`Turn.js <http://www.turnjs.com/>`_ integration to django projects
`django_turnit` provides a way to display PDF files in a `turn.js <http://www.turnjs.com/>`_ player.
With django_turnit, you can choose between several backends for PDF image extraction :
+ ghostscript :
This method does not seems to support threading...
The `Ghostscript <http://www.ghostscript.com/>`_ application / library. It can be installed as a package in linux
distributions, such an in debian / ubuntu :
.. code:: sh
$ sudo apt install ghostscript # on debian
$ sudo apt-get install ghostscript # on ubuntu
+ pdftocairo : Prefered method
- `pdftocairo <http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/pdftocairo.1.html>`_ through subprocess
+ pdftoppm : Prefered method
- `pdftoppm <http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/pdftoppm.1.html>`_ through subprocess
+ poppler : I've no clue on how to use it directly, which would be great, I was net able to setup the library at all...
.. code:: sh
$ pip install django-turnit
This installs the packages that are required by django_turnit:
- `django <https://www.djangoproject.com/>`_ (< 1.10, I haven't yet tested django 1.10)
- `django-appconf <https://github.com/django-compressor/django-appconf>`_: Helper for configuration of applications
- `easy-thumbnails <https://github.com/SmileyChris/easy-thumbnails>`_: Creates thumbnails from images
- `pdfminer <https://github.com/euske/pdfminer>`_: Extract texts from PDF files
Those requirements may also be needed:
- `python-ghostscript <https://bitbucket.org/htgoebel/python-ghostscript>`_:
C python binding for the Ghostscript library, if you choose ghostscript as backend
.. code:: sh
$ python manage.py migrate django_turnit # Creates the table needed for caching the names of the page images
`django_turnit` can create and manage page images for PDF files. This images are stored in the `media` folder, a database stores .
Management command
The `turnit` command creates the missing thumbnails for each FileField containing a PDF file.
.. code:: sh
$ ./manage.py turnit <app_label>[.<model_name>[.<pk>[.<field_name>]]] [arg]
- <app_label> is the application label. If set, the whole application is scanned for PDF files, and they are thumbnailed.
- <model_name> is the madel name. If set, the model is scanned.
- <pk> is the row pk. If set, the row is scanned
- <field_name> field name.
Signals processing
Supported file MIME types.
.. code:: python
Name of the sub-folder created under the MEDIA_ROOT folder, to store the output image files.
.. code:: python
TURNIT_OUTPUT_MEDIA_ROOT = 'django_turnit'
Ghostscript output file name format.
.. code:: python
TURNIT_OUTPUT_FILE_FMT = '%(basename)s.%(i)03d.%(ext)s'
Ghostscript output file format, as defined in `Ghostscript documentation <http://ghostscript.com/doc/current/Devices.htm#File_formats>`_.
You can choose between:
- `png16m`: 24 bit color PNG (default value)
- `pnggray`: 8 bit gray scale PNG
- `png256`: 256 colors PNG
- `png16`: 16 colors PNG
- `pngmonod`: Black and white monochrome PNG
- `jpeg`: jpeg standard output
- `tiffgray`: 8-bit gray output.
- `tiff12nc`: 12-bit RGB output (4 bits per component).
- `tiff24nc`: 24-bit RGB output (8 bits per component).
- `tiff48nc`: 48-bit RGB output (16 bits per component).
- `tiff32nc`: 32-bit CMYK output (8 bits per component).
- `tiff64nc`: 64-bit CMYK output (16 bits per component).
.. code:: python
Global settings for ghostscript library.
.. note::
Global arguments order in important in ghostscript !
**You MUST start with the `-q` argument !**
.. code:: python
'-dSAFER', ]
Extra parameters for ghostscript. You can add format options here.
.. code:: python