Django Diazo
Integrate Diazo in Django using WSGI middleware and add/change themes
using the Django Admin interface.
The code is maintained on GitHub (
Install the package:
pip install django-diazo
Add the app to your project:
Add middleware (or WSGI, see below):
If you want to know if Django-Diazo is turned on in your templates add:
The variable `DIAZO_ENABLED` is now available in your templates.
Note that when using the Django middleware instrumentation the Diazo `<notheme />` rules won't work.
You have to provide regular expression patterns in `Theme.pattern` to prevent some pages (by url) to be themed.
When you want to disable theming for certain pages by content based rules for `<notheme />`, you need to use the
WSGI middleware instead.
If you rather use WSGI than Django middleware or you have to (at the moment) since you use exotic `<notheme />` rules,
add the following lines to your `` file:
# Apply WSGI middleware here.
from django_diazo.wsgi import DiazoMiddlewareWrapper
application = DiazoMiddlewareWrapper(application)
### Database (migrations)
Add the following to your settings (Django >= 1.7):
'django_diazo': 'django_diazo.migrations_django',
Migrate the database:
python migrate django_diazo
Create a built-in theme
You might want to supply your Django application with an out-of-the-box
theme, probably also managed in a VCS.
Create a new app with a `` file in its root. The contents of
this file is should be something like this:
from django_diazo.theme import DiazoTheme, registry
class SomeTheme(DiazoTheme):
name = 'Some Theme'
slug = 'some_theme'
pattern = '^(?!.*admin)' # Theme everything but /admin
Don't forget to put your assets in the static folder, like an `index.html` and a `rules.xml`. You can find a
`rules.xml` example in `django_diazo/examples`.
To synchronize the built-in themes with the database/application run the
following command:
python syncthemes
DjangoCMS 3
When using DjangoCMS 3, you might be interested in a toolbar switch to turn Diazo on/off.
Add the following to your settings:
The app will add the toolbar button, the middleware takes care of setting an on/off flag in the session.
Note that in production with wsgi middleware, this only works via a session (cookie), so not directly via the GET
parameter. You will have to reload the page after switching off the theme to get an unthemed site and vice versa.
Upload themes
By default, the .zip files that are uploaded are extracted in the media folder.
You might want to serve these files via Django.
Add the following to your `` (only works when `DEBUG = True`):
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static
from django.contrib.staticfiles.urls import staticfiles_urlpatterns
urlpatterns += staticfiles_urlpatterns()
urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
For production environments it is not recommended to serve files from the media folder.
This implementation only servers files in the `themes` folder within the media folder but it would be better to serve
these files using a web server and not via Django. The same holds for your `static` folder.
Example themes / application
Take a look at and for examples of built-in themes and an integration
Our blog post also covers
these examples and some more background.
Also take a look at `django_diazo.contrib.themes` in this package.