **TalkToModelForm**, inherits Django ModelForm.
##### Views
- **TalkToWriteView** which makes `POST/PUT` request to an endpoint (Django CreateView and UpdateView in one pot :wink: )
- **TalkToListView** which makes `GET` request to an endpoint (Django ListView, no bigs)
- **TalkToDetailView** which makes `GET` request with a parameter (Django DetailView)
#### [Django Rest Framework](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/) support
You can also use Django TalkTo with [Django Rest Framework](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/)
###### Serializer
- **TalkToModelSerializer**, inherits DRF ModelSerializer, that won't touch the DB, cool right?
###### View
- **TalkToAPIView** which makes `POST`, `GET` and `PUT` requests. `DELETE` requests coming soon.
### Installation
Install using pip
pip install djangotalkto
**Notes to [Django Rest Framework](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/) users**
You need to have djangorestframework installed and added to **INSTALLED_APPS** in settings. You can install it with djangotalkto using
pip install djangotalkto[rest]
### Usage
Start a new django project
pip install django
django-admin startproject newproj .
pip install djangotalkto
Add `'talkto'` to `INSTALLED_APPS` in your project settings
Then create TALKTO dict in your settings with the following properties
'default': {
'URL': 'your-api-base-url', #Important!
'HEADERS': {key: value}, # You can add your Authorization here
##### Creating your Model
from talkto.models import TalkToModel, APIManager
from django.db import models
class SampleModel(TalkToModel):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
age = models.IntegerField()
# Then add your APIManager with the variable name 'api'
api = APIManager(path='user/')
# 'path' in this case is the path you will be making your request which is
# concatenated with the URL set in TALKTO config in settings.py
##### Creating your ModelForm is much like the same.
from talkto.forms import TalkToModelForm
class SampleForm(TalkToModelForm):
class Meta:
model = SampleModel
fields = '__all__'
##### Views
from talkto.views import TalkToWriteView, TalkToDetailView, TalkToListView
class TestCreate(TalkToWriteView):
form_class = SampleForm
model = SampleModel
success_url = reverse_lazy('books')
template_name = 'index.html'
# Detail view
class SampleDetail(TalkToDetailView):
model = SampleModel
template_name = 'detail.html'
# List view
class SampleList(TalkToListView):
model = SampleModel
template_name = 'detail.html'
**URLConf works the same.**
##### Django Rest Framework
###### Serializer
from talkto.serializer import TalkToModelSerializer
class SampleSerializer(TalkToModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = SampleModel
fields = '__all__'
###### API View
class SampleView(TalkToAPIView):
model = SampleModel
serializer_class = SampleSerializer
**URLConf works the same.**
coming soon....
### Supports
As this is still in it's early project there might be some use cases that are not covered.
Therefore you can contact me using the following channels.
- Follow me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/sirrobot01)
- Follow me on [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/user/sirrobot01)