``djangocms-shiny-app`` is a Django app for adding `R Shiny apps <http://shiny.rstudio.com>`_ to a Django site with django CMS-specific features.
Source code is available on GitHub at `mfcovington/djangocms-shiny-app <https://github.com/mfcovington/djangocms-shiny-app>`_.
.. contents:: :local:
.. code-block:: sh
pip install djangocms-shiny-app
**GitHub (development branch)**
.. code-block:: sh
pip install git+http://github.com/mfcovington/djangocms-shiny-app.git@develop
- `Install django CMS and start a project <http://docs.django-cms.org/en/latest/introduction/install.html>`_, if one doesn't already exist.
- Unless you use this app as part of `djangocms-lab-site <https://github.com/mfcovington/djangocms-lab-site>`_ or plan to style the app from scratch, you will want to choose the ``Use Twitter Bootstrap Theme`` option (when running ``djangocms``) and then edit the resulting ``templates/base.html``.
- This will add style that looks like Bootstrap 2. To use Bootstrap 3 styling, remove the following line for the ``bootstrap-theme.min.css`` stylesheet from ``templates/base.html``:
.. code-block:: python
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/3.x.x/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css">
- The default menu settings for django CMS using Bootstrap will allow the user to access specific lab members via a dropdown menu, but will not give easy access to the summary page of all Shiny apps. To fix this do one of the following:
- In ``templates/base.html``, change ``{% show_menu 0 1 100 100 "menu.html" %}`` to ``{% show_menu 0 0 100 100 "menu.html" %}``, or
- Use a split button dropdowns by changing that line to `{% show_menu 0 100 1 1 '_menu.html' %}` and populate `_menu.html` as done in `djangocms-lab-site <https://github.com/mfcovington/djangocms-lab-site>`_.
- Edit the project's ``settings.py`` file.
- Add ``cms_shiny`` and its dependencies to ``INSTALLED_APPS``:
.. code-block:: python
# ...
- Add ``easy_thumbnail`` settings:
.. code-block:: python
# For easy_thumbnails to support retina displays (recent MacBooks, iOS)
- To access ``cms_shiny`` pages without using a django CMS AppHook, include URL configurations for ``cms_shiny`` in your project's ``urls.py`` file:
- For **Django 1.7**:
.. code-block:: python
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# ...
url(r'^shiny_apps/', include('cms_shiny.urls', namespace='cms_shiny')),
# ...
- For **Django 1.8**:
.. code-block:: python
urlpatterns = [
# ...
url(r'^shiny_apps/', include('cms_shiny.urls', namespace='cms_shiny')),
# ...
Create and perform ``cms_shiny`` migrations:
.. code-block:: sh
python manage.py makemigrations cms_shiny
python manage.py migrate
- Start the development server:
.. code-block:: sh
python manage.py runserver
- Visit: ````
- Create a CMS page and then:
- Attach the ``Shiny Apps App`` under ``Advanced Settings`` for the page, **OR**
- Insert the ``Shiny App Plugin`` into a placeholder field.
*Version 0.1.3*
Revision History
0.1.3 2015-12-07
- Fix thumbnail image elongation in Chrome on screens >= 1200px wide
- Require that ShinyApp name and slug are unique
- Update README with more complete and accurate instructions
- Prepare for distribution via PyPI
0.1.2 2015-04-21
- Replace line breaks in slide description field with appropriate HTML
0.1.1 2015-04-19
- Improve django CMS integration and styling
0.1.0 2015-04-16
- A Django app for adding R Shiny apps to a Django site with django CMS-specific features