django-wechat-web is a simple Django app to conduct Wechat-web-based helper. For each
question, visitors can choose between a fixed number of answers.
Detailed documentation is in the 'docs' directory.
Quick start
1. Add 'django_wechat_web' to to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::
2. Add WECHAT to your settings file::
'appid': 'YOUR APPID',
'appsecret': 'YOUR APP Secret',
3. Run `python manage.py makemigrations django_wechat_web; python manage.py migrate` to create the django_wechat_web models.
4. In your app view where your need get wechat user openid, do like this::
from django_wechat_web import WechatView
class YourViewName(WechatView):
Extends WechatView and over get method
Here WechatView extends django.views.generic.View
scope = 'snsapi_base' # default
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
# your code ....
5. Now you can do anything the same as `django.views.generic.View`.
6. More:
# django-wechat-web
### 2016-05-03
* update request encoding utf-8
* how to
_req = request.get(URL)
_req.encoding = 'utf-8'
_req.json() # here string is utf-8 encoding
### 2016-05-01
* reconstruct WechatView
1. openid ---session存在--> 3
---session不存在--> 2
2. 跳转 令STATE=SCOPE.replace('_', '')
3. 获取STATE, 如果STATE=snsapibase, 则获取openid;
如果STATE=snsapiuserinfo, 则获取openid和userinfo
4. 结束
### 2016-04-30
* version 0.0.15
* fix wechat.py need field: openid
* version 0.0.14
* WechatUserInfo Model add objects field, add new Manager method: empty_json
### 2016-04-29
* Fix Bug:
* save_userinfo_or_not 应该保存在session中,并且使用userinfo完要将其置为False,防止重复获取userinfo
* Fix Bug:
* 问题: 第一次授权的时候就去哪用户信息导致奔溃
* 解决: 设置一个是否存储用户信息的变量save_userinfo_or_not, 默认为False, 只有满足需要获取userinfo的条件时才设为True; 然后save_userinfo_or_not为True, 才获取用户信息
* Fix Bug
* error function args
* update WechatView
* scope设置为snsapi_userinfo 时,说明希望保留用户详细信息
* 但是, 又不希望用户多次snsapi_userinfo方式授权, 所以过程是这样的
-> 1.默认snsapi_base方式跳转
-> 2.拿到code, 获取openid, 将openid存到session
-> 3.如果openid存在并且openid对应的WechatUserInfo模型数据不存在并且scope为snsapi_userinfo, 则将再次跳转到snsapi_userinfo方式; 如果openid不存在, 或者openid存在,但WechatUserInfo数据存在, 或者 openid存在,但是scope不是snsapi_userinfo, 则跳转第五步
-> 4.跳回步骤2
-> 5. 授权结束, 接下来执行你的动作
### 2016-04-27
* update WechatView
* add class boolean attr: swicth
* `swicth=True` (default): open wechat redirect/authentication
* `swicth=False` : The same as django.views.generic.View