Quick start
1. Install::
pip install django_ws4ever
2. Add "ws4ever" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::
3. complete your own websocket handler class::
from ws4ever.views import BaseWebSocketApplication
class WebSocketClientApplication(BaseWebSocketApplication):
def __init__(self, ws):
def handle_message(self, kind, payload=None):
4. set the websocket config path::
# ws4ever conf
'ROUTES': { #websocket path and handler class
"/ws": "django_ws4ever.views.WebSocketClientApplication"
'MAX_IDLE': 30, # seconds, interval to check zombie websocket connections
'NOTIFY_BACKEND': 'redis://:password@redis-host:redis_port/db_id' # or 'memory'
5. patch gevent in manage.py::
#prepend these code before any python code, possibly in line 2
from gevent import monkey;monkey.patch_all(thread=False)
6. runserver
python manage.py runserver
7. test websocket in js::
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8000/ws");
ws.onopen = function()
console.log("on open");
ws.send(JSON.stringify({kind:'kind', payload:'payload'}));
ws.onmessage = function (evt)
var received_msg = evt.data;
console.log("receive message", received_msg);
ws.onclose = function()
console.log("Connection is closed...");
8. [Optional] if you want to use wsgi to run websocket(ig.use gunicorn), config wsgi like that
8.1 config project wsgi.py::
#append to tail, must after os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "xx.settings")
# gunicorn 用的 websocket wsgi
from geventwebsocket import Resource
from ws4ever.helpers import get_websocket_sources
ws_application = Resource(get_websocket_sources())
8.2 run gunicorn like::
#replace wsgi path to your own, replace your port
`gunicorn -k "geventwebsocket.gunicorn.workers.GeventWebSocketWorker" django_ws4ever.wsgi:ws_application --bind`
9. [Optional/Advanced] broadcast and receive message
9.1 config broadcast backend::
you can send notify via redis or memory.
Via redis, you can send notification to multi processes; via memory, you can only send notification in current process.
You are supposed to use memory in development and redis in production environment.
in settings.py::
'NOTIFY_BACKEND': 'redis://:password@redis-host:redis_port/db_id' # or 'memory'
9.2 can send broadcast by::
from ws4ever.redis import notify_clients
notify_clients('kind', 'payload', extra_field='extra_value', extra_field2='extra_value2')
9.3 then can handle the messages in WebSocketClientApplication you created in step 3 above::
class WebSocketClientApplication(BaseWebSocketApplication):
def on_notify(cls, kind, payload, **extra):
#add your handle code here